A Tale of Two Halves (potassiumboron x ForeverRed)

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"You do realise that our son, the son you want to be some brilliant academic, will probably end up like me, right? Maybe not the hooliganism, unfortunately, but he'll definitely be handsome," he gushed, trailing in after her and nudging her away from the mirror to sort his hair out. That was something he knew he was bad at - hogging the mirror from the other to focus on himself. Hell, he usually spent more time doing his hair and getting ready than Annabelle did. Adjusting his lip piercing, and making sure the tattoos around his neck were on show, he cracked his knuckles with a wide smirk. "Our baby boy will be a total heartthrob, just like his super amazing father. Let's face facts. You claimed to hate me those years ago, yeah? Now you're making out with me and pleading with me to have sex. I have a charm, babe, that our son probably has. Oh, his teenage years are gonna be amazing. I'll take him out for his first drink at a club, we'll pick up girls together-- unless I settle down. I'm still waiting for a girl to ask me to be my girlfriend...~!"​
Rolling her eyes, she glared at him. "As if. I wouldn't ask to be tour girlfriend if my life depended on it." She mumbled, as she crossed her arms. "Yeah okay I wanted to have sex, but I'm not totally in love with you. For one I know you would just cheat on me. You're not the type to settle down." She mumbled.

"So to save myself from heartbreak, and to save my son from having a dysfunctional family I won't be anyone's girlfriend." Answered the girl, as she turned to face him. "And don't poison his head. He might turn out to be faithful to one girl. You should see the way he treats Georgiana. He writes her poems, draws for her, he's always right next to her, they are literally adorable. This Christmas I wanna get pictures of the two dressed a like. Like little elves~!" She cooed excitedly.
"I honestly think you're being a bit of a bitch to me. You can't just use me for sex. Sure, it's what I've done all my life, but you're sorta special to me, Anna, and if you don't understand how nicely I've treated you compared to everyone else I've screwed in my life? Then, yeah, perhaps we shouldn't be together. I kinda thought you realised that I've been waiting for you to ask me, but hey, that's cool. I'm just a thug, right? A whore who can mess around. I thought you would have learnt over the three years I've been here that... that I'm sort of into you, but again, doesn't matter."

Running his hands through his gelled hair, he braved a grin at the girl, determined not to let himself get over emotional - it wasn't exactly his style, and he didn't want to give her that satisfaction. Throwing on his leather jacket with a shrug to get it to fit on his shoulders, he reached for his sunglasses and pursed his lips. "I'll go get the car started, then. I'll get it cleaned out a bit, there's probably drugs in there because I'm a filthy little hooligan, right?"​
"....No you're not a filthy hooligan." She whispered, moving to take him in her arms, wrapping her arms around his neck. Looking up at him, her eyes were a bit sad and unsure. "Okay...If I ask to be your girlfriend...Would you....Would you promise to only be with me? No one else? No having sex with other people or nothing." She asked, moving in to kiss him with a slight purr. "Because...I would love to be your girlfriend if you committed to only me."
Pursing his lips, he offered a quiet shrug purely to tease her... though immediately, he grabbed her hips to pull him up close to him, at least genuine and earnest rather than his usual smug, self-centred behaviour. "I don't think you realise that, out of everyone I've ever been with, you're sort of special to me. I'll commit, I'll be faithful and loyal, just... stop calling me a thug? I'm just doing what I know will make me quick cash to support you all. How in the hell do you think I bought you those shoes for your birthday, or June that scooter? Just... let me do what I need to, alright? Being a mechanic won't keep us here in this place, babe. Let me do what I have to, and... we'll be able to give June what he needs."

Peering over his shoulder to make sure their son wasn't interrupting them again, he leaned in with a more characteristic smirk, rubbing back up close to her hungrily. "We'll have a romantic night in later. I'll order pizza, we'll get some beer or wine and June can go stay at Cole's. I want to show you I'm serious about us."​
Annabelle giggled with a slightly squeal holding onto him. "Really?" She asked as she nuzzled close. "I would seriously like that." She cooed, nuzzling his neck. Obviously she would still love him. Many of her first were shared with him. He was her first real boyfriend. Her first kiss, and her first sexual experience. She adored him, and he gave her her first child.

A few hours later, they were back home, Annabelle was making a little lunch because she knew Georgi would be there. And soon three little taps were sounded on the door. Annabelle went to open the door. two human women and a little girl stood there. He little girl being Georgi. The little girl said a quick hello to Annabelle before running past her to June.

"Junie!" She cooed running to the boy. The little girl was simply adorable. She had dark raven curls, that were currently in to pigtails. She had a pink headband on, on with a adorable pink dress. She had huge dark blue eyes. That were bedded with thick black lashes. She had adorable freckles dashed rapidly across her nose and cheeks, and a deep dimple in her lower left cheek. The six year old girl hugged June tightly, nuzzling his cheek. "I thought you 'ad a froggy down ya throat."
"Georgi? H-Hey!" The demon responded, scooting off his father's lap, having been cuddled close napping with him, but jerked awake the second he heard his best friend enter. Ignoring his father's subtle chuckle, the boy, with cheeks bright red, grabbed his friend's hands to hold her close, his eyes glittering despite knowing his father was prepared to tease him relentlessly. "...I was spendin' time with my Pa, he... he just got out from prison for doing somethin' sorta bad, but he's a real nice guy, so he and my Ma and me had a picnic and... yeah. I'll be in school tomorrow, promise."

"Way to introduce me, god." Vereno smirked, even if he wasn't exactly happy, and nor could he hide it. He was glaring at the young girl's parents, and didn't really treat the young child with immediate respect... though finally sighed and hitched himself up from his relaxed position. "So this is Georgiana? Ah, right..."​
Her doll like eyes were wide when she looked at the man. "You 'ave awesome horns too! Cool! I wish I had those!" She grinned revealing she was missing only one of her bottom row teeth. It was utterly adorable. Her delicate hands went to grab June's horns, giggling. "They're so cool! They look super cute on you June." She cooed, before taking off her backpack, since she had just came from school. Opening the bag, she rummaged through it before pulling out a piece of crumbled paper. "Here I drew this at snack time for you." She smiled. It was a crudely drawn picture of her and June.

Annabelle said bye to the parents promising them she would be ready to be picked up in a few hours. She then looked at the duo, smiling softly. She loved when the got togeher they would chat endlessly about nonsense yet it was adorable.
"My horns ain't cool, Georgi. Have you tried washing your hair with horns? I've cut my hands so many times, my Mama has to do it for me and that's so uncool," he babbled, trying his best to seem a little cooler, even if the truth was he would still clamber inbetween his parents to sleep at night if he wanted to. He was dependent on the both of them, still clinging for hugs and pouting for a kiss on his cheek, but he was trying to be a little less like that to impress Georgiana.

"That's so rad. Alex will be super jealous 'cause he wants to be your best friend, but he's just a dumb snot brain," he insulted under his breath, just to avoid his mother's chastising; he realised Vereno would just praise him for the insult, but his mother wouldn't. "Look, Mom, look what Georgi made~"

"That's sweet." Vereno yawned, resting back against the couch with an arched brow, hands behind his head after setting his beer down. "I mean, it's alright for a human, at least."​
Georgi blinked her big eyes, grinning a not, naïve to understand he insulted her. She was young and under the impression that demons and humans were alike.

Anna flicked Vee's head with a glare, before smiling at the picture. "How adorable ~ I'll put it on the fridge." She cooed taking the drawing, and walking over to the fridge, pinning it up like all the other pictures.

Georgi giggling, and held her best friend's hand. "Hey, guess what? I have a secret to promise, but you gotta pinky promise never to tell anyone I told you! Or we're not friends." She sternly said, taking his pinky and wrapped it around. "Okay, so I heard Sarah told Mark, and Mark told Bry and Bry told me that Molly has a crush on you." She whispered. "You don't like her do you? She has nasty cooties." She huffed.
"Molly has a crush on me? Me? I sneezed on her and she yelled at me for being dumb--" He began quietly, glaring at his father when Vereno sat up, grinning in amusement at his son's story. "Shut up Dad... N-No, I don't like Molly like that, I mean... her Dad has an awesome car and she always has the best colouring pens but... she's kinda mean, so... all girls have cooties, beside you. O-Oh, and beside our moms and my Nana and my aunt Thalia. All the other girls have cooties."

"Jesus, I thought you'd be good at chatting to girls, Junie," Vereno teased, downing his beer as he rested back again, happy to accept his son's sharp glares, mostly because he just looked the spitting image of how Vereno had been at his age. "So, Georgi... do you think June's cute? 'Cause he's been saying all sorta of lovey-dovey stuff about you~!"​
Georgia's cheeks instantly heated up to a candy apple red. "....R-Really? Have you?" She asked. And she began giggling girlishly twirling one of her pigtails.

Annabelle glared at her now boyfriend, hitting him upside his head harshly. "Vee." She venomously hissed. "Leave the boy alone." Anna didn't want her son to be embarrassed in front of the girl he liked so much. Yes he said lovey dovey things, but she wasn't going to embarrass him by saying all that he said.

"Well, I think you're super cute Junie." She cooed, giggling as she shyly looked away.
"Ignore my Pa, he thinks he's funny-- huh? You... think I'm cute? I think you're cute! 'Ya the cutest girl in the class, like... Molly wishes she could be you," he gushed quickly, his cheeks heating up on his greyish skin as he fiddled with his small hands. "I-I mean... I g-gotta go use the bathroom, be right back, 'kay?"

Eyeing his son quietly, the man struggled to hide his amusement at the scene unfolding, especially when his son darted past to escape the embarrassment. "He's such a dork," he playfully laughed, all while rubbing the back of his head at the two slaps he had received from his girlfriend, rolling his eyes at her. "I'm just havin' fun, babe. I was like him when we were eight, or have you conveniently forgotten that?"​
"The difference between you and him is that he's sweet. you were saying every girl was your favorite and was the cutest." Anna rolled her eyes, her hands on her lips. "Now leave June be. He and Georgi would probably like to play in private." She mumbled, taking his hand to drag him to he other room. "Be nice alright? Don't tease June, he really like Georgi. And they are best friend."
"Relax, relax, I'll be a good boy," he snorted, trailing after her into the kitchen, mostly to grab himself another beer, but also to leave the kids be. After all, it gave him some private time with his girlfriend. "...I'll head to the garage tomorrow, to see if they're still willing to employ me-- but I'm gonna see Theodore after that, I don't even care if you hate me for it. That little shit has it coming, darling. I just... let me freak him out a bit, yeah? I won't hurt him... much."​
"...Seriously? Are you willing to leave you kid for another long period of time? You hurt him, you go to jail, simple. Just fucking leave it." She grumbled, rolling her eyes as she too grabbed a beer. "Let it go, you seriously need to." She mumbled
"See, this is where we're gonna have problems. He can visit me in prison, it'll only be a month or something," he defended flatly, grumpily lounging in the chair like a petulant child. "I mean, god, I shoot someone and you don't bat an eyelid. I threaten to kick that kid's head in, and you get mad at me? Whatever, I'll be good, but if he visits my Ma, I'll hurt him. Just... whatever. Come sit down and relax? The kids are busy, so if we're quiet, perhaps I'd be willing to have a kiss from you~?"​
"What if I'm not super willing." She huffed as she moved to sit anyway. "...I would like to get some pictures of the two. They are both so adorable. I love how they have such an innocent crush on each other. It's so sweet, and cute." Cooed the woman. Nuzzling his shoulder she smiled softly in thought. "We made such a gorgeous sweet child. Don't you wish he could always be so sweet and small?"
"Don't get me wrong, he's adorable and I love him so sweet, but kids grow up. I'm looking forward to him being a teenager when I can take him for his first drink, or see him play his first sports game at high school. You have to accept the fact he won't stay a kid, y'know? Or you'll end up like my Ma. She treats me and Cole like babies still," he grinned, nudging his girlfriend's shoulder playfully. "Oh god, you'll end up being one of those embarrassing moms, won't you? Constantly spoiling and babying June even when he's, like, thirty. I can see it now. He'll be married with a few kids, and you'll still be kissing his cheek and fussing over the creases in his shirt."​
Slapping his arms she rolled her eyes with a smile at the teasing. "Shuddup, so what if I'm an embarrassing mom. I like fussing over him. He'll always be my little baby.'
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