A Sword Of A Thief

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"Sillen never lies to me. The universe considers dead spirits as inanimate, so for very, very brief amounts of time. I can call back my friend. They are alive, but probably not well..." Kadva managed to get out before doubling over in sadness.

The memories were stronger this time....

The witch towered over Sillen's nearly dead body. Kadva pleaded with her to not kill him, to spare him...Quoram had yet to be given to him. "Soul Destruction! Go!" A light blue whisp separated itself from Sillen as his body went limp. Within a matter of seconds, the whisp had blew itself into the wind...

The memory had stopped, and Kadva was left in tears.
That was Sillen?! Ali thought, blinking from a moment. But before a sentence could leave her lips she watched as Kadva doubled over. Rushing to him, she cradled him in her arms, running a hand through his hair soothingly.

"Hey, it's okay... I'm here. You've got to stay strong, for your parents. For me," she said repeating it a moment as she felt her own heart twist in anguish at the sight before her. She didn't know what was happening, but she felt the sadness surround him and all she could do was try to comfort him.
Recovering quicker with her touch, he soon regained his composure, the memories leaving him, "It's...it's okay. Its the cost of my power...I see his death every single time I use them...its the only downside. I'm sure your siblings suffer some form of downside to their magic...But now, we've gotta get a move on. I need rest badly, I was drained holding Sillen's spirit here for so long." He looked at her with a smile, his voice incredibly shaky.
Her brows furrowed a little as he spoke. It must be horrible to deal with such a thing as that, now she was sort of glad she didn't have that power. While her physical body said she was string, mentally and emotionally she wasn't, she never could be no matter how hard she tried to be.

"Let's get going then," Ali said softly, wrapping an around him and looked around before her eyes found the sign that boasted the name of some inn. "It's just down the way there come on. "

Gently tugging him along, she ignored the others who gave them a look now and then and finally made it to the building. It wasn't big or small, and inside was warm and rather cheery. A few tables sat occupied by some locals and other travelers. An elder man satin a corner of the room playing a happy little tune on the instrument he held to his lips.
Walking up to the counter, the hotel manager greeted them with a warm welcome, then said, "Would you like a single room or a double room? They both cost around five Skives a night."

"We'll take a double. This here is my sister, we're in this here town for the flea market that our parents have heard so highly of." A warm smile stayed on Kadva's face as he lied to the hotel manager. The less people tried to inquire, the better. He laid down five Skives, careful not to flash the gems that he kept in his pouch, and grabbed the key to their room, number 13.

He turned to Ali, "Come on, let's go little sis. Don't wanna be late for the good deals in the morning." He headed up the stairs, Ali trailing behind.
She gave the manager a warm smile, her hold loosening on Kadva, so it looked more like a friendly gesture rather than the close hold she had before. But she was glad Kadva did the talking and got a room for them.

Ali gave a thank you to the man and followed to their room. Once inside she gave a sigh of relief upon seeing the beds. They weren't much, but it was a place of safety for the moment. Removing her sword, her bag and kicking off her boots she slid into one and buried her face into the pillow.

"You really think we can do this?" She asked after a few moments, turning to look at him.
"Of course we can. There will be no causalities as long as we work together, as long as we trust one another. That is all that we can do. But, my friend, Sillen, will always be with us. If I or you near death, I can call Sillen to...well...sacrifice his very soul for us. He cares for me that much." Kadva said with a smile as he dropped his bag and knives onto the floor.

Sitting on the edge of the other bed, Kadva unlatched his boots, then pushed them beneath the bed. "Good night Ali. Sleep well, for we may not sleep again until our families have been saved." He lay his head upon the soft pillow, and fell asleep nearly instantly as the past few days of exhaustion caught up to him...
Ali certainly hoped it wouldn't come to his friend sacrificing his soul, at least not for her anyways. BI ting her lips she watched as Kadva found sleep rather quickly. She couldn't help but smile, and lean over from her bed and tug the blanket up around him.

Rolling on to her side she curled up and hugged the pillow to her, closing her eyes and hoping sleep found her soon.
The sun rose over the town of Vallise, warming the stone pavement below...

The four people the Seigen had captured were now bound and gagged, in a darkened dungeon, unable to sleep. "Sir, we have received word that Kadva and Ali have been spotted in the nearby hotel" a servant said to the Master. "Torture the fool's families for a few hours. That'll teach them."

Kadva awoke around ten in the morning. He rolled over to see Ali soundly asleep, curled in a ball. He smiled, knowing that for now, she was safe. He knew that he had to protect her, to give his life even to save hers. She had young children to watch after, his parents were old and drunk....
Ali woke only a few minutes after him, rubeing her eyes with a yawn. She didn't sleep well, but it was the best she had gotten in weeks herself. Propping herself up on one arm she looked to Kadva, already awake.

"Hey, sleep well?" She asked, sitting up and kicking her feet off the bed, stretching her arms above her head.
"Yeah, I did, thanks for asking. Haven't slept much for the past five days, planning the heist and all. You sleep well?" Kadva said, shooting a questioning look. He pulled his boots back on, and quickly changed into another shirt. He'd worry about modesty once they escaped this alive...
Ali shrugged, walying to her bag and pulled out a clean shirt. She went to change, but stopped and sat down again while getting her boots buckled back in place.

"Well enough," she replied with a stifled yawn. "I'll be fine at least to get through this, I'll sleep when it's done."

Getting to her feet, she grabbed the blanket from the bed and tossed it up to the ceikinf, catching a few nails poking out. Now she could change her shirt. "So how shall we go about this? Stealthy, or just barge in eh?"
"Well, it kinda depends on what we discover by spying today. My original plan was for me to spy for an hour, and for you to keep lookout, and then we switch. We do that for about four hours, and then depending on what we discover, will dictate our plans." Kadva said with a calm demeanor.
"Hmm, that sounds like a better plan than mine," Ali said with a smirk, bringing the blanket down a mnd tossing it on the bed. Finding her canteen she took a few gulps and wiped some droplets from her face.

"We should get going then, I just hope we won't be too late," she whispered, her head dropping as she closed her eyes tightly. "I'll trust you, Kadva. I don't want to, because I hate trusting others. But for our family, I'll do it."
"I'll trust you for the same reason. The Seigen keep is just a little up the road." Kadva said, lifting his backpack onto his shoulders. "We better get moving. We need to be there before the streets get too busy."

Walking into the hallway, Kadva waited for Ali to come out. They'd soon have to find a safe place to watch the keep, that would both allow them to see, and allow them to stay hidden...
"Good." At least they had one common goal, and she knew Kadva wouldn't betray her, not for thjs. But it was why she didn't trust people easily, if at all. She had been lied to and betrayed often if one could believe it, it was why she had no friends, unless you counted her encounters with him.

"Then let's go," Ali said, hoisting her sword to her back, strapping it in place, followed by her bag which thankfully she packed light enough it wouldn't be a bother.

Sliding her hand into his, she gripped it firmly before jogging down the hall and descending the stairs. Despite the strange look they got from the older lady now running the front counter, she continued until they were outside where she finally released his hand.
Exiting the hotel, he was glad to be free of the constraints of a building. He loved nature, loved the feeling of natural air on his face.

Pointing ahead at the keep, "Ali, it's that way..." He scanned the area around the keep, eventually finding a place that he could make into a safe spying area. "...Alright, follow me now. I've got a good hiding place."

Kadva then dashed up the street, hoping Ali followed.
Ali fell into defensive mode as soon as she was outside. From here on out she had no choice. Wen Kadva spoke up, she nodded ad quickly followed behind, rather silent and swift on her feet as she went.

"I assume we're spying for activity and routines so we can make a plan to break in?" Ali asked in a hushed voice.
"Correct," he whispered back, "So that we understand where things are..."

Kadva had done this many times before, spying on keeps to learn of the guard patterns and the like, but it often extended over a period of days, not hours. This would be an incredible risk, that could bring great reward.

Climbing into a tree, he motioned for Ali to follow, holding his hand down to pull her up.
Nodding she took his hand and pulled herself up into the tree. She was glad it still had plenty of leaves, it gave them better coverage ad gave her a better view of the area so she could easily keep an eye on things.

"Well, get to what you need to, I'll keep an eye out and let you know if I see any danger or out of place." She drew a small knife from the side of her boot. It wasn't much, but her sword would be useless at thus point.
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