A Sword Of A Thief

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"It depends on what I wanna do. But I wasn't born with the power either. I just Broke when I saw Sillen die. But pretty much, if it's a power I'm used to using, like a power called Call From the Beyond, I feel warmth, and then I expel the warmth into almost a frame. Kinda like if you'd swing your sword, you know where it needs to go without thinking. Same with my Quoram, I know where the energy in my body needs to go to create the effects I need. The energy itself comes from some kinda well inside of me, I think it's the dark matter that I'm connected to. But if it's a power that I make up on the spot, it makes me feel hollow. It brings the memories of Sillen's death back either way though..." Kadva said, answering her question as fully as he could.

He felt her arm come close, glad for a constant increase in awareness that Quoram seemed to innately bring...he could sense her behind him, better than a normal human could...
She didn't expect him to answer, but Ali listened intently as he did. Sillen? Why did that name sound familiar? When it hit her that Sillen had been his friend, she bit her lip some. She didn't have friends, people usually avoided her, unless they needed work done.

She had become more of a mother figure to people just because how caring she was with her sister hut she had a hard time opening up to others. She couldn't imagine the pain of losing a friend, but she knew it probably wasn't a pleasant feeling especially now with his parents taken.

"Interesting. Seems a bit complicated, I'll stick to swinging my sword around," Ali replied in a light tone, trying to ease his troubles, even if only a little. It was in her nature to help others feel better, like she had done with Odelia if she got picked on. But she was sure kissing Kadva on the forehead would be the wisest of decisions
With a laugh, Kadva said, "Yeah, you stick to that. I'm just fine with my magic. So, we have about five to eight hours until we arrive at the temple. We've got two choices. We can either charter a chariot to take us to a place pretty darn close to there, or we can walk the entire way there. Which do you think we should do?"

As the moon rose into the sky, the stars shone brightly on the unlikely pair, a sign of hope for them. An old sailor saying goes like this, "Red sky at night, Sailor's delight. Red sky in morning, better take a warning..."
"A chariot would be best, so we're not using all of our strength walking. We're fonda need it to fight," Ali commented, taking out her eater canteen and taking a drink. "Plus we can decide on a plan while we get a ride there, and not have to worry about anything else along the way."

Bringing her hands up to rest on the back of her head again, she looked to the sky, watching the moon inch it's way through the sky. "Hey Kadva... I know this might be a little early to say, but promise me, if I die, you'll keep an eye on Odelia for me."
"I promise I'll try...but I can't promise she won't grow up to be a thief like me. But, you shouldn't have to worry about it, I won't let you die in the first place." Kadva said as he pulled out his water canteen, drinking down a small gulp of water. It ran down the back of his throat, cooling his entire body down.

"There's a rental chariot place the next street over. We should be there soon." Kadva said calmly.
Rolling her eyes, Ali averred her gaze ahead. Whether he promised to keep her alive wasn't part of her worry, she just wanted her family looked after if she couldn't make it back.

"Sounds good. I know it'll get us there quicker than walking, and won't leave much time for sleep. So you should first, so we can be ready for the fun ahead." She gave Kadva a smirk, and as they rounded the corner she saw a slightly weary looking man leaning against a countrtop of sorts.

Nudging Kadva, she hurried over to the man. "Excuse me we need a ride," she aid softly, leaning on her hands against the counter as well.
"Ye need yerseves a ride, eh? Well, ye came to the 'ight place, this 'ere is a 'ental shap. Twelf' Sives for a chariot." the man said, with a very odd accent.

"Yeah, we want a chariot," Kadva said, slamming twelve Sives onto the counter, "We need to be taken to that one place, the one pretty close to the Temple. Uhhh...it's called Swords And Staves."

"Al'ight. I'll be ready ta go in 'bout 'ive minutes" the man said with a smile...
Ali blinked at the mans accent, butsaid nothing. All kinds of people lived here from all walks of live. As Kadva paid for the chariot, she stepped back and let out a sigh of relief.

They'd be on their way soon. And she's do everything to get her family back. They were all she had left, and she felt a failure fr not protecting them.

"Well," Ali began stretching and double checking to make sure her belonging were secured. Grabbing some of the dried fruit she handed a few pieces to Kadva. "Guess we're off on an adventure huh?"
Slowly taking bites of the dried fruit, Kadva replied with a hearty "Yes! An adventure is awaiting."

Leaping into the chariot, he held his hand out to help Ali into the chariot. The strange man with an accent said, "An adventur', eh?Inter'sting."
With a small laugh, Ali took his hand and hoisted herself up into the chariot. At the man, she gave a simple nod. "Aye, just some simple fun reslly," she lied with a shrug.

The man gave then both a look, before getting the chariot on its way. Ali closed her eyes as the cool air whipped her hair behind her. She gripped the aide of the chariot as her stomach lurched again, causing an unwanted feeling to rise in her throat. Maybe the fruit was a bad idea...
As the chariot took off along the streets, Kadva relaxed in his seat. So glad I'm used to falling and such, or this would make me sick. This driver got ripped off when he bought this piece of work...

"So, Ali, let's discuss some things. When we get there, do you wanna rest or head straight for the temple?" Kadva said.
Whether or not the queasy feeling came from the motion of the cart, or her deep seated worry she wasn't sure. Either way ad be glad when they rexhed their destination. It was one step closer...

Hearing Kadva, she blinked a few times. "I suppose getting some rest would be the best option. Can't go anywhere tired, wouldn't be much dun," Ali replied. She wasn't tired, but she knew once they got where they needed to the shock and adrenaline would be worn off by then. And she would need to rest or else she was dead weight.
"Alright. Then we'll make our lodgings at the nearby bedding place. Whatever they call it. From what I remember, it's just up the road" Kadva said with a smile, pushing the door open.

"Ye've reache' yur destinatio'.Word o' advi'e. La't I hear, the Seygun occu'y thi' pla'ce. Be car'ful on yer advent're." the driver calmly said in his accent.

"We'll try. We may even rent your services for the trip back. Come to this location in about three days, and we'll be here, waiting." Kadva said, attempting to assure him of their safety.

He leapt down, then helped Ali out. There, they stood on the cold stone, ready to face whatever came...
Ali nodded in agreement. "Sounds good to me, maybe rustle up some grub before we leave, too."

Thanking the driver, still getting used to the accent. "Thanks, we'll see you in a few days then."

Turning to Kadva, she gave a fainto smile. She wasnt sure she'd be making it back. She was good with the sword, yes, but she doubted herself a lot. Still, even if she got annoyed at Kadva, she was glad it was him, she could at least trust him enough with this.

"Let's go," she said, nodding her head to the small town where few people wandered and torches gave a faint glow.
Dashing across the street, Kadva found a vendor selling small wraps filled with some form of meat. He bought four, two for each of them(about 1 Skilt each) and walked back over to Ali, handing her the two he had bought. "Eat up. After this, we'll find lodging for a little bit."

Kadva took a bite of his wrap, his tonsils being filled with flavor. He cherished it...it had been weeks since he had ate vendor food...
Warching as Kadva took off, Ali gave a shrug and followed, greeted by him moments later with food. Gratefully smiling, she took the wraps and instantly bit into one.

A happy little sound escaped her as she wiped some of the juices. "Mm, this is good. I'd never be able to get vendor foods... I wish Odelia and Adrian were here, they'd love this."
Kadva continued to eat the wraps, juices running down his chin. "Yeah, but that's why we are here. To bring them back. We will bring them back." He said with a reassuring smile. He continued to eat with her in silence, finishing his wraps. He pushed his Quoram energy through his body, then said, "Do you wanna see me use Quoram. I'm gonna check on our families."
Ali couldn't help but take some comfort in Kadva's optimism, even as hers failed. But, she nibbled away in contentment on her wrap. She looked around the town. It wasn't a big place, more like a trading town with various shops that also housed rooms for the workers who lived there.

With her food finished and Kadva asked if she wanted to watch, she raised a brow at him. "I... I suppose so, would be kind of nest to see."
Ripping a small piece of cloth off of his shirt, he kneeled down and laid it flat on the stone. Pulling out his knife, he tore into the cloth until he had made the symbol of the Seigen, an upside-down triangle with lines crossing through it's center. He lifted it up into his hand, "Alright, watch this!"

Heat burned within his body, from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head. He pulled forth enough to cast his spell, then shot it at the paper. A blue flame encircled it, "Call from the Beyond! Show me my family!" As he shouted it, his voice seemed hollow, seemed icy. The cloth was destroyed within seconds, being replaced with a flaming, blue humanoid shape.

The humanoid spoke with a deep, surly voice, "Kadva....your family is safe...many lashes have been delivered...they now curse thy name...." With that, the humanoid seemed to be blown away into the wind. Kadva felt the memories come, and he readied himself for the pain they would cause...
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Ali kept a bit of distance as she warched, a brow raised some as he went to cutting the cloth. Certainly a strange way, she thought to heraelf, but she knew nothing if what he was capable of it how any if it worked really.

But as the fire escaped from his body and destroyed the cloth he had prepared, Ali gave a small yelp in surprised as the humanoid shape came into view. Then she heard it speaking to Kadva, her eyes widening.

Once it caniahws, she turned to Kadva now, her eyes filled with tears. "Are.. are they rely alove?"
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