A Spark

"Absolutely. And there is a style choice with that too, you can have two built into the front like there is now, or just make it one big one like…this one." He pointed at a picture to give him a visual.
He looked uncertainly at Alexis on this one.
"I like it with two." She put in, "and may I have my cards back?" She asked between questions.
"Of course, but I'll have to run it again to actually send the payment through." He said handing her card and drivers license back.
"Again? So you've already swiped it and have a pending transaction?" She looked at him wide eyed and started fidgeting, hardly listening to what he said while she worried.
The card had been traced, Dad would be getting an email right now notifying him of a pending transaction for over 10,000 dollars from her account within his company, and that for a motorcycle, he would freeze it instantly. On top of that she could expect someone to show up here within 30 minutes to drag her home. She bit her lip and glanced at Felix, she had promised he wouldn't get caught by her parents.

"Would you like anything else painted red? The pedals, handlebars, gas cap…anything? or just the double stripes?" the man was asking Felix.
Felix, blissfully unaware of his impending doom, nodded, "I think red pedals would look cool!" he said, seeming to finally begin to come out of his shell, and gain a bit of confidence. He even smiled a little as he looked at Alexis, asking her "What do you think?"
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"Forget the add ons. If I can leave on the bike in 20 minutes you've got a deal, otherwise no sale." She blurted, her face pale but her gaze at the salesman was determined.
Felix looked at her, a bit puzzled, "But...the colors are awesome! I thought you wanted them!" he said, looking quite confused.
The salesman looked back quite surprised. This girl was unpredictable.
"I would love them, but this is a time issue! Is 20 minutes going to be possible with the bike as is!?"
"I can check." the salesman said, stepping out of the conference room to rush the bike's preparation.
"Sorry to get your hopes up. Maybe I'll have time for the colors another day." She told Felix slouching back in her chair and fidgeting anxiously with a pen, avoiding looking at him.
Feeling like he did something wrong, Felix looked down at his folded hands, his former luster gone, looking quite nervous now. "Oh...okay" he said, obviously disappointed.
"They think they can do it. Let's get through the paperwork." The salesman said brightly upon his return to the rather dejected atmosphere of the room.
"Indeed." Said Alexis sitting up and listening to his quick spiels and explanations of each page as he presented them and she signed and initialed over and over. Finally the pen and ink was done. "I'll just go run your card again and we will be done." He announced. Alexis handed him the card with a fake smile "We'll go on out to the bike." She told him trying to hurry Felix out of the room and down the hall to where the attractive but unadorned motorcycle sat waiting.
He followed her hastily, beginning to sense that something might be wrong. "You sure you wanna just leave?" he asked nervously.
"Oh yes!" she insisted grabbing a helmet off the seat and pulling it down over her curls, fastening the strap under her chin. "This is the not getting caught part."
He stood there awkwardly, never having rode a motorcycle before.
"Is this new to you?" she queered, handing him the other helmet and looking over the bike to make sure she knew where everything was.
"Uh...no...I uh...used to do motocross...." he lied.
"I wouldn't know about that. But this I can handle." she said retracting the stand and straddling the bike, keeping it balanced while she waited for him to join her.
He hesitantly sat on the bike, his posture and grip on the seat obviously showing that he had been lying before.
She didn't have time to be upset that he lied "Ok Felix. Put your feet on those pegs when we start moving." she pointed "and you are going to have to hold on, but if I can't breathe I can't drive..."
"Oh..okay" he said nervously, hoping desperately that she had believed him. He nervously moved in, hugging her in a proper riding position. His breath was broken and ragged, he was clearly intoxicated by her closeness, his eyes taking on a hazed, dreamy look.
She took a deep breath, expecting his grip would tighten when they started moving. She turned on the ignition with a roar and glanced back at the building, no sign of the salesman, he was probably still trying to get her card to work. They set off down the driveway and into the streets.
As they rocketed away, Felix held her in a death grip, his eyes shut tightly.