A Model Relationship

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Kristin had decided to spend the night, just in case he needed her to do something for him. After all, she wouldn't want him wandering around delirious anyway. So after making the soup and cleaning up his kitchen a bit, She feed him and herself before she let him get into the shower and clean up as she herself borrowed one of his t-shirts and a pair of boxers to sleep in. She didn't have any jobs tomorrow anyway so she could take her time leaving if she needed to. Once in bed with him, She let him cuddling against her she started to nod off, her hands gently holding his own as she gave the smallest of snores.
Once it was morning, Jared was surprised to find Kristin next to him. He didn't complain but he merely laid in bed in thoughts. He felt calm and level headed, not as bad as the day before but still a little sick. He was lost in thought, thinking about the time that had went by. The days had passed by so quickly and it was almost Valentines day. Too bad they would still be required to work. He wanted to do something special for her but nothing came into his mind. Giving her gifts wouldn't be sentimental but he couldn't think about anything else. He was caught up in other thoughts and before he knew it, he was asleep again.
Kristin awoke eventually, Mid morning and feeling refreshed. There was something about just cuddling before bed that made one just wake up more refreshed. As she glanced at her sleeping boyfriend, she smiled a bit before getting up and wandering into his kitchen to make him and herself a nice little breakfast to share. It wasn't going to be anything fancy but it would be enough to get him and his immune system going. Cooking up some scrambled eggs, she hummed quietly as she stood at the stove in his kitchen.
Once Jared woke up again, he got dressed. He could already smell the scent of breakfast food. Surely living with Kristin was much easier. He was fed after all, he remembered when he was a child, he always had personal cooks and such. Ever since he started living on his own, he didn't have the money to afford luxury cooking every single day. In all honesty, he didn't eat too heartily but at least the office food in the company was above decent.

"Morning," He said with a smile, kissing her on the cheeks.

"You're going to the office later?" He casually asked, half hoping she wouldn't but he knew she still held the responsibility.
Blushing a bit as he came over and kissed her cheek, she looked to him and shook her head.

"Nope I have the day off today." She said lightly.

She turned off the stove as she finished cooking the eggs and some bacon, heading over to a cabinet and pulling out some dishes. As she plated up teh food, she shooed him away to the table to sit and rest a bit. After all, he was the sick on and didn't need to push himself too much. Placing the food in front of him she also poured him a glass of orange juice to help fight his cold. Getting some for herself as well, she finally took a seat and started to eat.
"Really?" Jared said but changed his tone in speech, "I mean... really, that's nice."

Sure it was casual in manner but he was quite happy. Though he felt sort of guilty at the same time. What would they do today? He had just started to get slightly better and well ... besides cleaning up around the house, there wasn't much to be done. He played around with the food on his plate before chomping it all down. He did his best cleaning his dish but was shooed away from Kristin. Sitting down at the kitchen counter, the palm of his hands rested on the sides of his cheek. He was bored but content in some sort of way.

"So... what do you plan on doing today?" He asked quizzically.
"I don't have much planned really, I was just thinking of spending the day inside. Maybe watching some movies and ordering some Chinese takeout for dinner. Other than that though, I didn't really make up any ideas on how to spend the day." She said as she looked at Jared.

Kristin was still wearing his clothing that she had borrowed last night and she was cleaning up the mess from breakfast at the moment. In all honesty she really didn't feel like leaving just yet, or at all for that matter. She hadn't gotten to spend just a day in the house with Jared at all, they were always going somewhere or doing something. It was never just a...chill day. Though, she hoped he wouldn't mind the company when he was feeling sick, after all, he wasn't all that good at taking care of himself anyway.

"If you don't mind, I was thinking of just sticking around here...I'll just toss my clothing from the other day into the wash so that I can wear them again when I leave." She said with a small grin as she started to put the dishes into the dishwasher.
"Sounds great. And sure go ahead" Jared simply said as he lazily slugged himself back onto the couch, flipping on the TV.

While Kristin was busying herself around the house, Jared was being a lazy bum while watching a variety of shows. He flipped back from one channel to another, being bored within seconds. Today was sunny but he couldn't go out. At least, he wouldn't have the permission to by Kristin. Now he thought about it, he might as well go look around the house for some kind of other entertainment. To his dismay, he searched around the house to find nothing but decorations and other junk. Seriously, the man rarely enjoyed staying in the same place for awhile. For the most part, his house was used for sleeping and refreshing, that was it.

Within a half hour, he was back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling, bored.

"Hey, you know to cook right? Can you cook? Or maybe teach me?" Jared asked curiously because in all honesty, he had little experience of cooking in any form. The man ate cereal for his breakfast 99% of the time. Sure had eggs and bacon but everything else was usually kept for the occasional chefs who came by to cook up a meal. At least that's what happened when his parents got nosy about his health.
Kristin did some light tidying around the place, getting her clothing into the wash before getting the kitchen cleaned up and his bed made. She didn't mind spoiling her boyfriend a tiny bit, though she hoped he wouldn't think of this as an every day occurrence. She had other things to do than keep his apartment cleaned and make him breakfast, even if she liked to do it for him. For now though she just went about getting things cleaned, keeping herself busy and also making sure that none of that everything was nice and tidy so that no more germs could stick around and make him even more sick.

As she wandered by him at once point, she blinked a bit in surprise at his question. Cooking lessons? That was certainly the last thing she expected to come from his mouth that morning. But if he wanted to learn, then who was she to deny him? Besides, it might give him something to do other than stare up at his ceiling in boredom, like he had been doing for the past half our after eating. Nodding her head a bit, she smiled at him as she reached out and pet his head gently.

"Sure, I can teach you some things. Is there anything you'd like to learn specifically " She asked him softly as she stood behind his touch and just looked down at him with a gentle expression.
"Anything, just anything." Jared said, a smile forming at the corners of his mouth.

Sadly, the basics of what he could do was heat water and make pasta and then add sauce. Yeah, he seriously had the money to hire people but it would be a waste. Other than that, he knew ramen and ice cream, not like they counted as real servings of food. The only great thing he could make that didn't taste horrible had to be salad. He knew how to use a knife and cut, pretty much ... that was it. Sad? Somewhat.

"By the way, thanks for cleaning up around here, sorry it's a mess." He said lightly but with a tone of apology.

Really, he felt guilty like a child for having such a messy house but he appreciated her help. At least this little cooking thing would be interesting.
"It is no problem, you won't get better in that kind of mess anyway so I figured I should clean it up while I was here. Anyway, let's get into the kitchen, I'll figure out something I can teach you to make. First off, I have to see what you actually have in your kitchen. If we have all the ingredients maybe I can teach you to make biscuits." She said with a grin before she stepped away.

Wandering into the kitchen, she started to glance around at the items in the cupboards and such. He had a lot of things surprisingly, though that was to be expected of someone who had so much money. Having a stocked kitchen was probably the last thing he ever had to worry about. As she started to pull a few ingredients out, she smiled a bit to herself as she also pulled out spoons and bowls. There seemed to be just enough of everything to make a batch of biscuits, which would be great to have around for a snack or breakfast.

"Come on, Jared. I've found all we need!" She called to him to make sure that he was joining her.
"Coming," Jared said as he dragged himself off of his bed, throwing the book onto the cushy arm chair. He got up and headed his way into the kitchen where Kristin had already set up everything. She moved with such easiness that everything looked so orderly and precise. She tried teaching him to measure but he managed to pour some of it over onto the counter top. Yep, he could be an idiot sometimes.

By the time they were done, Jared had yet made another mess. This time, he stuck around cleaning up. Once the last plate was washed, he stared at the clock. Within a few minutes the biscuits would be done. Although he didn't get much accomplished, he at least learned to cook something. Deciding to get something to drink, he opened the fridge and poured himself a glass of orange juice and simply waited...
After cooking up some biscuits with Jared and making another mess, Kristin cleaned up the kitchen once more with his help. She didn't mind it at all, the fact that she got to teach her boyfriend something and that he was willing to help. It made her feel like they were very close compared to other couples in their similar monetary bracket. As the last dash was finished, she stood with Jared as he drank his juice, her arms crossed over her chest. His clothing was baggy on her at the loose fitting clothing make her cold. On top of that she was still waiting on her clothing from the other day to finished washing in the laundry room.

"So, after the biscuits are done is there anything you'd like to do?" She asked him.
"Mhmm... nothing in specific." Jared said softly.

He noticed her slightly shivering. With one swift movement, he wrapped his arms around her, hoping she would feel less cold. He could feel the beat of her pounding heart against his. He felt a bit bad that she had nothing to change into and decided to call a friend later. One that supplied her closet of clothing daily, plus she was the nicest cousin he had.

"Are you alright?" He asked softly, hoping that she was warming up.
As he pulled her in close to warm her up, she let out a small chuckle and cuddled close. He always had a sharp eye for these kinds of things, even if he didn't mean to. Leaning into him as he held her against him, she enjoyed the shared warmth with him as they stood there together and waited on the biscuits. She nodded her head at his question as she looked up at him, knowing very well that she was just a little chilled and that was all.

"I'm fine. I'm just use to heavier clothing is all. Thanks for warming me up." She added with a sweet kiss to his chin.
Jared's cheeks slightly turned a faint shade of pink, "no problem..." he said softly.

Seriously, he had never felt all embarrassed by the simplest romantic gestures but for some reason, now he was. It was puzzling and confusing, as if his mind was trying to tell him something. Though being clueless as usual, he didn't prod his brain for the details. As he let go of her, he quickly dialed his cousin who had almost all the time in the world to spare. Within minutes the door bell rang and she appeared. Her pixie cut hair was spiked up and she wore expensive labels. She pushed a rack in and waved goodbye, running off to do another errand probably.

"Uh, heres a change of clothes... you can't take whatever you want" He said softly.
Kristin let him go so he could make the call, though she hadn't expected what was arriving. Blinking a bit as she looked over the rack, she started to peek through all of the expensive labels and see what was there. It was as if she was in a private store, some of these tags had prices that would make any normal woman faint.

"A change of clothing? Sweetie, she brought me a closet!" She joked with a light chuckle as she pulled out something to wear. "But it's fine, I'll put these on. Thanks for thinking of me." She said as she headed towards his room and started to change.
He nodded as if his tongue was tied. He was feeling a bit conflicted but decided to talk it over later ... figure it out later...

As Kristin reappeared, she looked much more comfortable and well... beautiful. But he didn't say the word, being cowardly, he spoke and said "you look great."
He felt himself get hotter and decided to conclude that it was the previous nights fever restarting again. He decided to lounge around on the couch before falling asleep with a book resting on his chest. He slightly snored, murmuring something as if he was sleep talking, "love ... mhm...... ... her"
Kristin came out in a pair of skinny jeans and a nice sweater, looking much more comfortable and warmer now that she was in clothing that fit her. Smiling a bit as her boyfriend complimented her, she gave a small laugh before she went to deal with the biscuits in the over. After all, she didn't want those to burn. Letting Jared pass out on the couch, she got the biscuits cooling before she turned on the TV quietly and watched some shows, sitting in an arm chair as her sleeping boo took up the couch.

She didn't hear him mumbling but she was kind enough to keep it down enough so it would not wake him at all. She'd get him up when it was dinner time but for now, she'd let him sleep off the rest of that fever.
He eventually woke up, feeling a lot better in general. Jared decided to help Kristin out for dinner by chopping some vegetables and then setting up the table. As the food was done and ready to eat, the two began to eat.

He decided to ask, since Valentines would come up soon, it would be nice to have a little get away. Though it would probably be hard since Valentines day had big promotional adds and fashion shows and issues. But it didn't matter did it? So Jared finally spoke.

"Hey want to go somewhere for Valentines day? Paris? Italy? Greece?"
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