A Doll's Destiny

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
"Oh, make sure you apply to a lot," Clara commented. "There's more chance of you getting a reply back that way." She opened her eyes for a moment and looked at him while she mentioned this. It was always good practice to try for many jobs. It might be a pain to do, but it was the best chance of finding something.
"Noted," Aiden said. With that, he applied for three receptionists and two customer service representatives.
She gave him and smile. "And it'll most likely take some time to hear back from them. Some you won't ever hear from though, so do remember that," Clara commented. She just wanted him to be prepared in case things didn't go well because that was going to happen. It was impossible for someone to get offers from every place they applied to.
Dually noted," he chuckled lightly. After applying to two positions for male clerks, the toy decided to take a break and browse Youtube.
Clara closed her eyes again after she had gotten a response from him. She let out a sigh and rested. Sometimes it was nice to just sit and relax after work. She didn't want to bother Aiden with his applications, but she could tell when he was taking a break since she could hear the videos playing. There was no major rush. He deserved a break. She opened her eyes again and took another sip from her drink. "Do you like Youtube?"
"Love it, great source of entertainment. Since the holidays are around the bend, I figured, you know, why not get into the spirit early," Aiden said.
"Then what are you looking up right now to get into the spirit?" Clara asked. She glanced over, wondering what types of things he liked to look up. He was right, though she never really did too much for the holidays anyway. Sometimes she would visit her family, but they would be too busy sometimes to be able to make any plans. Usually, she just did a little bit of celebrating on her own. Though, she guessed she wasn't alone anymore.
"Christmas music videos, usually, but lately, I've been on a Nickelodeon kick," Aiden said.
"Nickelodeon. Ah, yeah. You were watching a lot of SpongeBob the other day. Do you like that show? Are there any other shows you like? Is that one your favorite?" Clara replied. She was just trying to get to know him better since that was what you did with friends. And considering the idea of Christmas, maybe she could come up with something to give him if she learned more about what he enjoyed.
"It's definitely up there," the toy replied. "That show has some of the funniest stuff in Nick's history."
"Do you have any other shows you like to watch?" Clara commented. She would take note of what he said. Although, she really didn't see what was too funny about it, but everyone had their own opinions on stuff. She just wanted to get an idea of what he enjoyed to watch. She at least was understanding that he liked that one.
"I used to watch Rugrats, Catdog, Hey Arnold, and Wild Thornberries. You know, the older nicktoons. They're not on anymore, which is a shame."
"Ah, I see. I used to watch some of those when I was younger as well," Clara replied. "And it is true that they aren't on anymore, but there are ways to still watch them. Some have DVDs you can buy." She took another sip from her glass of water. Sometimes you could also find some episodes on the internet, but usually they weren't in the best quality. And it wasn't always the full episodes either. Sometimes you could only get some clips.
"That, or streaming services," Aiden said. "Seriously, there can't be just one."
"Yeah, though sometimes certain old ones aren't even on the streaming services," Clara replied. "And like you say, there are so many of them that they are scattered between a bunch of them. It would be nice if it was easier to stream what you want. Though there are ways of getting around things. I know of people who pay for one for a few months then move on to another for a few months so they can get a variety and not have to pay a ton of money."
"It's such a darn shame cable TV is so pricy," Aiden said. "If it wasn't, all these channels wouldn't have to be on the streaming service bandwagon."
Clara nodded. "A lot of things are pricey. Even streaming services can get up there as some of them continue to raise their prices. But yeah, the price of cable causes some people to just get rid of it all together and stream everything," she commented. It wasn't a bad idea. It wasn't like TV played too much interesting anymore anyway. They always played reruns of things you already saw. And some of the streaming services did have some nice choices.
"That's true. Are you planning on using cable or the multiple streaming services?" asked the toy.
"Well, it's cable right now. I don't have any streaming services at the moment because I didn't want to pay for both," Clara replied. It could all add up after all. "But I suppose I don't always watch the TV itself much, mostly movies. So, eventually I could change it up and try to go for one that's really good for movies."
"While I'm here, I'll watch the TV. Like I said, the holidays are coming, so Nick's got a lot of holiday specials," Aiden replied.