A Doll's Destiny

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"Alright, if that's what you want," Clara replied. Other channels liked to play stuff for the holidays too. Actually, many of them started way too early for Clara's taste. But she didn't mind letting him watch what he wanted. That at least meant that the cable was getting use. She reached for her glass again and took another sip of her water. "Do you like decorating for holidays?"
"Absolutely. Christmas trees, ornaments, music, and sweet-smelling things," Aiden mused.
"Okay, I'll keep that in mind. I usually only do minor decorating since it's myself here, but we can do some more now that it's the two of us. But we're not doing it yet," Clara replied. "I don't like doing it too early. So many people start celebrating way too early anymore. It almost ruins the whole special feel to it."
"Personally, I like putting everything up in November. That way, I can enjoy it more," Aiden said.
"I prefer at the beginning of December. November is still fall and there's Thanksgiving to enjoy. Plus, Christmas is close to the end of the year. I don't want it to feel like the end of the year already," Clara replied. "But maybe we'll make some sort of compromise and find somewhere in between for us."
"Yeah, maybe towards the middle of November, right before Thanksgiving?" Aiden asked.
"The middle of November still kind of seems early to me though. I mean, if we're compromising and you prefer things in November while I prefer beginning of December, is mid November really compromising on your end. You said November but you didn't particularly say exactly when in that month you start to celebrate. For all I know, you could already start in the middle and you're not really compromising at all," Clara replied.
"I meant...maybe the week before or of Thanksgiving," Aiden suggested.
"Alright, we can do start doing things the week of Thanksgiving. I'll accept that," Clara replied. "But nothing too crazy. Let's ease some into it. We're not decorating the whole entire house in one day that Monday." She felt like she could accept that. She did want him to be able to experience some things considering she wasn't sure how much he would have been able to celebrate in the past.
"Okay, I can get along with that," Aiden agreed.
"Okay, then we'll do that," Clara replied. "Now that we decided that, you're free to do whatever you want. I'm going to get some more water. I should probably start my dinner soon too." She didn't want to keep him away if he wanted to go back to working on his job applications or bother him during his break. She stood up and headed into the kitchen to fill up her cup again. She returned with a full glass and sat back down, thinking of what she might want for her meal.
"Thanks," Aiden said, resuming his video watching.
The day went on smoothly Aiden watching endless amounts of videos. He was extremely proud of himself for completing and submitting all those job applications. He just hoped that, in the event he was asked to do an interview, he'd be able to either walk to the jobsite or talk to the person over the phone.
Meanwhile, Clara relaxed since she had already completed her important work for the day. Eventually, she figured out what she wanted for dinner and cooked it. She ate her meal, then joined Aiden back on the couch as he watched some more Youtube videos. Hopefully, he wouldn't get too addicted to them though and spend too much time watching them, but he had worked hard today and deserved to enjoy himself. Over time, the night went on and Clara started to get tired. She let out a yawn.
"Getting sleep, my dear?" Aiden asked in a mock English accent.
"Yeah. It is getting kind of late now," Clara commented. "And I do still have work tomorrow, so I think it might be best for me to head to bed. Make sure you keep it down if you decide to stay up any later, but remember that you have important things to continue doing tomorrow as well." She wasn't going to make him go to sleep just because she was, but she wanted to make sure he didn't make too much commotion.
"I know. Would you like me to take care of anything before you head to bed?" Aiden asked.
"Nope. There isn't anything that needs to be done, but thanks for asking," Clara replied. She gave him a smile. She stood up from her seat and stretched a bit. "Good night, Aiden." She headed into her room and got herself ready. Once she was, she slipped under her covers and closed her eyes. She had an alarm set for her usual morning time.
"Night, Clara Bell," Aiden offered a small grin, before returning to his videos. After an hour, he gently shut the laptop and crawled under the warm blanket on the sofa and was out in moments.
Soon after Clara got into bed she had fallen asleep. She dreamed of pleasant things and she awake in the morning feeling well rested because of it. She turned off her alarm and got up, getting herself dressed and ready the rest of the way. She then headed out into the kitchen so she could make herself breakfast. She started to work on some eggs because they were fast and she had to head to work.
The smell of eggs cooking awoke the stuffed doll the next morning. Groaning, he slowly sat up right and climbed off the sofa, making his way into the kitchen. "Mornin'."