A Doll's Destiny

"That's true. Most apartments aren't really for your level. But it's also true you won't need to use stuff. You won't need a sink or anything in a kitchen at all for that matter, or the bathroom," Clara admitted as she thought about it. "But you're going to get them anyway because that's just how apartments are. Plus, they are helpful if you have anyone over, like me for example. I would need to use them." Not using everything wasn't a big deal, but she could see the size being a bit of a problem.
"True, though if my guest wanted something to eat...maybe I'd want to learn some cooking," Aiden said.
"There's no harm in learning to cook if you wanted to, though sometimes it can be messy so you might want to wear an apron or something to protect yourself when you do," Clara replied. Most of the time if she spills anything it just gets on her clothes or skin, but she could easily wash her skin off, he couldn't. "The choice would be up to you if you wanted to. I don't know if you would feel weird about cooking something while you can't even eat it."
"I've definitely thought about it, but like I said, the size might pose a problem," Aiden remarked.
Clara nodded. "Well, it's not impossible to try to find ways to make things work. We're making it work here. We'll just have to do some customization," she responded. There was no way he was going to get an apartment that had everything his size. He could customize a house most likely, but not an apartment. They would just have to figure out ways to make it work.
"Yeah, but I seriously doubt apartment complexes would allow that. Like you said, they're for people," the doll said.
"I didn't mean actually changing the apartment itself to make it work," Clara replied. "I just meant like step stools and making sure your furniture is the right size for you. Apartments don't usually come furnished so you wouldn't have to worry about having the furniture be too big for you. You would end up bringing your own." If he really wanted his own place, then they would have to figure out something.
"Oh, right. Well, that's easy, considering most of my stuff is small, so most of it could fit into one box, but as for transportation...I mean, yeah, there's my bike, but that's not good enough for me to go onto the highway," Aiden said.
"Well, I'm not sure about the whole driving thing. You aren't allowed to drive without a license and you obviously don't have one yet and I don't even know if you'd be able to get one. There's no precedent for someone like you getting a driver's license. And you'd have to have a special car as well to work, because they aren't going to allow toy cars or any of that sort on a highway, that would be dangerous," Clara replied. She wasn't sure what they would do about that, if he really wanted to go onto highways in the first place.
"Yeah, plus I think there's a seatbelts have size requirements. I don't know what they are, but I know I don't meet them."
"Yeah, usually there are some size requirements, but I don't know them off the top of my head," Clara replied. "It's stuff that you would have to do some research on and find out. But there really isn't anything to go off of because there hasn't been any other dolls that are alive that have some that stuff, at least not that has been public anyway. There are humans that are physically smaller than other people and they still drive cars though, so there might be some modifications."
"But, those could be very costly," Aiden replied. "And, if I did get a normal car, it'd probably be expensive to modify it."
"Yeah, but that's all the options there really is," Clara replied. There wasn't any other choice if he wanted a car to be able to traverse highways. That was just the way it was. It was for safety reasons mostly, so he was going to have to work with them. "You'll have to just avoid highways for now. You could always pick a place that would only require more back roads to travel on, ones that you could still just ride a bike. Either that, or call someone else to drive you."
"True, or public transportation," Aiden said. "Then again, depending on whether or not I keep this job, I won't be needing to leave the house too often."
"That's true. There isn't too much reason that you would need to go out other than just wanting to get out, and with that you could just pick a place that could be gotten to by walking or riding your bike," Clara replied. She didn't see a lot of reason for him to need to travel on highways much, at least right now. "Well, it doesn't sound like you would need much transportation for a while away. Quitting a job after just recently getting it really doesn't look good to other employers anyway so I'm sure you'll have it for a little while."
"I'm not quitting this one anytime soon," Aiden replied. "Yeah, it's not much, but it's something for now."
"That's a smart idea. It's best to stick with it for a while, give yourself some experience that you can put on your resume for any future jobs. It's okay to eventually want something else, but it's good to have something that will prove to other employers that you would be a good employee," Clara replied. "Plus, you want that money. That was the point in the first place."
"Yeah, plus i'll have a safety net beneath me if I don't land that second job," Aiden added.
Clara nodded. "Yes, usually it's best to keep your job while you are looking for another one, just in case you don't get one yet," she said. "You don't want to end up quitting your job without something already lined up, since it still takes a long time to get another job even if you have experience now. Sometimes it takes just as long as this first one took."
((Ooc: apologies for the delay. Life got the better of me.))
"Or even longer," Aiden added. "Like I said, I'm glad I've got this one, provides me a decent safety net and a great opportunity to integrate myself into society."