A Doll's Destiny

He didn't really tell her what happened to him, but that something did. And he was clearly in pain at this point. "You should have just asked me for help," she commented. She wasn't quite sure what a doll could use. Well, if he felt pain, maybe an ice pack would help him? "Here, why don't you try using this? And I'll put the game on the table." She reached into the freezer and grabbed the ice pack and then held it out for him.
"Thanks," accepting the icepack, Aiden walked to the couch. With a grunt, he struggled onto it and put the icepack behind himself. "And, I know, but I like to be independent."
"Yeah, but even a human being would get some help if they can't really reach something," Clara replied. She followed him into the other room. "You can be independent, but also be aware of your limitations and what is safe and what isn't. If you got even more hurt than just a bruise, I don't really know how to treat you."
"I know...and I'll try to remember that for next time. Oh, and, for future reference, a sewing kit, but let's hope we don't have to get to that," Aiden said, clearing his throat. "When I get an apartment, everything's goin' on the bottom."
She already has a sewing kit so that was good, but still she really didn't want it to come to that. "Well, as long as you actually are careful then it won't happen. Of course, accidents can still happen no matter what, but as long as you aren't putting yourself in that situation for it, then you should be fine," she commented. Then she heard his apartment comment. She wasn't quite sure a doll getting an apartment would even be able to happen. "You're going to need money for an apartment. And most apartments aren't set up for someone of your height."
"Yeah, I think my back should be fine in a while," Aiden assured. "As far as apartments go, I could open and close the door if I'm on my toes. I could buy a doll bed, but cooking and using the kitchen sink...yeah, that could be a challenge. I'm not too concerned about that, though, since I don't eat. Plus, I'm sure I could apply for a job somewhere."
It was true that he might be able to get away with some things since he didn't need to eat and any other similar things of that sorts. But there were still a few other things. "I don't know how you'll reach the light switches," she commented. She couldn't help but be a little jokey about it though and add a little laugh at the end. "Technically you could, but I wonder what place would hire a doll to be honest. It would have to be one that is understanding of your circumstances. And I wonder what types of jobs you could do."
"I heard they make light switches that can work through your phone. And, maybe I could work computers or entry-level stuff," Aiden replied. "Maybe we go looking around tomorrow, see who'd be interested in hiring me? If I'm gonna live with people, might as well start with that."
"That's true, but again it's all things that require money," Clara replied. "I suppose we could try, but finding a job can be hard and is a lot of work. And just because you get a job and start making money, doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be enough for your own place. That's going to take saving up. Most entry-level jobs don't pay a lot."
"I'm willing to work for work," he laughed at his own joke, gesturing to the board game. "And, aren't saving up and investment what monopoly's all about?"
"Well, some people say finding a job is work in itself, so you just might have to," she commented. "Ah, that's true. I mean, there are other ways you can play monopoly because it's a game, but a lot of it does have to do with saving up and investments so it is a good example." She started to set the board up so they could play.
"So, what's the name of the game here?" Aiden asked.
(ooc: I don't really remember all the rules to Monopoly to be honest. I haven't played it in a long time.)

"Well, you want to be the richest player at the end of the game," Clara replied. "That counts your money and all the properties you end up having." She continued to set up the game. She pulled out all the cards and the money. Then she set it all up like it was supposed to be, giving him some money to start with.
(OOC: That's alright. I haven't played at all.)
"Okay..." he glanced down at his stack of dollars and back at the game. "So...what can I buy now?"
(ooc: It might be best to skip over some then, but I don't think I'll be able to describe well enough with not remembering much.)

"Well, technically nothing yet. We have to place out pieces on Go first and we take turns rolling the dice. You move your piece as many spaces as the dice told you to. If you land on a spot that is available to buy then you can if you want to and have enough money that it takes for you to buy it. Sometimes you land on areas that aren't for sale though, and instead want you to take a card. Sometimes you even get sent to jail and you either need to roll two ones or wait for three turns to get out."
"So, role the dice, buy whatever I land on, pick a card if it's not available, and pray I don't get sent to prison. That everything?" Aiden said.
"Well, for the most part. Though sometimes you don't have enough money to buy the land or you can choice not to. And sometimes the cards tell you to do things. Sometimes they might make you give up money or something like that," Clara replied. "But for the most part I believe that's everything. We take turns rolling. So, we have to decide who goes first."
"I'd like you to go first, so I can really see how this works," Aiden said. Clara explaining the game certainly helped, but actually watching her play would paint a better picture.
"Okay, no problem," Clara responded. She gave him a small smile. She took hold of the dice in her hands and shook them around a bit, then she threw them onto the game board and watched as they rolled around. When they stopped, she took a look at how many dots were visible and counted them. "Six. So I move six places." She had a four and a two, so she moved those six spaces and landed on a piece of land. She looked at the price towards the bottom of the square and saw that it wasn't too pricey. Usually the squares closer to go were cheaper and they got more expensive with each side. She decided to buy it and got the card for it. She put the money she spent back into the bank which was just the holder for the rest of the money.
"Okay..." picking up the dice, he rolled them in his hands, then placed them on the board. He moved his pieces five spaces and glanced down. "And...I can buy this."
He placed the correct amount on the board and grinned at Clara. "Your go."