2015 Member Shout-Outs

  • Thread starter heliacalRebirth
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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Aaaahhh, shout outs!

You, yes, you! I just want to thank you for being.....you! And all of the fun that we had in 2014. I remember when we met on the roleplay, The Wilson's Orphanage for the Parentless (or something along those lines), and your comment on how cute my character was~ ^_^ I had fun roleplaying with you during that time. And then we joined the same Group Roleplay and started talking to one another! We've become quite close since then (to the point that you even joined the Group that I created). I'm just glad that I was able to meet you and see your amazing writing and unique characters. Here's to another fun-filled year, my friend! Let's make 2015 even better~!

Jaaaaaazzzzz!!! So, to be honest, we actually didn't meet until recently when you messaged me about our characters' relationship on the roleplay, Loveability, where we first met. But, from then on, our relationship just.....soared. And I'm grateful and happy for that. Because of our relationship, I was able to join my first ever Group Roleplay and meet new people (who are all absolutely amazing). We don't know much about each other, but I do hope that, in 2015, we only become closer than what we are now. So, let 2015 be the year for bonds like no other to be formed~! (And I will always be your adorable uke. -w-)

@ForgottenBlood @Nat @XxGiaXx @IceQueen @Serpentine @andrew21234 @Dramma @Justaddnutts @Whisper @Yonsisac @Gladis @k-michelle412 @BrokenTerra @Tart @SgShallow @ElBell @Brea @FangirlingSinceBirth @firejay1 @daemon_reaver @Cyline @Cecily @Doctor Hi @slaine72 @April (I know there's more, but, you get the gist)
A MASSIVE thank you to all of the people tagged above and even to the people who aren't tagged above because I have a sucky memory. Without you (and everyone else), my time on Iwaku wouldn't have been as amazing as it was. I thank you for roleplaying with me, for talking to me, for just being really kind and thoughtful towards me. I've had (or am having) some of the most wonderful roleplays with you guys and I couldn't ask for anything better.

Also, a, like, DINOSAUR-SIZED (T-Rex, to be specific) thank you to the Staff and Volunteers of Iwaku. Without you guys, this site wouldn't even exist! So I thank you for creating such a place where we can let our minds roam freely. :3

2014 was an exciting, eventful year, yes. We can only hope for even better in 2015. So, I wish everyone a happy, healthy, roleplayful year this year! And may some, if not most, things go your way~
A few people here I definitely want to show my gratitude for,

@idlehands for being such an incredible friend over the past year and someone with whom I've built a lasting and amazing friendship with. I talk to you nearly every day, and ever since that day you PM'd me back on RPG wondering why I didn't have a fan club like some of the others, you've been a regular fixture in my life that I've always been grateful for. Thanks for getting me through a rough, thankless year; you mean more than words can properly convey.

@O|NoSoul, my partner in crime and someone I've been GMing a game that nearly lasted 3 years with. You've been a huge reason I've been so invested in roleplaying since I got back into it, and it's been something incredible. Even outside of a roleplay capacity, you've been an awesome friend and somebody I look forward to one day grabbing a beer with in the Rocky Mountains as we look for bears to fight. Also, best video game wingman a man could ask for.

@Cpt Toellner. Drift compatible. Looking forward to getting that RP started with you!

@Mosis Tosis, a regular writing partner in crime of mine who's helped create one of the most compelling and exciting character relationships I've come across in roleplaying and fleshing out a universe that they and our other group partners helped craft into something compelling and exactly why I roleplay. Your posts are always incredibly detailed and absorbing, it's like getting lost in a good novel going over our games. Here's to more crazy adventures of Tanya and Kosso going into 2015.

@Compass, a new writing partner of mine and already making quite the impact! Considering we took an extremely bare bones concept, it's already incredibly realized and I can't wait to see what happens with it. You don't always find somebody you click with for writing, but I'm definitely glad we started!

More to come, I think.
@Dervish Thanks, man! You are a top-notch writing partner and pleasant conversationalist. I'm always excited to see what you add to this story!
Happy 2015 Fijoli and everyone! Hope this year is as marvelous as the last, woo! Though I have no idea what I did for a shout out, I'm still thanking you and wishing everyone the best. Cause Iwaku rocks all the socks.
@Midian Because of your kick ass roleplays! :D
@Lady Bernkastel You're awesomeness at roleplaying and your sweeeet roleplays.

@Temper Tantrum and @Mippu
You two are super awesome and I miss you guys cause you don't come on anymore and your names are all gray now and--

@Minibit For roleplaying with me and being super cool when I couldn't think of anything anymore.

@Ozzie Chanter For strong advice and support. :D


(That's me puking my love for you guys :D)
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Awwww You are welcome ^^ im full of feels i dont know what to do with them....dose anybody whant some extra feels?

@ajwilli1 @Mrnocamera @Jakers @Nickboom @DapperDogman @Vulnus @Polubing @Lorknis @HS1342 @Dr.Forrest @TheFunsizeNinja
(Did i forget anybody?)

You guys...I have no word,you guys were me first ever RP Buddys and the ones that got me in to Role Play,It has been Long in the pass back at CDDA Forum Rolplaying and having fun,i was shy and i Suck at it and me english was Crap as....well Crap....But i started to get better and learn more by just Rolplaying with you guys and all those good times like..spellbound,....Highway...endless (HS why you kill me XD)...Good times and i will never forget that Time as you were the Birth of me RP Time and i thank you guys ^_^

@Risque_Unicorn @Nat @Jazz @IceQueen @Lewi
You girls were just the Nicest Too RP with and we had Lots of fun (Jazz is evil.....)and i wont Forget that as you girls were there for me and still are as i had TONS of fun with all Of you and i thank you for that...Now ice i have been RPing with ya since Longer time so thank you there aswell XD and i would like too RP with you girls in the Foture...Thank you so much ^^

@AlisterVanKleiss @Link
Ok...Ok you guys...are just plain Funny XD i had good times with ya and you....wierd stuff you guys did and just made me day XD i hope we will RP once again and with better ideas....and not go with crazy stuff at the start XD but i had so much fun thank you

And this is a Thank you for all of you good friends ^_^



My husbandu and Daddy to our little Iwakuian Family. I've known her for a year now, and our friendship grew slowly at first. Though he may have been a tyrannical douche bag I can say for certain that I'm glad Rouky brought us together. That was probably the only good thing he has done for us, but we were the ones who went that extra mile to help make a long lasting friendship bloom. I hope that the flower between us never withers, that it will remain strong through the winds of time and the storms that pass. You are a beautiful person inside and outside, and a wonderful friend. We've had our fair share of fights and disagreements, but a flower can't grow if it doesn't rain now and again right? Now what are more embarrassings thing I can say!? You know I love making you blush :P

Doomy is perhaps one of the best writers I've met. When I read her posts they sometimes leave me breathless. Her character ideas are phenomenal. Everything she does in role-play is worthy of praise. I'm even a bit sad at the fact that she doesn't want to be a writer! I'm glad to have her at my side in the role-plays we share, she could turn any boring role-play into something exciting.

Doomy is very pretty, I've seen what she looks like, and damn.... she's just so pretty. Her accent is adorable to! Makes my heart go doki doki. ~

Doomy is a person worthy of trust, she has never ever proved other wise in the amount of time that I've known her. I value the fact that I can rely on her to have my back during tough times, and can always be a source of advice and wisdom.

I love you Doomy!


"You are my sunshine
My darling sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You'll never know dear
How much I love you"

You are mommy's sun, maybe not even just mine but the family's in general. You might even be the glue the keeps us together for all I know! After you left for a handful of weeks people barely talked in the skype chat! We missed you terribly and I am glad to have you back on time to step forward into the new year of 2015. Sin, you always know how to bring a smile to my face, and in a world where it doesn't take much to darken my days having you around means the world to me. It's not everyday that I say this, but I need you. Everyone needs a sun of their own to brighten up their days. I'm just glad I finally found mine, I'm glad that I was blessed with a friend like you. I cheerish all the time I have with you. I hope that I offer you just as much as you have me in our friendship. I hope that we can continue to build our friendship in the coming year. I love you baby.


Mommy's little angel! You are so adorable gladis! Everything you do is so cute. I know when we first met that I was very intimidating for you, and I'm glad that we were both able to move past our formalities and really grow close. You are by far one of the nicest people on the internet that I have met, and very creative! I love every character you make because when I read through your character sheets I can always see the hard work you put into them. Your talent in graphic design is amazing, and I cannot wait to see how you'll progress from where you are now. I appreciate and respect your dedication towards the things you love, and towards your friends. You are caring and devoted young woman! I'm glad to have a friend as kind as you right now. I love you!


Mommy's prince! Her little song bird! You definitely take after mommy in some ways! I love how you are always so full of energy Dustin. We can always count on you to bring some sort of excitement to our chats. I still look forward to the day I finally get to hear you sing. I bet your voice is very soothing to the ears! Oto is an excellent role-player just like the rest, and also a good friend. He is very loyal and easy going. I'm glad I met him. I'd like for our friendship to continue to grow through out the new year. I love ya man.


Mommy's little fox! Kit-chan is always there when you need someone to talk to. She is a like-minded friend of mine whom I adore. She likes catching people in nets! Kit-chan, I know you were very intimidated by me when we first met online, and that it took a lot of courage for you to take the initiative to talk to me. I'm glad that you were able to surpass your fears, and establish a solid friendship with me. I'm glad I met you. You are a solid role-play friend whom I can count on.


Mommy's shy little sweetheart. The tsun tsun princess. I know we don't get to talk much, but you are still a part of our family! Kind of....against your will I suppose? Never mind that though! From what I can tell between the friendship you and Gladis share you are a very loyal friend. That does not go unnoticed with me, and I respect the fact that you are such a good friend to my little angel. I hope that we'll be able to solidify a friendship soon, and work together in making it grow in 2015


Wolf as earned his place in our family very quickly! I'm not sure if he's the uncle or the cuddly pet, but that doesn't really matter! All that matters is that you have proven yourself to be a very devoted friend, who doesn't mind being a voice of reason. Whether we want it or not. We've butted heads, sure, but we all do! You're worthy of respect in more ways than one, and can be very fun to talk to. I know things have not been going well for you, and I want you to know that we will be here for you when you need it. I'm glad I was able to meet someone like you, and I hope we can become closer friends this year.


~ Close Friends ~

I know we don't talk often but I want to let you know that I still consider you a close friend. You mean a lot to me and deserve my friendship. I appreciate the fact that you've stayed by my side for this long despite some of the crap I have put you through. I can say I probably haven't been the best friend to you and I am sorry for that. I hope we can continue our friendship even further with the on coming year. I'm glad I met you Jeff. I lurv you.

I'm not aware of the fact if Ali still even gets on Iwaku anymore, but she still deserves acknowledgement. Ali is a good friend despite some bumps in our friendship, but I know that nothing can be perfect. I appreciate the insane amount of generosity that Ali possesses and for helping me through some really tough times. I look up to her a lot, as should anyone. She is, or can be, and amazing person. She is fun to be around, and I'm glad I met her. I love you Ali


I am not aware if Kitty gets on anymore. Kitty is a very close friend of mine whom I know in person. We have been friends since high-school, and I can't even express how grateful I am to have her as one. She has been by my side for around five years now, and loves me and supports me no matter what I do. She is a true friend that I can count on to stay at my side. We've butt heads before, and have had our disagreements, but we were able to surpass that and strengthen our friendship. She's just a truly an amazing friend, no matter what I will always be grateful to have been her friend.

~ Some new friends along the way ~

I just want to give these people a shout out! I have met them recently, and they've been pretty kindly to me since we've met. They deserve to be acknowledged just as much as my closer friends

And all the other people that I role-play with in Rise of the Dragon Tamer's: Plauge of Ogual. You are all very talented people and it is an honor to be role-play along side you all.

And all the others that are joined my role-play Rose Witch Covenant. I appreciate that you all took an interest in this role-play and are helping it progress to the best of your capabilities. I would prefer if some of you would become more active in the OOC thread, but I trust you are all still just as much interested as the day you joined.

~ Special Guest Shout Outs ~


This may be another ploy for sempai to notice me.
doki doki
Blush blush

Thank you for helping me that one time!
(you probs dun even remember lul)

For being really nice to me in the iwaku chatbox!
(I remember when you used to call me Sony)

(I may have spelt his username wrong)
(nevermind I got it!)
He had helped me in the past. I was being harassed by some punks and he stepped in and helped me out. I still appreciate what he did for me! Many thanks, I am forever grateful.


For being so damn entertaining!

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@Fijoli I am so glad to have met you as well!

I was a member of Iwaku years ago. Life happened and unfortunately I had left for a while. Four months ago when I returned I didn't think I would be remembered in the slightest. It was to my great suprise that the following members/friends not only remembered who I was, but they remembered a lot about me. I was and am so deeply touched and thankful for these people.

@Diana PETE YOUR TAG WON'T WORK >:C @Xnijmai @Alan @Mistletoe Fairy @Britty @serge @Seiji Snow
(Probably have missed some. My apologies in advance.)

And to the new friends I have made. You have all made a huge impact on my life. As many of you know I went through a little rough patch not long ago. It was you all who pulled me through it. I am a very lucky girl to have you friends in my life.

@Muna - A very classy sassy bitch.
@Pretty Turtle - I am always in awe of your writing and imaginative abilities! (And your CAH skills...)
@serge - I'm going to be the next Jimi Hendrix because of you <3
@Seiji Snow - You are an awesome person! You can always make me laugh XD
@Red Velvet - YOU ARE WIN <3
@Beatrix - My sexy lady friend <3
@WarriorHeart - LOVE talking hunting with you :D
@Dawn - Kissing Cousins XD
@Elle - You are a great person in and out!
@Myrnodyn - You always can make me laugh as well!
@GhostJoker - Always picking a fight >:]
@Cosmos - Love ya, girl!
@VengefulPeanut - Love your drunken Skypes XD
@Apocallama - Love your writing skills!
@Razilin - My fellow rack connoisseur <3

Then there are some of you that I have not gotten to know personally, but have each touched my life. By your words, actions, and generally the person you are, has touched me in some way. To these people I say thank you :)

@Ozzie Chanter @Vay @LogicfromLogic @Jorick @Brovo

Here's to 2015! I hope to get to know you all much better! <3
Mentioned several times already...I feel the love guys. I feel the love. <3

@Amberlin @RaeChan @Cosmos @Fijoli @Muna @Pretty Turtle @Hope @Seiji Snow @The Butterfly @serge @Beatrix @Dawn @WarriorHeart @Diana @Gibs @Razilin @Vay @Myrnodyn @Elle @Alan @Kelsi Kitsune @ElBell

You have all been amazing to me in 2014 whether it be from hilarious/regular conversations to gaming. I'm glad I got to know some of you and I plan on keeping the friendships going! I was just an unknown member of Iwaku a few months back that didn't know anybody, but I grew out of my shell and decided to be known. You guys are awesome. :) Here's to the continuing awesome moments that we'll have in 2015 and here's to the new people we'll meet!

Awww thanks for the tag! I hope you had an awesome New years, and to always use your creativity to it's max!♡♡♡
I've been tagged in a thread like this!? Awesome; just... awesome.

There's always been a certain criteria for levels of friendship that I have used. I'll go from casual to serious.

People I'd commit a crime with:
@Muna @Cosmos @Pretty Turtle @serge @Dawn @Rachelxoxx3 @Adira

People I'd go to jail for:
@TheButterfly [Why won't Pete tag?] @Hope @Seiji Snow @GhostJoker @Beatrix @Lawkheart @Anya_x @Shadow @*~Nightjade~* @PureKor

People I'd kill for:
[See 'Jail' category and add me in a killing mood]

People I'd die for:
Sorry. None of you are that cool... yet.
@Adelaide for being the dearest of friends through so many ups and downs and every damn thing that's come this past year - you are beautiful (even if your avatar is terrifying >< ).

@HummingWren for becoming that most amazing of all things, a new friend.

@Laggy Lagiacrus because you crack me up, and you're ridiculous amounts of fun, and I cannot WAIT to throw down and start breaking shit with you ;)
Ooh, shout outs?? This should be fun! :D

@york You're pretty awesome. My first real friend on here, even if I'm a little strange >.> Your're cool and super talented. Being able to work with computers, make video games, and probably do other stuff I'm not too good at, it's amazing *0*. Talking to you makes my day, and you have been/are a good friend of mine now (I hope that's okay >.> XD), even if I may be annoying or over-exaggerated about scary stuff >.< It's awesome to talk about horror games and movies, giving each other tips and ideas (that pillow one is a life saver T_T). But, all and all, I'm glad that you replied to my oneXone thread, or else I probably wouldn't of had such great conversations with an awesome person :) Anyway, *hugs* Thanks so much for even talking to me and I'm so glad I can talk to you all the time ^-^

@Kitsune I haven't known you for very long, but I can already tell you're a really nice person! You're really polite and I've enjoyed starting a roleplay with you ^-^

@Kurai You're a funny guy XD When we roleplay, your little comments make me laugh and we both like Ramen!! Yum! :D

@Daisuke Yamazaki Yep, I'm calling you out, kitty man. You're funny and really random, which is a good thing! Titanic is evil, and candy corn is good.
@Fijoli - Sniff, I don't know what to say *hugs*

@Sansa Stark - for restoring my faith in OnexOnes. I'd about given up on them until RPing with you <3 you are awesome!

@Midian and @Kura - Thank you both so much! If it wasn't for the two of you I'm not sure I'd still be on Iwaku. Thank you for making it worth it to stick around. Thank you for letting me have crazy ideas. Thank you for being my friends and talking with me about stuff that matters and lots of stuff that doesn't ^^ and listening to me whine when I'd had a bad day. Plotting with you has been so much fun! <3
I look forward to more to come!

@Requiem - For giving me pokes when I need them and showing that you care. And for helping keep my motivation and letting me bounce ideas off you! ^^

@unanun - for taking over a hectic mass RP and not giving up on it yet ^^. I know I haven't been the most communicative person involved. I will try to do better :D
Alright, I'm going to do this here now since I'm on my laptop!

Let us get on with the shout outs! C:

First Shout out: @andrew21234
Reason(s): I want to thank you so much for getting me involved in the ongoing roleplay, The Wilsons. It really has helped expand my writing, and I've had such a blast with everyone in that roleplay, and I couldn't be more happier. I'm also happy that you're involved in my Asylum Of Screams roleplay, and I am positive we can get back up and running soon enough! Thanks again!~

Second Shout Out: @Kaz
Reason(s): You have also helped me in expanding my writing, because I look at your posts and I want mine to be just as good as yours! You're also super fun to talk with, and I'm glad that we have common interests and, all in all, you're a super awesome person in general. Thanks for being one of my first roleplaying buddies in this site, it will not go down as forgotten~!

Third Shout Out: @CelestialCellar
Reason(s): I know we've only met for a short amount of time, but you are a blast to roleplay with! There's never really a dull moment or lag when we answer, and that's just...awesome! You are also another person who has helped expand my writing in just the short amount of time since I look at your posts, and they are always...flawless and awesome! You're funny when making your characters do goofy things, and all in all, you're just awesome!

I would go on for the longest time for all the awesome and amazing members, but frankly I think you'd all get super tired of it ehehe.
Continue to be exceptional and creative for as long as you can, and I look forward to roleplaying with you guys once again.
I suppose I should get this out of the way.

@Hope - ily my sexy huntress ;D
@Muna - You are one of my favorite snuggle buddies :D
@Turtle - I won't roll you on to your back
@Myrnodyn - You are one kick ass friend :D
@F0X - I miss the pathfinder sessions :(
@WarriorHeart - I'm sure you'll go to jail for me... for stealing my gamecube and Zelda games
@Seiji Snow - *hugs*
@Fox - I am so glad you made it here, Qu'essan <3
@Jerelin - You have been there for me through many rough times. I hope we can be tight like sisters in the future <3
@Anya - Have fun with Jack's and the Spine's voices ;D
@Drakel - Now I will have to clean that mess witn something other than cutting the carpet :/
@GhostJoker - You will not get my buns >:-( Make your own XD
@Rain of the Night - Remember when I grabbed your bewbs?

I had an awesome time getting to know most of you in the past couple of months. If I forgot anyone, know that I still love ya. Here's to a fantastic 2015! *raises glass*
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@AkikoYukito -For bearing with me when I was a delinquent roleplayer and for being an awesome person to plot with.

@Dip -For being a lot of fun to play and plot with and coming up with really cool characters.

@Polystical- For the shoutout and for being an awesome roleplay partner!

@Falcon - For asking questions that make me think, struggle, ponder, stay up all night working, and grow as a writer. Also, for all of the awesome plotting sessions <3!

@Kura - For helping me get Saving the World off the ground, listening to all my stupid idea rough drafts, and IRL helping me through the worst year of my life to date. Also, for all the cupcakes <3
You were one of the founding members of the Wilson's and I'm really glad that it was a success thanks for being one of my second in commands, especially when things were getting crazy

@Tart I wasn't sure about letting you join at first, as we already had so many members keeping things straight was kinda hard, but I am really glad I decided to let you in, it would have been stupid of me not to, also the asylum is going to be revived!

@Outlaw Justice you have had so many names that it is hard to keep track of you haha, but I still think of you as Justice hunt, you were also a founding member of the Wilson's and helped to make it what it is today (even if Stelios is a jerk haha)

@Dramma we don't talk much but you are a big part of the Wilson's and your name could not be better (seriously all the drama you caused when you first joined the group made my head hurt haha)

@SgShallow you have been very loyal to the Wilson's, not to bash anyone else but you are mainly the reason the Wilson's have been around this long, you always post when things are slow trying to get things back going so thanks :)

@Kitsune Skye and Xavier moments warm my heart, seriously I love them haha, Summer is a devil, but Skye makes up for that haha. I am always happy when I see you posted and I think "okay what did Skye say now?....and what trouble has Summer caused"

Thank you everyone who is a part of the Wilson's I'm not sure if anyone knows this but IRL I am depressed, but RPing especially the Wilson's helps to turn a bad day into a semi good one haha. The thread struggled there for a little but but I am glad all of you stuck around, I am starting to ramble but I just want all of you to know that you all help me to enjoy life, even if I only get to RP with you guys a few posts a day.....if I am lucky haha, but overall thanks guys :)
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