1x1 with Ashlio

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Oz had came upon the bathroom when he heard the sob, then hearing the water run. He knew the technique, he had used before. Making his way from there, he spotted his siblings. "Hey tell simen he wont have to worry about me now. Im not staying with them anymore, stay in this relationship. I didnt want to make someone cry.." oz said heading for the door. Oz thought that was best cause for action, it would make simen happy and cause less trouble for everyone.
Simen came back out after about fifteen minutes, his eyes stil red, but he had managed to calm down a bit. Until he couldn't see Oz that is, and his heart started racing again. "Wh-where is Oz?" he asked the sister, his voice weak and shaking.
Oz's sister spotted Simen there, as she looked away with sad look. Looking at him now, "He left, and went to go back to his house. He told he will not live with you either of you and will ending the relationship with Rene. He didn't want to make you cry again," She explained. "I heard him talking nonsense..like stopping the process of the restraining order. He thinks, he rather make himself cry then someone else. Oz told us both, about the relationship privately..."
Simen just looked at her, eyes growing wider. Oz had left him...and René, because of him. And now Simen was alone, surrounded by strangers, with no idea where he was. How was he going to get home? He didn't remember what bus they had taken, he didn't even remember their address right now. "Okay..." he whispered and slowly walked out of the restaurant, his breathing getting more strained.
SHe went after him, she stopped infront of him. "I want to know something. Do you even care about my brother? If you did, you would try to find him. If you want, i can take you home so you don't lose yourself here.." She said.
It would probably have hurt less if she just hit him. The logic part of his brain would have thought he had let Oz into his life and home, gone on the buss for him, and met his family...why would she think he didn't care? But that part of the brain didn't work right now, the panic one was the one in control. She was right! He should be looking for Oz, but he had no idea where Oz was. Or himself. "I just... I..." he gasped, sucking in big gulps of air. "I can't... can't breath..." He started falling to the side, grabbing after anything nearby to stead himself.
She noticed how Simen reacted, as she caught him in her arms. Rubbing her back, "Calm yourself, just breathe in and out. You are safe at this restaurant, don't you worry about that," she reassured him. She was use to be there, the one who made sure to try to help them. She acted like a big sister to everyone really. "Simen, I know you must care. It must be hard for you, but I am telling you the truth when i say this. My brother would never try to steal Rene from you, he wants a relationship with both him and you.."​
He listened to her while he concentrated on taking deep breaths. "What are...you talking about?" he asked, looking confused. He had never wanted Oz to leave, never said anything to him...had he? Because he hadn't ment to. "I'm sorry," he sobbed and started crying. "I tried my best to make him comfortable, I even went on the buss with him. I didn't mean to do anything wrong!" He was shaking and crying hard again, unable to stand on his own. "I need to go home..." he sobbed and hid his face. Crying on the street only made his panic worse. "Please..."
He listened to her while he concentrated on taking deep breaths. "What are...you talking about?" he asked, looking confused. He had never wanted Oz to leave, never said anything to him...had he? Because he hadn't ment to. "I'm sorry," he sobbed and started crying. "I tried my best to make him comfortable, I even went on the buss with him. I didn't mean to do anything wrong!" He was shaking and crying hard again, unable to stand on his own. "I need to go home..." he sobbed and hid his face. Crying on the street only made his panic worse. "Please..."
She slowly nodded, as she kept holding onto him. "I will take you home," She said leading him to the car. At the car, she moved to open the door. Once he was inside, she started the car as she heard her phone go off. Answering the phone, she let out a sigh of relief. "Oz I am so glad I heard from you. Where are you....Oh you are there, good. Stay there..." She said hanging up after couple minutes. Starting to drive there, "Where is this place? My brother with a neighbour. I am so glad he is safe.."​
Simen managed to take his seat belt on even though his hands were shaking. After thinking hard for a few seconds, he remembered his address and told it to her. "I-I'm sorry," he sniffed when she talked about Oz. "I don't know what I did to make him leave." He started crying hard again, feeling terrible. "I'm a horrible person."
Simen managed to take his seat belt on even though his hands were shaking. After thinking hard for a few seconds, he remembered his address and told it to her. "I-I'm sorry," he sniffed when she talked about Oz. "I don't know what I did to make him leave." He started crying hard again, feeling terrible. "I'm a horrible person."
She continued to drive on, as she started to drive to where the address was. "Don't be," She started. "He was worried, he heard you crying. He thought he was the issue, so why not remove the problem.." She explained. "Do you want to go straight home..or get Oz?"
"Get Oz," he answered right away. René would be furious if he didn't get him, plus he too wanted Oz to be safe. "Then home. Please," he said weakly and closed his eyes. He felt horrible, like a big failure. He was a big failure, he knew that, and everyone could see it. Even Oz's brother had commented on it.
She took a turn and went down the streets, as she parked in the complex where Oz lived. "Here we are, are you gonna come with me or am I just getting him?" She asked as she undid her seat belt and grab the keys out of ignition.
"Can I please wait here?" he asked softly and looked at her, tears still running down his face. "I'm sorry..." He would have followed if he thought he wouldn't faint on the way.
She had left the car, as she went go grab her brother from his neighbor's place. They were talking on the way there;
"Oz, Simen is with me. You should go back, and you scared the poor guy I think..." She told him as Oz looked away from his sister.
"H-He is. I thought he would just forget about me," Oz said as they got to the car. She got into driver seat, as Oz just went into backseat, not saying a word at all.
Simen didn't dare look at him. And he tried to talk, but not words would come out of his open mouth, so he just sat there in silence, crying.
Oz was the one who spoke out, as his sister was quiet on the drive. "Simen. I thought..it would have been better to stay out your life.."
Simen shook his head a bit and sniffed. "I want you there..." he said softly, staring at his lap. He then swallowed and took a deep breath. "René doesn't know, but I was fired..." He wiped his tears and then hugged himself. "I haven't told him yet..."
Oz heard what he said, as blush crept on his face. "You want me there..." Oz said outloud. Though when Simen told them the news, Oz was in shock. "You mean, Rene doesn't know. You got fired, you need to tell him.." Oz told Simen. "I will be there, so you can tell him.​
Simen shook his head and closed his eyes. "He's going to be so disappointed... He doesn't need to know, I have enough money saved until I can find a new one," he said and wiped his cheeks again. "Please don't tell him," he said and finally turned his head to look at Oz.
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