Yu-Gi-OH High

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Joey blinks seeing Anastasia take shelter behind him. He looks to Tristan and says "Uh..Hello Tristan. We've got to do something here." He then says to himself as he looks to the Kaiba brothers ~Though I'm not exactly sure what really..Haven't seen mind control attacks much so I don't have much experience in fending one off..I mean Noah did it to Mokuba before but he used a different method than what Zigfried used just now..And then Marik did it to me before but he also did his attack different as he used his millennium rod thing..~

And speaking of him, no one was aware of it yet, Zigfried obviously didn't have any clue, but Mokuba and Seto Kaiba's stepbrother, Noah Kaiba had returned. He had been back for about 5 months now. The only problem was though, he didn't know how to approach his two stepbrothers again, as he and Seto really didn't hit off in a positive manner when they met the last time..okay that was an understatement..Noah had made Seto near hate him with all the brainless actions he pulled..and then he found out that his father, Seto and Mokuba's stepfather, Gouzoburo Kaiba was just using him to get himself out and take his own long waited revenge on Seto. Mokuba had forgiven Noah in the end so he could possibly count on Mokuba wanting him back with them, but after he had been such a complete bonehead, Noah didn't think that Seto had forgiven him for what he had done just yet. So instead of showing himself and risking cause any more havoc on them, Noah got an apartment, not exactly so near as to where they would be running into him that often, but near enough so he could keep an eye on them and he was intending to protect them if they needed him to.

But now another problem was brewing up a storm and Noah knew it. Kaiba corp had no leader anymore for the moment, considering that Seto and Mokuba were both under Zigfried's control because of the cursed roses of his. And Kaiba corp wasn't the same business anymore as Noah knew it to be, for when Noah was preparing and training to run it himself when he was a kid, it was a company that was building vehicles and other types of supplies for war. And when Seto took it over he completely rebuilt it from the ground up as he turned it into a gaming corporation. Noah wasn't so sure of himself as of how he could lead a gaming company, as he wasn't trained in anyway towards that. But he knew that for however long it took for Yugi and the others to over power Zigfried and get Seto and Mokuba back to normal, someone was going to have to become a substitute president and take Seto's place and position at Kaiba corp.

Soon a second individual, the one that Mokuba was looking for to come to the school, comes and stands behind Noah. She had met Mokuba in person the only one time, when they were both in Seto Kaiba's virtural adventure land game, and she resembled Mokuba in almost every sense of the word, the only difference between them being that she was a girl while Mokuba was a boy. Yugi had said it though it was never pursued sense, but he had said there was a possibility of her being twins with Mokuba, they looked so much alike. Adina didn't know very much towards that fact yet, but she did know she connected with Mokuba somehow during that encounter, though at the time she didn't know why, only that he pretty much mirrored her. Seeing Mokuba in trouble, hence the curse Zigfried had placed on him, and also on the other possible brother of hers, Seto Kaiba, Adina although knowing even less about what her brothers business lives are like or what they do, but having been told by Mokuba about why Seto was attacked and trapped in his own game, it having been 5 of their own employees that performed the attack, to which Mokuba had to enlist the help of Yugi and the others in order so he could follow and help his brother escape the trap they put him in. And that probably, if the five of them had found out about Adina's existence, than they probably devised a plan to trap her in the game too, Mokuba case though being him not knowing that that was what really did happen, as he thought while Yugi said the possibility of Mokuba and Adina being twins could have been true, he had no proof yet towards that nor prior knowledge of Adina's existence until that encounter, and then having heard that Seto might have made her character based on him made sense to Mokuba as well, his brother being the one that created the game, and it's other prototype gaming pods that were already made, having not been released to the public yet.
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Anastasia knew she was possibly in danger too,So she went outside and his behind Noah.She was a PEGASUS but She knew Noah would listen to what she'd seen and believe her.She began to tell them what happened.She has tears running down her cheeks cause of how she felt for LEON.

Mai couldn't believe what had happened.She was stunned,Sitting two rows above Yugi and his friends.She came down," need help him?" She asked joey.

Melody,Ana's sister being a schroeder ally started playing die in a fire out loud in order to distract the passing principal from the curses.

Siegfried smirked,"Leon find your girlfriend please.." He said with a thick German accent.Yes all was going according to plan.

Mokuba looked at LEON,Deciding to see if he could find his girlfriend.(you be LEON k?)

Leon nods and says "Okay Zigfried." As he turns to go find her, he starts to feel a bit uneasy suddenly. Leon knows that Anastasia is half Kaiba as well as half Pegasus. He doubts Zigfried knows anything towards that fact. But he knows his older brother might have become suspicious about something when he saw Anastasia duck and hide behind Joey after both Seto and Mokuba Kaiba were cursed. And he knows Zigfried might want to question her. This is of course all speculation on his part, sense Leon didn't know for sure what his brother wanted with Anastasia. Leon breathes in and out a couple of times as he's heading to the door of his brother's classroom trying to calm himself. When Leon opens the door and walks out into the hallway, he doesn't see her anywhere though.

What he doesn't know yet is that Noah and Adina had taken Anastasia to another hallway to talk sense before she spoke with them she said that she didn't want Zigfried to hear her, nor did she want him finding out that she herself was part Kaiba as well.

Leon looks for her though and about 25 minutes later he finds the hallway she's in and he sees Anastasia standing with Noah and Adina, Leon himself not knowing who Noah and Adina are yet, though he does notice the resemblance that Adina possesses, seeing her to look like Mokuba at first sight in his eyes. Leon kinda suspects that Noah and Adina might be of Kaiba blood themselves due to this, but considering Zigfried doesn't know about Noah and Adina's existance yet, Leon not wanting anyone else getting hurt in any way, especially not Anastasia, he decides it might be best to not tell his brother about this encounter between her, Noah and Adina, nor what he suspects about Noah and Adina's identites. Leon knows he has to take her back before Zigfried himself comes to look for her and him. He approaches and says "Um Anastasia?..My brother Zigfried..he asked me to come find you."

Bakura is still sitting at his desk in the classroom focused on Zigfried considering his most recent actions that took place today. He had heard about it when Zigfried had cursed Mokuba with one of his roses this morning, and even though he didn't see that event take place, he definitely saw proof in Mokuba's eyes when Mokuba came into the room with Anastasia and Leon. And then he saw Zigfried inflict a curse on Seto as well just moments ago when Seto demanded Zigfried let Mokuba go. And just now when Zigfried told Leon to find Anastasia, Bakura didn't know what to expect Zigfried to want her for. His ring was still active and he knew he could do it if need be and use the power of his ring to protect Anastasia with instead of using it to block her from reading him, as one of the facts about him was that he was her sibling, even though they were only half siblings due to Bakura's mother having been Cecelia her having had Bakura and dying while giving birth to him, his and her father Maximillion Pegasus, being so mentally broken at the time that he didn't even want the doctors to reveal what had taken Cecelia's life, therefore Pegasus' coworker Anthony, who was with Maximillion at the hospital waiting to see the results as to what was wrong when they brought Cecelia in because she was suffering from severe complications in her abdomen, had to find a home for Bakura, as the doctors told him about Cecelia dying during childbirth and Maximillion Pegasus surely was in no shape to contemplate raising a child in the state he was in. And so after taking his boss home, Anthony came back for Bakura, and called the man who became Bakura's adopted father, who just happened to be one of Maximillion's friends that he knew as well. But sense Anastasia doesn't know all of this yet, as she had a different mother and had never met Bakura during their childhood, Bakura still doesn't know about how he'd even begin to explain it to her.
Anastasia had a feeling she had been found out for the truth. She sighed,"Alright I admit it I'm part Kaiba.Please don't make me go back..."(LEON should turn evil as his brother after this)

Melody sensing her cousin was Introuble quickly left the classroom
Leon "It'll be alright. I highly doubt Zigfried knows yet of the fact that your part Kaiba. I found out the truth about you a while ago but I never told him. So I think he just wants to talk to you. You're my girlfriend. And my brother probably wants to clear the air a bit between you two. I mean I personally don't care if you're part Kaiba or not. I still care about you Anastasia. And if he tries anything, I promise I won't let him hurt you. I'll take it before he does any kind of action towards you."
"Thank you LEON.."Anastasia said,Smiling.She dragged noah with her.
Leon "Of course" He smiles back at her and heads back to his brother while holding her hand.

Noah instructs Adina to stay where they were in the hallway so she won't get hurt by Zigfried just incase Noah himself is attacked as well. Adina would also need to take responsibility for Kaiba Corp herself if something were to happen to him.

So Adina does as she is told and waits there. She's not sure at all how she's going to run the company by herself though if something did happen to Noah. She didn't know anything, where at least Noah knew how to run a company, even if he wasn't trained to run a gaming corporation.
Anastasia sighed keeping noah beside her.

Siegfried dug the truth up while we were gome and flung roses at ll 3 of us.

"DUCK!!" Melody yelled 3 deck ds too late
Bakura sees the rose as Zigfried flings it at his younger sister and he sees it hit her. He then looks to Noah, who's trying to resist the effects of the curse and walk over to the side with Seto and Mokuba after taking it in his arm, but Seto and Mokuba take hold of him when he reaches them, not really hard, but having enough of a grip to stop Noah from proceeding any further. Bakura's not sure as to what the deal was with Zigfried aiming one for his own brother though, for Leon was already a von schroeder so it wasn't as if he needed to be hit. He turns and looks to Joey and Tristan and then turns back and stands up as he eyes his little sister Anastasia, Noah Kaiba, and Zigfried's own brother as the curses start to take them over. He clenches his fists taking a deep breath as his anger builds, but he's not sure how to handle this one, as he doesn't know what kind of curse this is of what it'd do yet if interfered with, and with what'd be at stake, he knew he had to be careful. He wonders just what Zigfried's motives are, as he knows of Zigfried's rivalry with the Kaiba's not that it made it any less confusing, but his sister Anastasia, even though her blood from the Kaiba family runs strong, her Pegasus blood, their father's blood runs stronger in her still. And then Zigfried cursing his own brother, when he didn't really need to, just didn't make sense to him.

Yugi meanwhile is sitting in his own class himself and he's beginning to wonder where Anastasia, Mokuba, and Leon could have run off to, as they've been gone for over 45 minutes now.
Anastasia smirked holding LEON and noah making out with both of them in the middle of the classroom.She enjoyed the eyes on them.

Mokuba just blinked," Noah making out with your own stepsister now are you?"

Luna sighed knowing she was too late.She cried that her cousins were gone forever
Noah didn't know how to respond to Mokuba's question, Anastasia being the one that started making out with him, and it had taken him totally by surprise. As she was making out with Leon at the same time though, Noah didn't feel that comfortable. And as for Zigfried's rose, it was all the way in, the curse having coursed through him, but for some reason it wasn't taking as much effect on him, either that or the rose that hit him was just slower to take effect, than the ones had been that hit Seto, Mokuba, Leon, and Anastasia. Noah still had his original memories, and the von schroeder family memories, due to the cursed rose that hit his arm, were only adding to them but they weren't taking him over. He didn't know how two sets of memories could be in his mind, in fact it seemed impossible and it wasn't the same with the others apparently, but either way, Noah knew that Anastasia was part Kaiba due to his original memories still being there, so he knew Mokuba was telling the truth about him and Anastasia being step-siblings, that also conflicting with Noah's comfort limits, no matter if, considering the rose's curse, she was a von schroeder now or not. Noah got himself out of Anastasia's grip and just backed up to the wall, and takes a couple of breaths trying to collect himself.

Noah, his back is to the wall, looks over to Luna seeing her tears, knowing that she's hurting the fact that she thinks that all three of them had been taken over, even though it was really only Mokuba and Seto who were fully possessed. But at the same time Noah's also thinking about Adina, the fact that she was the only one left of the Kaiba family not to have been cursed. For her sake, Noah figures it best to keep the fact that he knew who he really was still sealed from Zigfried, considering the fact that Zigfried may not have ever been aware of Adina at all, due to the fact that she had been taken to a different orphanage than her brothers Seto and Mokuba, and then while Seto and Mokuba were adopted into Noah's family, she was fostered and grew up in a different family, the only time Adina had ever made contact with them being when Seto was trapped in the game he invented, and she had met her twin brother Mokuba who had come into the game with Yugi and Joey at his side to rescue Seto. And as Mokuba's mind was now possessed due to the curse, there was no way Mokuba was even going to remember who Adina was now to give any information about her to Zigfried, considering that Mokuba was the only one who even knew about her existence, the fact that Adina said that Seto probably wasn't even paying attention when he met her at the end of the game, considering that before hand, Mokuba had been hurt by the Mythic Dragon in the game, as it was aiming at Seto himself and Mokuba had jumped in front and took the hit, and as a result, disappeared. And then Adina, playing the Mystical Elf, or rather the princess in Seto's game, transformed herself before she brought Mokuba, as well as Joey and Mai, who while fighting the Mythic dragon, also lost and disappeared. So she had the Mystical Elf's form when the five of them finished and left the game. And Noah, having found out the truth about Adina's existence himself, and about her being Seto and Mokuba's sister just hours ago, wasn't going to say a word about it to Zigfried either.

As for Leon, he braced himself at first, as he was also a little caught off guard with Anastasia's sudden move onto him. But after the initial shock wears off of him, Leon relaxes and hugs Anastasia kissing her back.

Bakura decides to look out for the teacher of his class, or his sister's, Leon's, and Mokuba's, teacher, as he knew the teacher's assembly would be over soon, and both teachers would be arriving back to the classrooms shortly thereafter, his sister and Leon being completely unaware of this at the present moment. With his ring active still in order to keep Anastasia from reading him, Bakura stands up from his desk and walks over to the door of the classroom to keep a lookout.

Tristan, unlike Joey and Bakura, had been lost in his thoughts, not that he did it on purpose, he had witnessed all that took place in their classroom, but his family's situation as it stood was keeping his focus split two ways from just about everything else around him, his school work included, for he did it all, but wasn't halfway paying attention to what he was doing while he did his assignments.
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The teacher vme back to find the makeout and looked ticked."Sheppards office now you two!" She snapped

ANA Winifred having been caught
Leon blinked when he saw Zigfried's teacher. He didn't say anything to her, but just did as he was told. He first told Anastasia that everything would be okay seeing that his brother's teacher scared her a bit, and then Leon walked on out of the room and went to the principal's office.

Joey and Bakura sat back down in their seats quickly, as did Zigfried and Seto, Seto motioning to Mokuba to leave and go back to his classroom before his teacher noticed him in the room as well.

Noah still in a daze though, stays standing with his back at the wall next to the window.
Anastasia sat in Sheppards office with LEON,Bracing herself to get yelled at.

Mokuba quickly snuck back to his classroom before his teacher noticed he was missing,Having taken 5 cursed roses with him.

Melody and Luna stood together by the same window as Noa,Both crying over their lost sister/Stepsister
Noah comes out of the daze a few minutes later, and seeing Lina and Melody crying tries his best to comfort them, but after a few minutes figures that they'd better sit down as well before there teacher turns her attention to them. Noah heads to his desk and sits down in it. He puts his hand to his head as he does the work assignments that are listed on the board.

At Sheppards office, Leon sits with Anastasia trying to help her calm her nerves before the principal comes in to see them there.

Back in his classroom, Tristan meanwhile after getting his assignments from the chalkboard done, gets up from his desk and takes them to his teacher handing them to her.

Bakura and Joey get their assignments done shortly after and do the same as Tristan does.
Anastasia sighed,Falling asleep in the chair beside LEON as Sheppards hasn't cAme yet
Principal Sheppards comes into his office, Leon nudging Anastasia to wake her up so she won't get into anymore trouble.

Sheppards "Well I hear from a teacher, one other than yours, that you two were making out in her classroom in front of her entire class. Would you mind telling me why you were doing that? And an explanation as to why you were out of your own classroom at the time classes were in session would be great to hear as well."
Amnastasia explained to shppard with a sigh, " We had a feeling our older siblings were in danger and when we went near siegfried, he cursed us. Now, the makeout thing was just because we feALT LIKE IT.." SHE SAID. "bESIDES- tHERE WERE MANY PEOPLE NOT WORKING aNNYWAY
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Leon looked at the principal after Anastasia gave her explanation to him. Leon himself shruggs his shoulders. Truth be told when Anastasia started making out with him like that all of a sudden, it kind of threw Leon into shock. And the fact that Anastasia did it right after his brother's cursed rose hit her, Leon he wasn't sure how she really felt, even while he was making out with her, as she never took that kind of action with him before the rose hit her arm, not to mention she was making out with Noah at the same time as well at first before Noah squirmed to get himself out of Anastasia's girp.

Noah was sitting at his desk finishing up the assignments that were list on the board. Noah was of course alert, as he came to from the daze he fell under. But as for him being where he was able to pay full attention, Noah was still sort of out of it.
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