Would you rather..

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An ear. Seems like losing some functionality in your hands would cause you a lot more grief.

Would you rather sound like you've been sucking helium all the time, or have a rainbow afro?
I would rock the shit out of a rainbow afro

Would you rather re-enact scenes from platoon with charlie sheen, or go to your own funeral as a guy named Phil Schifley?
Id make Willem Dafoe look like an amateur

Would you rather Have breakfast With Hitler Or Dinner With Stalin
Breakfast with Hitler. I don't know why. I just want to see what he orders. Maybe something weird.

Would you rather play a flute or a piano?

Would you rather...

Be alone or surrounded by a huge crowd of people you didn't know?
Alone. I'm ninja like that.

Would you rather hang with Will Smith or Chris Brown?
Will Smith...Fresh Prince. Awh yeah.

Buried alive or Burned alive?
Burned. Faster, I think.

Would you rather dance naked for five minutes in front of a group of people you've never met, or cross-dress for five hours with your friends?
Dance naked. I'm not scared!

Eat rotten food.. or .. Eat what you absolutely hate?
Depends what kind of rotten food it is.. Cheese is technically spoiled xD I think I'd rather force down something I hate otherwise, though

Would you rather be in a circus or go bungee jumping?
Circus, I'm a freak. :P

A pet lion or a pet snake?
Lion because I AM A BADASS

Covered in killer bees or chased by a shark?
Chased by a shark. Bees will sting me relentlessly ;_;

Rather be a witch or a super soldier?
WITCH FTW - Especially a L4D witch xD

Would you rather have to eat everything in astronaut form for the rest of your life [AKA PASTE] orrrr only be able to eat one food for the rest of your life?
One food. I will never eat crawfish in the form of paste. -__-

Would you rather be a zombie or a vampire thrall?
Vampire thrall - I prefer their biting style xD

Would you rather lick (deep) in someone's bellybutton, or suck on someone's toe?
The toe is so much more Sensual
Would you rather live in a pineapple under the sea, or A giant Peach
Considering my first name is James, and I can't breathe under water, A giant peach is preferred.

Would you rather be able to materialize any outfit you can imagine onto your body with a perfect fit,


would you rather be able to change your hairstyle to any shape, color, length at will?
The outfit, hands down. Instant cosplay! :D

Would you rather be handed ten thousand dollars right now, or never have to pay for lunch ever again?
...I pay for lunch? Moneh please.

Would you rather lose a hand or a foot?
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