Word Syndrome

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What voice? I'm blaming the squirrel.~
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Look, the Soviet and the Facist in my head are currently having an arguement. Its making it hard to have a conversation with you. They are being REALLY FUCKING LOUD RIGHT NOW AND IT IS REALLY RUDE!
Plot twist:

It was the Starchy Root-Vegetafeline all along. The dirty bastard!
TFW Iwaku doesn't alert you again.

Fuck you, Iwaku!
It's okay. I love you anyway, Iwaku.~
Luna: So, you're telling me a cat root-vegetable is trying to steal our spotlight?
****: Pretty much so.
Mor: ...
Luna: M-Mor-san?
Mor: ... *gets out RPG-76 Komar* Address, please.
Luna: Wait! We still need to kill his character! Then we can blow him up!

Hey, everyone! I'm home and ready for work! XD After a good night's sleep, I'm well-rested and in shape... Well, maybe not physically in shape, but mentally I am! Megami, you sure change your name fast. Would you mind sending me a PM regarding what that first part of your post was all about? We'll definitely have to working things out.
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Haaahhahahahahhahahhahahaahahahhaa crazy people with crazy complot theories.... I can't help butlove it xD

Also... *Slowly raises a hand* Phooooooones ... I pmed yooouu ._.
And a reply has been given~
Megumi, I'm still thinking about your case. It might take me another hour or so to give you feedback, so please excuse the delay.

I know we're not in top speed guys, but I'll do my best to get this rolling. Me and Ahri are doing a little collab. Ali will get hers done after she calms down, sweet girl she is. Spark/Aza will have to post -_-
Ace, if you're having any trouble with your reply, let me know, ok?

Well, seeing as I'm here, I might as well share some music =3

Luna: So my style ^^
Mor: Hmph, it's chill.
A cookie for you, Headphones-san.~

~is definitely not a kiss ass~

But seriously, take your time. XD
A cookie for you, Headphones-san.~

~is definitely not a kiss ass~

But seriously, take your time. XD
O.o How?.... Megumi, I literally just ate a cookie before seeing your post... Thanks! It was delicious! X3
How what? XD Didn't you see my rating on your post?
How what? XD Didn't you see my rating on your post?
I did. It merely amused me that you "gave me a cookie" just when I ate a cookie in real life. =P
Iwaku is amazing like that. Except for when it doesn't alert you.
What did I say about music?\

That I would respond with full force.

And yes, this is by the same guy as the last one...... He is what I've been listening to most recently....
LOL, I smiled so much! Ah, Lelouch of the Rebellion. Good times. Good times. So much destruction. So much inspiration.

What did I say about music?\

That I would respond with full force.

And yes, this is by the same guy as the last one...... He is what I've been listening to most recently....
Nice try ;) I got a buggy ad from your video.


Turn up the volume at the beginning if you can't hear, and gradually turn it down as the song progresses.
Then Aza is over here like, "Fuck ya'll. Here is a half an hour Pink Floyd song." XD
Hehe, good one Spark. If we're going old, then lets get old >=3 This one cracks a smile for me every time:

Then Aza is over here like, "Fuck ya'll. Here is a half an hour Pink Floyd song." XD
I was only aiding the righteous cause of the Potato.

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