Word Syndrome

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Well, if a group was profiting heavily off of your terror attacks, maybe you wouldn't appreciate all that much. Just a theory of course. Very easily could be wrong.
Plot twist: Mor and Luna paid Ryali and Ryuki to kill Mr. Dwight. JK, JK. XD
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Plot twist: Mor and Luna paid Ryali and Ryuki to kill Mr. Dwight. JK, JK. XD
I don't think they would. I mean, they can blow up entire buildings, and seem to like taking credit. Adding other people into the equation just adds risk.
Twas why I was joking. X3 Ryali and Ryuki tend to stay under the radar anyway. Mor and Luna would still get the credit, so long as Ryali and Ryuki got the cash. XD
Twas why I was joking. X3 Ryali and Ryuki tend to stay under the radar anyway. Mor and Luna would still get the credit, so long as Ryali and Ryuki got the cash. XD
Hmm, there needs to be a rating that communicates enjoyment of another's post comically
Indeed there should be. Cookies work well though. XD
There needs to be a rating for ratings, so I can give you a cookie for giving me a cookie.~
1. I'm not receiving notifications from the OOC thread for some reason.
2.......I don't even.... Ryali..... Oh, just you wait. Just you wait till I come home. ......... Uhhhh, lecture time. I'll be going home tonight. From then on, things are sure to get lively.
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There needs to be a rating for ratings, so I can give you a cookie for giving me a cookie.~
At that point it becomes pretty self-serving for the vain members to provide positive ratings, or for the spiteful to reciprocate negative ratings.
Do I get a cookie, Mr. Headphones? :3
Plot twist:

Fire was actually started by a stupid intern who tried to microwave is ex's wire lined pantyhose.
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I can imagine just the worlds worst arson detective. "Yeah, well uh, I see here that there are pieces to a thermite based incendiary device here, but I think that the real source of the fire was the man smoking the cigarette."
Hella mad intern.~
It was the man that tossed his match to the side that did it.
It's not my fault there was a rope leading to live dynamite just sitting on the sidewalk. :/
Yeah, can't blame you for your actions. Hell, it was all the voice's idea!
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