Wolves on the loose

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... You want something 'bad' to happen...? I could take care of that e-e

Nah, mistah messed my plan up ;3;
lol hay everyone just try and keep it more than one line, we want it to go deep like Sinderi, and Mistah J
Make a very detailed eating session, how the bones crack between your fangs 'nstuff
.... Tsk, forget him FOOD

I mean, he could have eaten when it was still warm >_> and he walked away so yeah... -mutters- bastard...
*Shrug* Tsumetai wants him to eat first. He might be happier with a full belly.
You could always say you hear shadow yelling 'Ashta, Ashta!" and run over thinking some one is in trouble.
I want to eat the puppy. :3 I also want to go play Skyrim, but if I do I might not come back.
You could always say you hear shadow yelling 'Ashta, Ashta!" and run over thinking some one is in trouble.

I'm not quite sure what Ashta is. XD Eh, I'll put her to roam around the woods. -Posts-
Yeah... I want to eat the pup as well...

Oh and wysteria, Ashta is a player, read her CS ^^
Mmmmm.........pup kebab. I'm gonna go play Skyrim. :3 I gotz Dragon Priests to hunt down.
Going to cook my 'pack' some food, watch out for the arrows shadow >o>
oh good, I'm not chicken or rice =P
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