Wolf Pack RP

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Ahh)) Snow just glared at Fang then ran out to the forest.
"dammit" he chased after her because he feared what would happen if he didn't.
Snow grumbled as she walked to the river and sat down, staring at her reflection.
he had finally caught up to snow. he walked up behind her. "whats wrong pup."
She stoood up and growled. "Dont call me that! You are the problem, bringing in loners like youre the Alpha! How do you know that she's not working for the Star Light Pack and she was sent here to get information onus and our camp?!"
fang looked at the reflection. "manx has been with us for 2 years. this other wolf has no scent or traces of anything star light." he looked a snow. if your not happy with me ill leave. thats when he heard rustling. he immediatly put himself in between snow and the sound.3 star light pack members come out. star light pack members: look what what we have here." "snow run now" fang prepared to fight off the 3 rival wolves
Snow hung her head. She didn't mean that..she just wanted to show that she could protect the pack too....

When the three rival pack wolves appeared, she growled and stood by him. "You cant fight these mutts off by yourself mouse-brain!"
"go now, i promised your father that i would let nothing happen to you. now go thats an order."
Snow just grinned. "The thing about orders, I never listen." With that, she lept at the nearest rival wolf.
dammit he leapt at another wolf at immediatley over powered it. then leapt at the second.
Snow and the wolf tumbled, growling and biting at each other. They were roling dangerously close to the river.
after overpowering the second .fang rushed over to the pile that was rolling he managed to pin the third.
"no you werent" he looked at the river "another 6 inches both of you would be in there."
"lets get back to the cave before anymore show up pup"
Soul had slept in later than the other members of the pack, by the time he woke up, there was no one in the cave. He stood up and stretched, walking outside. After sniffing the air Soul walked over towards where Fang and Snow were. "What I miss?"
fang looked at soul. "oh just the usual. me over powering 3 starlight wolves."
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