Will you unlock my ♡? (Reverse Harem RP)

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"Hey.." Dani said quietly as she sat down next to Joe. "You alright? Your voice sounds a bit shaky.." She looked at Joe and nodded a bit at his question. "Yeah..kind of.." She mumbled, looking down.
"I'm fine" Joe mutters, but it was clear this wasn't the case
He opens the parcel and takes out half a ham sandwich, handing it to Dani "You're not vegetarian or anything...Right?"
He seems to be deep in thought, chewing slowly, not saying anything
"Of course not. Thank you." She smiled, taking half of the sandwhich. "So...are you planning on staying up here the rest of the day?" She asked, taking a small bite.
"Not really..." he mutters, finishing his half of the sandwich, and pulling out a small pastry, breaking it in two and setting part of it down by Dani, sighing quietly
"Thank you.." Dani said softly, looking at the pasty. She sighed, remembering what happened last period. "Me..and that boy are partners for a project.." Dani said softly, eating the rest if her part of the sandwhich.
"What kind of project?" he asks, looking at her, his face is...colder then normal, not much emotion
Internally he was hurt...that this boy had come out of no-where, and had made things so awkward...that there was some kind of game that he was in...

What hurt him the most was that he didn't remember ever having known Dani...and this scared him...He didn't know her, so it wasn't his key...at least that's how he saw it
"A project for English..nothing too great.." She muttered, finishing her sandwhich and grabbing the half pastry. She looked at Joe and saw there wasn't much emotion in his face. "Something wrong?" She asked, tilting her head.
"It's just this business with the keys" he whimpers "I don't remember anyone like you...from when I was young"
His face remains cold, but his eyes develop that all too familiar shakiness, and a small pool of liquid forms in his eyes
"I guess I haven't found the keyhole I'm looking for yet" he mutters to himself, eating the pastry slowly
"Hm..I'm sure you'll find it sooner or later.." She mumbled, leaning up and kissing his cheek. "Are you really afraid someone else's key is going to work?" She asked.
"W-Well...I just don't want it to be that jerk's" he mutters quietly, blushing slightly from the kiss, the faintest trace of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth
"Y-You know...since you showed up, everyone is noticing me...it's...odd" he says "But, I guess, I know what it's like to be normal now...Thank you"
Dani smiles, "No problem.." She looked down at her pendant, staring at it. "Although..I don't think it's..him anyways..I can't feel anything when I'm around him. But..when I'm near you..or Kazu..I feel like I know you.." She said softly, a small blush appearing on her face.
"R-Really?" he asks, his eyes glimmering with hope "Y-You mean that?"
He sets down the parcel, a few things still inside, and stares at her with wide, hopeful eyes
"Of course." She laughs, "I'm still hazy on memory..but everytime I near you or Kazu..it's like I met you years ago..but then again I don't know.." She said, a small blush appearing on her face. "B-But what I do know is..I-is that..I like you..Joe." She stuttered, her blush becoming deeper as she finished eating the rest of her half of the pastry.
Joe blushes as he hears that she likes him back "T-Thanks Dani" he stutters shyly, smiling a little, he reaches over and takes out an apple, taking a small bite out of it with a sigh "Help yourself" he says, gesturing to the package, there was another apple inside, and a small bar of chocolate
"Thank you.." She smiled, taking the other apple and started to eat it. "Thank you...for all of this..I feel like I should pay you back somehow.." She said, smiling faintly.
"It's nothing, really" Joe says, giving her a small smile "I wasn't going to eat it all anyway"
He looks back out at the clouds rolling by, trying to find any shapes among them "That one kinda looks like a bunny" he says, pointing at a cloud that had 2 bunny like ears on top of a circle
"Oh that's so cute." Dani smiled, looking up at the bunny cloud. "Hm.." She said silently, looking around at the other clouds to find different shapes.
Joe scans the other clouds, pointing to one "Look, two bears highfiving" he says, pointing to another one
You see..you can find them where I can't.." Dani letted out a frustrated sigh, falling backwards and onto her back.
Joe rolls over, looking at Dani for a second "Hey, I'm an artist, I have an eye for things like this" he says with a chuckle