When Worlds Collide (Blooming Bismuth x potassiumboron)

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"...Yeah, well... it's just weird for a 22-year-old guy, according to society," he drawled, awkwardly hesitating, though, figuring the other was a pixie and probably couldn't care less, he tugged off his shirt and clambered into bed where he shuffled out of his trousers-- though wisely kept his boxers on. The fact Willow was on the bed still didn't register until, rather needy, she whined and placed herself deliberately between them for some sort of comfort and affection.​
"I'm going to look around a bit, find this alleged 'shower'." Declared Arrosa, before getting to his feet after a soft peck to Willow's forehead. "Watch them for me, okay? I'll get Jynx, if she listens..."
"She won't," he warned, having realised any affection she had for the pixie did get broken when the wolves all trailed in, if her grumpiness in refusing to go near them was anything to go by, "but you can try I suppose. Just... have a shower, please? And enjoy it. It'll be nice for you, so..."​
Wanfering to the bathroom, as promise, it would be an entire half hour before the boy showrd his face. Dripping wet and back in the borrowed clothes, he slipped under the blankets in silence.
"Did you enjoy it?" He drawled sleepily, eyes peeking open as he shuffled over - Willow had long since wandered off somewhere, leaving him -momentarily at least- with the bed to himself. "You, ah... you haven't dried off very well, Arrosa..."​
"Dried off? I air dry." He replied simply, before snuggling peacefully against the pillows. "I don't want to waste anything by using it, besides, it's warm enough in here that we won't get sick... Now shh, okay? Do you know where Willow is?"
"She went off somewhere with the other two," he shrugged to himself, having taken that as an opportunity to get Jynx in the room, the husky now laid at the side of the bed with occasional notions to lick at his hand affectionately. "I'm sure they just went to search for you and took a nap."​
"... I hope..." He whispered, before nestling closer to the human instinctively. "I just want things to work out, you know? I... Don't think that's too much to ask for. I just want somewhere warm for awhile..."
"...And like I've made clear-- I think I have, at least. You're free to stay here, three wolves and all," he chuckled, opting to head over to the closet, fetch a towel, and returned to gently dry his soaked hair, much like a protective older brother over his more vulnerable sibling. "...So don't proceed with all this... y'know. Insecurity and worry?"​
"I'm not insecure!" He huffed childishly, appropriate for his stature. "I... I just know that stability isn't my friend, you know? My life is volatile, so I won't be surprised if I'm kicked out."
"Yes, well--" he began, happy to try and debate with him concerning the levels of insecurity he faced, until hearing the loud, somewhat panicked bark of Jynx who had apparently wandered from the room in midst of the conversation. "Shit, shit..." he babbled, his mood immediately erratic as he practically ran from the room - he did adore Jynx, and any inkling of pain had horrendous images cross his mind of what could have happened. And admittedly, he did blame the wolves...

Until spotting just what was going on, immediately calling back to Arrosa as he knelt to comfort Jynx. "Arrosa, c'me 'ere!"​
He clung to the towel that he would forever claim as his own- once it was used on him, it was his- and hurried from the cozy bed to with a curious frown. "A-Ah, yes? What happened?"
Gesturing rather emphatically to Willow, he did give up holding back on his excitement as he leant down further to, as gently as he could, scratched behind the ears of one of the two newborn pups Willow had, quite literally, just had an hour prior. "...They're adorable," he gushed, his excitement clouding the repercussions that the births would bring - it meant two more wolves around the place, and he honestly didn't think he could keep more than three at the moment. But it would potentially be fine while they remained small. "Honestly, the cutest things..."​
Letting out a high pitched squeal, the pixie dropped to the whimpering and squirming puppies in pure joy. "O-Oh my gosh, I... We have puppies?! Oh Willow, this is amazing! Why didn't you tell me you were having puppies? I was wondering why you were getting slower every day, I thought you were sick~!" He babbled on, his red eyes sparkling all the while. "I wonder what she'll name them, hopefully something beautiful."
"...How is she going to name them? She's a wolf, y'know? You ought to name them," he murmured, retracting his hand to focus on Jynx in fear and knowledge that she could grow jealous at his apparent fascination with the little bundles of mewling fur. "...Arrosa, I seriously don't know how I'm going to cope accommodating two more wolves. I... I can hardly say to throw them out, but... they'll get bigger and they'll need feeding and... I could lose my apartment!"​
"I won't let that happen." He reassured, before tugging off the towel and carefully squaddling the two new puppies. "I may not be able to really, um... talk to your kind, but I know how to get them to shut up if I need to."
"...Right, but if I do lose my apartment, I won't be happy, and nor will you have protection," he sighed, keeping Jynx back from the puppies, mistaking her eagerness for annoyance, and so ignored her whines of protest easily, even though Willow herself did lift her head somewhat in expectation - she had taken a great liking to Jynx. Of course, though, Alessandro mistook the whole situation, feeling instead he was helping matters. "...Perhaps we should leave Willow and the other two be? Let 'em enjoy the pups?"​
"But I didn't ignore the birth of her first puppy!" He protested, though sighed in defeat and reluctantly moved to wander back into the bedroom. "Fine... You should really get some sleep, you know. You humans don't have the ability to stay up as well as we do."
"I can stay up, of course, but I think I need sleep-- today's been hectic," he admitted, closing the door to the bedroom to keep Jynx from interfering with the wolves, and collapsed back into his bed with a long sigh. "There's... been good and bad points, I... I suppose-- anyway, you rest too, leave the wolves alone..."​
"At least let Jynx greet the pups?" He offered, "They're all hounds, she'll appreciate the new babies."
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