When Worlds Collide; A Multi-Fandom Roleplay

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The clones managed to avoid the Dalek blast with only two getting hit and dieing. Before the ship was destroyed one more trooper jumped out. This one had more durable armor then the others. He points his weapon at the Dalek's and fires the Anti-armor grenade which flies and lands in the center of the small group of Daleks.
Beacon Hills---

Fire Nods* Then The Rising Sun must have come into contact with this Phenomenon. as for the rest of the crews of both ships, its anyones guess..." *Fire lowers his head a little, having almost felt like everyone there was family, and now worrying about them all*


Chrom Waits For Katniss to Enter, planning on taking care of her arming needs, and not with something thats weak and cheap either, planning full well to get her something as good or better then what she is used to.

Robin stays with the Doctor, feeling the two could be helpful together for brainstorming and the like, aside from simply Enjoying the man's company, being very different from the company he is used to.

Marth Looks at Nina, waiting to see what she is going to do, having only 2 masks, the one on 'his' face, and one stored away*
-Ylisse, dragged out by the Doctor-
"Once in a second lifetime..." CV muttered to himself as he was dragged along. He was practically spaced out in memory-land that he wasn't paying attention. Bad timing, CV.
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- New York City (Marvel) -

R2 made a series of protesting beeps to which 3PO nodded in agreement to, "I agree, R2." He said before looking at Mr. Gold. "But to whom, sir?" 3PO asked, tilting his head slightly to the side in a confused manner.
Marth watches in interest, though she thinks of something. "doesn't the fire destroy the temper of the chain and make it suceptable to breaking?" he draws his parallel Falchion, curious, though the blade is not exhalted yet.
- Yilsse -

The Doctor watched Nina with intense fascination and astonishment, "Does your sister have the same power?" He asked.
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Robin watches Marth, intrigued by the flaming chain, wondering where Barron went.*
-Gotham City-

Jakar raised an eyebrow. "Why should I believe you wouldn't try to destroy me? Aside from your love of hatred." As vain as he was, Jakar wasn't stupid.


Frank turned to the child, and stared at her. The fact that these things would attack her seemed to be turning over in his mind. He nodded after a bit, before leaving. He began to rummage about the buildings, searching for the items to make a homemade... remedy. He brought them back, beginning to work on making Poor Man's C4 from some household materials.

After finishing, he set up a trap, holding the detonator in his free hand. Frank ran out into the street, screaming at the Daleks. Ducking under their fire, he led them to the spot before detonating the three pounds of the explosive; quite the blast. Though he had no idea if it would kill them.
-New York (Marvel)-

"I know someone I can phone, but I will need access to a phone" Mr. Gold said, He looks at Ryan and Jean-luc "Don't surpossed you two know where the nearest telepone booth is by any chance. I don't come to this city much to know these things."
"Man," CV began to think. "I would've dragged myself out of there out of curiosity, anyway... Say or no say. I guess it doesn't matter, now. I got dragged into this mess, I can't be dragged out. Might as well go along with these guys and see what happens. If I'm dead again, I'm dead again... But what if the Ethereal also got into this cluster, too? Then that means that Timbletot would've revived, too. Not sure... A realm of souls intertwining with realms of the living? That could have one of two possible effects... 1: Strange warp effects cause body to regain corporeal form, or 2: The soul is warped but it roams as a ghost... I'm speculating again. Why am I speculating?"
- New York -
Ryan perked up a bit. Finally, something she could contribute to. "Actually.. I've got my cell on me." With that, she fished her phone from her pocket, and offered it to Mr. Gold. Though, she still was doing her best to hide her face.

- Storybrooke -
Serority was still in tears when she felt Frank's stare. She briefly risked a puffy-eyed glance in his direction, but quickly re-hid her face. She felt surrounded and trapped, and it was terrifying. The extremely large explosion didn't help, and with a whimper, her tears intensified. What was happening?
-Gotham City (DC Universe)-

Skyler was now injured as his legs were pretty harmed. His bones weren't broken thanks to the shoes her was wearing that helped absorb the impact, but his knees were very sore and his hips were killing him. Now would be a good moment for that goddamn fairy to show up, he thought, as Paint had disabled the self recovery to keep the special stealth mode. However, he was not taking a rest, limping his way into the ship. Luckily, this time he had a taser for emergencies like this. Paint had already settled the itinerary: get into the camp, find the food reserves and empty them, charge up with the air, get OverHAK, find the fissure and look for a way to revert the dimensional shifts; or get into the camp, find the power source and empty it, get directly into OverHAK mode with that power, find the fissure and look for a way to revert the shifts. Of course, he couldn't use any of his powers as, if Paint was right, there are more of those Sith Lords and his Super Stealth mode may be his only defense. Of course, we're talking about a person who, even without his powers, can't cook an egg without burning the whole neighborhood out of spite, so there's that.
- Gotham City -

"As I said, it is offensive to us to exterminate such hatred." The Supreme Dalek replied, it wished to learn more about the Sith.
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-Gotham City-

Jakar tilted his head. "Come. We must talk." He looked at Khan. "You too."

Frank almost smirked. Almost. "Good riddance," He said before heading back to the others.
- Gotham City -

The Supreme Dalek and Khan followed Jakar, both thinking the same thing.
-Goth City-

Jakar led them to a back room where they could speak in private. "You defeated my general. You are worthy of his saber, and his estate, if you wish. You may also become general. I could use someone with your skill." He said to Khan.

"Now... Your soldiers were impressive. What would be your interest in helping us, though? I know you love hatred, but what stakes would you have in our wars?" Jakar looked the Dalek over.
-Gotham City-

Skyler was breathing in relief. The super stealth was working wonders, as he saw Jakar passing by a corridor and he didn't detect his hideout into a barrel. He felt safe. Now, he just had to see if he could find either a power socket or a food ration to power himself up.
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