When Worlds Collide; A Multi-Fandom Roleplay

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-Gotham City-

His disappearance from his senses distressed him. To get past it, he used a repulse attack, sending great force in all directions.
-Gotham City-

Skyler felt the wave coming at him and decided to use it, running into the wall and up by it, getting thrown by the repulse attack out of the lord's visuals. He was a fool, but he was hungry and he wanted to eat something. He decided to sneak into the camp by the farthest side.
- Storybrooke -

Dylan dashed out of the forest, carrying Serority and Draco, as he was chased by at least twenty Daleks. "Frank! Look!" Janeway said, pointing in Dylan's direction after evacuating the last of the civilians.

- Gotham City -

Having watched the whole thing, the Supreme Dalek approached Jakar, "We are the Daleks, our primary goal is to exterminate and enslave the weak and inferior." It stated.

- Yilsse -

The Doctor searched for Nina, who had wandered off without him noticing.

- Beacon Hills High School -

Jason put his helmet back on and tensed when his HUD told him two beings were approaching. "We've got company."
Nina looked around realizing she had no idea which way she came from.

Erin smiles and stands. "Exciting!"
- Beacon Hills High School -

Upon entering the pool area, Data spotted Jason and Erin, "Greetings." He said, approaching them.

Jason raised an eyebrow behind his visor, "A droid?" He said to himself.

"Android." Data corrected Jason before introducing himself. "I am Lieutenant Commander Data of the Federation starship Enterprise."

"I am Jason Straden." Jason said, crossing his arms. "So, you must be a crew member of the ship I was on."

Erin smiled brightly. "Hello my name is Erin, human, and clearly unadvanced." She giggles covering her mouth with her hands

Chrom followed Nina while Robin followed the Doctor. "Of course there is. But i havent been to one in a couple of years." He looks at Barron, extending his hand*. "i'm Chrom, the Exhalt. You are?"

Robin watches his surroundings, noticing some rustling in a bush* "careful Doctor. Theres someone here."
Nina wraps her arms around Chrom for a moment, as a way to assure herself that he was there if the need arose.
- Yilsse -

"I heard it too." The Doctor said, frowning and approaching the bush. "You can come out now."
Robin opens his tome as a thug charges at them with a knife. Magic circles surround Robin and a small electric shot hits the thugs weapon, electrifying it and disarming him before he smacks into the doctor*

Chrom is slightly taken aback by the hug, as thats what she did in effect, but he pats her back gently. "Hey, its okay."

Marth chases barron, stopping when he sees Chrom. "Hello Chrom."

Chrom and Marths swords both showing signs of time travel to someone who can detect it.
Nina smiles at Chrom slightly before moving back, her thumbs slipping under her shirt to hook around her belt loops
- Storybrooke -
Serority was terrified and jumpy enough, but the sounds of guns being fired and the Dalek's original pursuit of her rescuer and herself made it much worse. She was crying quietly, though, it was something she did frequently. Upon being handed off to Janeway, Serority was unsure of whether or not the group of people she was with were safe or not. Sure, they'd rescued her, but what if they had generally evil reasons? Serority tried to shake off that thought, but her general tenseness, trembling and crying were enough to show she still was fearful and scared. She just wanted to go home.. It wasn't like she realized her parents were abusive; they were the only people she'd encountered, so she figured everyone was like them.
Which, was a big portion of why she was so scared. What if these people were the same as her family? Keeping her only to torture? Bad thoughts were bombarding her mind.

- Ylisse -
Upon arrival, it seemed everyone had left. Sighing and shaking her head, Katniss followed quietly. She was currently concentrated on her bow; hoping she could find in in case the need of self-defense arose(she was hoping it wouldn't; she had enough bad memories from using it already). I mean, what else did she have to hold her ground? Compared to everyone else; she currently had nothing. Though, she stood silently with the others, in thought.
- Storybrooke -

Janeway tried to calm and comfort Serority, "Shh, don't worry you're safe now." She said in a calm, soothing voice.

- Ylisse -

The Doctor stepped aside before the thug could smack into him. He then looked back at Robin with an amused smirk on his face. "Impressive."
- Storybrooke -
Serority was clearly confused. "Wh.. Why are you being so nice to me..?" she stuttered quietly between small sobs. At this point, she had gotten the hiccups from crying, which didn't seem to be making her too much happier. She was confused, tired and scared; what was there she could do?
---Beacon Hills---

Fire blinks a few times, connecting some dots. "Ah, so I talked to you earlier. What exactly were you doing there?"


Robin looks back and smiles a little. Thanks, you're not half bad yourself."
Nina bounces on her toes.

Erin moves closer to Jason
-TARDIS, Located in Yiisse-
CV once again poke his head outside... "I'll be in here if you need me!" Then he quickly returns to the console room's couch. Though, he expects someone to drag him out any second now.
Nina runs over to CV pausing to gape at the size of the tardis from the outside before grabbing his hand. "You're in a new universe and you aren't out and about?"

Chrom Glances back and notices Katniss coming, he walks over to her kindly. "This may seem like an odd question from the otherside of the Outworld gate, but is there a weapon You prefer?" Chrom Smiles, though the question seems both for Curiositys sake and for a serious one. He takes a deep breath, enjoying the beautiful day while waiting for her answer.
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