When Worlds Collide; A Multi-Fandom Roleplay

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- Storybrooke -

"I'm going to go check it out." Dylan stated, already heading for the exit. Janeway looked in Dylan's direction, "You'll be killed!" She said. Dylan stopped in his tracks and glanced back at Janeway, "If it's something that can be used against the Daleks we should take advantage of that, ma'am." He replied. Janeway for a minute before nodding, "Very well." She said before facing Frank, "We should take advantage of the Daleks being distracted by getting these people out of her." She suggested while Dylan was already out the door and sprinting through the forest.
Frank nodded before removing the barricades. "You have a gun?" He said to Janeway.
- Storybrooke -
Suddenly, between her fearful whimpers and thoughts of the fact she was likely soon going to die, Serority realized something. Wait.. Where's Draco? If she was about to die, she wanted her little companion there with her. So, working quick to assure she retrieved him before the Daleks could take her away, Serority quickly drew on the ground with trembling hands, using a piece of charcoal she'd fished from her pocket, and muttered a spell. Quickly, she scurried back as the place where she'd drawn opened up. The still-trembling little girl waited anxiously for a few moments, before her requested companion pulled himself out of the hole. The second he was out, he was entangled in small arms. She murmured something into the dog's fur, and waited. As much as she wanted to die fighting, she'd already seen that her flames did nothing to the robots.
- Storybrooke -

Janeway shook her head, "No, I left my phaser on Voyager." She told him as helped the wounded up.

- Outside of Storybrooke -

Hiding a behind a tree, Dylan watched as at least twenty Daleks converged on the girl and her dog. After thinking of a way to distract the Daleks, the Spartan took out a frag grenade and threw it as far he could. Hearing the explosion in the distance, most of the Daleks around the girl went to investigate the explosion leaving only two watching over. Taking the opportunity, Dylan sprinted towards the two Daleks and stuck his remaining two plasma grenades on their eyestalks, scooped up the girl and dog into his arms and sprinted away before the grenades exploded.
- Storybrooke -
Serority was holding onto her dog as if for dear life, when she heard the explosions and glanced up, terrified. However, upon Dylan rushing in, she wasn't sure if she should be scared or relieved. So, she was both, especially after him sticking the bombs on the Daleks and lifting her and Draco up. Considering that at the moment the Daleks were her biggest fear, this overrode her fear of people, and she clung onto Dylan as if her life depended on it(which it did, at the moment). Though, she did keep one arm around Draco as well, as if to assure he wouldn't be lost along the way to.. Well, wherever they were going.
---Gotham City, TARDIS interior---

Chrom nods understandingly. "I see. It must be painful. I know watching my sister commit suicide to be a martyr and prevent me from making a decision i shouldn't have made was hard for me. I won't ask something like that." He walks up to the Console now, curious, but cautious of what it is. Chrom's sword, though he wouldn't know it, is exhibiting signs of time travel as well as fighting itself from a different time stream. (Lucina's sword is Chrom's same sword)

---with the Doctor, Gotham City---

Robin nods at The Doctors question. Yes, a mage that practices magic. Though you seem skeptical. Might I ask why?"

(Off work now, drive home then ill be back for the long term. ^^)
CV awakes at the same place he has been. He tries his best to sit himself up... If there was another BEAT around... Well, he'll just have to go without them until either he finds one or he rests for however long it takes to heal naturally.
- Gotham City -

"I am Khan." Khan said, looking down at the body and giving it a kick. "Was he one of yours?"
- In the TARDIS -
Katniss nearly flinched. "Oh.. I'm.. I'm sorry," she replied. It wasn't exactly like there was much she could say. Hi, I'm Katniss, and I got my little sister and thousands of others killed by leading an uprising. Rather, she left it to a thoughtful silence, and started taking a look around, herself.
Katniss nearly flinched. "Oh.. I'm.. I'm sorry," she replied. It wasn't exactly like there was much she could say. Hi, I'm Katniss, and I got my little sister and thousands of others killed by leading an uprising. Rather, she left it to a thoughtful silence, and started taking a look around, herself.

---Gotham City, TARDIS Interior.---
He shakes his head. Nah, don't worry about it. It may be nice to get a little bit of a vacation, you know what I mean? even if it IS a vacation we didn't Intend to take." Chrom Smiles a little, before poking and pressing various buttons on the console.
- In the TARDIS -
Katniss laughed lightly. "Yeah, I suppose so.." she was in the midst of looking around before she noticed Chrom pressing random buttons. "Better be careful. For all we know; one of those buttons could blow us up," she advised.
- In the TARDIS -
Katniss laughed lightly. "Yeah, I suppose so.." she was in the midst of looking around before she noticed Chrom pressing random buttons. "Better be careful. For all we know; one of those buttons could blow us up," she advised.

---TARDIS Interior---

He nods and chuckles a little nervously. "alright, you have a point." Just now Remembers Robin, and looks towards the door, no longer touching the console, having done nothing of consequence with his tinkering thus far, and he walks to it, trying to see if he can see outside it. "Why are we staying here? Shouldn't we go try and figure out what happened, Katniss?"

In-Game Map of the world in Fire Emblem Awakening foor those that wanna know what the map looks like. the white numbers Correspond to the chapters, the green I believe are the DLC you can get at the OUT (Outworld gate)) End is the last chapter where you fight *Spoilers have been removed*)
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-Gotham City-

"He was. That was quite the display." Lomir seemed to look him up and down. "Please... Come with me. You may keep the saber, if you wish."
- In the TARDIS -
Katniss sighed in relief, glad nothing bad happened due to the button pressing. "Well... We're here because it's where The Doctor said to go," she shrugged, then paused. "...Peculiar name, isn't it?"
---TARDIS Interior---

"Doctor? Thats no name, it's an occupation. Doctor Who??" Chrom thinks, trying to peace everything together. A Place made up of Districts, a place called Gothem, neither of which show up on his world map, and neither of which he has heard any mention of until today. "Katniss, I have to ask. you never heard of Gothem or Ylisse until today, right?"
- In the TARDIS -
"I don't know, he says he's just 'The Doctor'." She had wondered exactly the same, before. His second question was easy enough to answer, though. She nodded. "No, I hadn't until today."
--- TARDIS Interior---

Chrom sighs. "Doctor, eh? that would be like saying, 'hey, lady!' to someone you haven't yet gotten the name of..." Chrom thinks for a few minutes. "Thats something we have in common then, since I had never heard of your Districts, and you hadn't heard of Ylisse. neither of us have heard of Gothem either, yet here we all are. in a place we know absolutely nothing about. I find it strange, Don't you? Also, Did you end up here with anyone else from your Districts, or were you alone? I ended up here, but I don't know where my friend is, I figure he's here somewhere too, though I have nothing to actually base it on."
- In the TARDIS -
Katniss paused, and thought about this. Sure, she'd considered all of that already, but she'd had hardly any time to really think about it. What had happened to Peeta; to her children, even? Haymitch, her mother, Gale.. Where were they all, now? "Of course I find it odd. Yes, I was alone. I just don't know what could've possibly magically just dropped us all here, though."
Chrom's eyes widen a little. "Magic? Maybe, but I don't know of any magic type remotely like this, except maybe Void magic or Dark magic, but to do something to this large a scale, I don't think its magic. Gods I wish Robin were here, he would be able to come up with a theory that makes plausible sense." Chrom thinks for a long hard while. "Theres a chance my Daughter may show up too, however unlikely. she came through a gate from the future in Ylisse, saved my Sister, Emmeryn and myself once. but to make it here? She would have to know what caused this and have a direct path, so I doubt she will make it here." He looks back to the doors, whispering quietly to himself, though audibly. "Lucina, your needed back home, anyways...Don't come here..."
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