When Worlds Collide; A Multi-Fandom Roleplay

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"Thank you, Chrom..." CV smiled. If anyone hasn't noticed already, but CV"s irises are white. Like, pure white. That's pretty much the only thing that sets him apart.
Chrom nods. "its no problem."
- Outside of Storybrooke -

Dylan sprinted through the forest, protectively holding the little girl and her dog. However, a blue energy beam coming from above struck the ground right next them. The resulting explosion caused Dylan to stumble but he managed to keep himself from tripping. Brushing off the sharp pain in his right ankle, Dylan pushed himself to run faster cause he was probably this little girl's only hope of survival. Running faster than he has ever ran before, Dylan evaded the aerial attacks of the Daleks flying after them.

- Gotham City -

The Doctor gave Robin a 'be silent, unless you want to be killed' look as he turned into and walked down an alleyway.

Khan bowed to Darth Lomir, "Then, I offer my service to the Sith Empire." He stated.
- Outside of Beacon Hills -

Data nodded as he approached Fire, "Yes, I am Lieutenant Commander Data of the USS Enterprise, sir." He said as he approached the Starfleet captain.
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-Gotham City-

Skyler decided to stay with the Sith lord, mainly because he was still goddamn hungry. And he needed all the food he could muster if he wanted to find the fissure. As soon as they were alone, given he was not too trusting on Jakar either, he focused on Paint, who told him the readings of Jakar and the ones in the camp are pretty much like the ones from the Nightmares (dark-based creatures made of emotions, common enemies of Skyler), which was a very bad sign. His face, however, was a dull as usual. "Well, I guess we're gonna eat, right?"

Robin nods, stopping his speach and continuing to walk with the doctor, still having a bad feeling about the camp they just left. At this point he starts to come up with a plan for when they return.

---Beacon hills---

Fire nods and smiles. I am Captain Fire of the USS Rising Sun, or whats left of her. you know anything about Enginneering?"
- Outside of Storybrooke -
Impossible as it seemed, Serority held on tighter and attempted to hold back tears of pure terror. If this was what the outside world was like.... She'd rather take back her abusive psycho parents, thank you. With how far into panic she'd fallen, she wasn't fully aware of who or what had rescued her or if she should be afraid of them. All she knew was she wanted out of there.
- Gotham City -

The Doctor took out his screwdriver and shined it on the spot where the TARDIS formerly stood. With a sudden breeze and whooshing, the TARDIS rematerialized and with a snap of the Doctor's fingers, the doors flew open. "So, how was everybody behaving while I was gone?" The Doctor asked with grin, literally prancing into the TARDIS and hanging his tan overcoat on the coat hanger right next to the entrance before closing the doors as soon as Robin entered the TARDIS.
"Pretty good but... I n-never introduced myself t-to you... S-sorry..." CV shrugged a bit and smiled.
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In the TARDIS---

Chrom wheels to the Front door when he hears it opening, hand on his Falchion, readying himself for anything he may come to face. "Robin? Who is that?"

Robin, Still dumbfounded by the size Differential, stares around with his mouth wide open, whispering, loudly. "It's bigger on the inside......."

Crom facepalms. "your fine. Just like usual." Chrom lets out a small Smile, and introduces him to Katniss and CV. Robin bows to them lightly in respect after putting a hand over his heart. "It's a Pleasure to meet you. This is the Doctor, Chrom." he gestures to the Doctor.
- In the TARDIS -
Katniss watched all this, slightly amused. "I believe we were all well enough." Katniss was still thinking deeply about what she and Chrom had been talking about. What happened to cause all this?
-Gotham City-

Lomir nodded. "Well, then. Prove your worth." He ignited his own saber, dropping to a fighting stance. Of course, with his powers, Khan's moves would almost seem telegraphed, but he wanted to see just how strong Khan really was.
- Gotham City -

Khan raised an eyebrow, "I thought I already did." He said. He wouldn't mind killing another Sith, but it was of time and resources.
CV smiled as best as he could... "I-I'm Commander V-Video... Or just CV... Nice to meet you..." If it wasn't the name that made him odd, them would the white irises do the trick?
-Gotham City-

"Do not worry. It won't be to the death. I simply want to see if you can hold your own against someone higher than an apprentice."
- The TARDIS, Gotham City -

"Now," The Doctor said, walking over to the TARDIS console. "To find the nearest dimensional fissure so we can get the hell out of here." He stated, pulling levers and pushing a couple of buttons.

- Outside of Beacon Hills -

"Yes, I am Chief Operations Officer on the Enterprise." Data looked at the Rising Sun before looking back at Fire. "However, I'm going to require a team of engineers in order to repair the Rising Sun."
- In the TARDIS -
Katniss sighed in relief. Getting the hell out of here sounded amazing to her. Especially if it meant being reunited with her family.
....And Haymitch.

"Yes, I am Chief Operations Officer on the Enterprise." Data looked at the Rising Sun before looking back at Fire. "However, I'm going to require a team of engineers in order to repair the Rising Sun."[/QUOTE]
Chrom walks up to him* "What exactly are you doing?" watching him work, getting suspicious, and Robin gestures to Chrom that he's trustworthy.

---Beacon Hills---

Fire nods and sighs* Thats what I had anticipated. however, I have no idea what happened, as bad as that sounds, nor have I been able to get into contact with my crew. Would you like some company for a while while we search, or what would you like to do?"
- Outside of Beacon Hills -

Data nodded, "I suggest that we look around to find out where we are." He said, taking out his tricorder.
"Judging b-by the various button m-mashing... I guess this is a sh-ship... Reminds me of an old f-friend of mine..." Oh... Mr. Robotube. CV misses him a bit... His idol... Even though he misses his friends that he left behind when he died before, it would be nice to focus on the present.
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