What's the worst movie ever made?

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What is a lifetime movie?
Nine pages and nobody mentioned... this?

For shame!

Okay, I admit expecting anything else than pure suckery from this movie was naive as a) the game's pseudo-story sucked as well, b) movies created from games are notoriously horrible, but do you know what really pissed me off?


COME ON, IS THIS WHAT YOU DO WITH THE ONE SURVIVAL HORROR GAME THAT ACTUALLY HAS A GOOD PLOT? I have so many issues with the movie I can't even list them all. Why did they choose to transform the plot beyond recognition? I hated Dahlia, but she was an awesome villain; Christabella was just boring. Speaking of which, where is our beloved doctor Kaufmann and why did they feel the need to turn the male protagonist Harry into... a female named Rose? (I think I actually read somewhere that the director thought Harry was too feminine for daring to express his emotions, so he decided to genderbend him, but that only makes it MORE WTF-esque.) What is Pyramid Head - Pyramid Head who happens to be a symbol of James' guilt - doing in a story that has absolutely nothing to do with James? And what possessed you to think that ending was a good idea? Hell, I was looking forward to that movie and it's totally ruined.

On the other hand, I adore Silent Hill: Revelations. It's probably because, unlike with the first installment, I didn't expect to derive any enjoyment from the movie and watched it only so I could laugh at it. Man, it didn't disappoint in that department. I almost died from laughter when Claudia - who was inexplicably Vincent's mother - carved a symbol into her young son's body in a scene that was supposed to be horrific, and that symbol... was a freaking save point :D Okay, okay, I know it has a serious in-game meaning, but still. It was so funny.
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The movies visual casting was great. It was just a super shitty movie destined to fail.
In Time

Cool concept and setting, but poor execution. The "system" the narrative lives in was explained clumsily, and the ending kind of sucked because their goals were not really established. The film paces in a way that sets you up into thinking they were going to break the system, but really, they just ended up becoming some sort of super-stylish Bonnie and Clyde. It kinda ruined it for me. Amanda Seyfried was hot though. Woman crush indeed.

I'm kinda impressed that in the Nine Pages of this thread no one brought this film up.

Nostalgia Critic summarises it pretty well:

TL;DR of the Video: It's basically a Wookie Soap Opera/Drama (most of which is actually in the Wookie language with no subtitles) with all the things you would expect in a Christmas Soap Special (with Shitty In Universe Advertisements, Famous Cameos and there is even a Music Video).

Chewbacca's Family is waiting for him to return home from his duties, this is significant because it's Life Day, the Star Wars equivalent of Christmas. The entire movie is effectively centred around the random boring shit Chewbacca's family get up to. It's not worth watching. The main problem apart from just being boring in general is it seems as if they stuck together a bunch of different shitty stories together in order to form...this.

Tl;DR of the TL;DR: This is the worst idea for a Star Wars Special ever. Even George Lucas wants this thing to never see the light of day.​
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In Time

Cool concept and setting, but poor execution. The "system" the narrative lives in was explained clumsily, and the ending kind of sucked because their goals were not really established. The film paces in a way that sets you up into thinking they were going to break the system, but really, they just ended up becoming some sort of super-stylish Bonnie and Clyde. It kinda ruined it for me. Amanda Seyfried was hot though. Woman crush indeed.
I kind of liked In Time....although I thought it needed a bit more something....

I can't agree on the Amanda Seyfried thing though. Her big eyes freak me the fuck out.
@Lightning @Nydanna, I liked In Time, but I agree that it was missing something and probably could have been executed better.

Since someone already posted Shyamalan's The Last Airbender, I don't really know any more of the worst movies ever made, but I'm going to post this piece of crap movie because I'm still mad that we spent money to see it in theatres and that I was so excited for it. I thought maybe I could ignore the blatantly incorrect science in it, but there were so many things that the writers chose to go with that were actually out of character for what the main character was becoming. In the end, it was, as my boyfriend said, "...a pseudo-intellectual circle-jerk."

Are you somehow confused about how those movies were shit, or are you for some reason under the impression that he's referring to the 1970's movies (which are episodes IV-VI) rather than the garbage prequel trilogy?
I do have to admit, the movies weren't the best. I ain't gonna lie on that, there was a lot that could have been better.
But I was raised with those movies, and I really liked them, I still do. It just makes me sad how much everyone hates it :(

That being said, the really good parts were when Hayden Christensen didn't have any speaking lines and was just told to glare at the camera. The fight scenes were really well choreographed, considerably better than the original series. Sucks that such good actors were made to act bad lines and crappy plotlines.
The fight scenes were really well choreographed, considerably better than the original series.

No, actually, they were pretty awful and relied almost exclusively on stuntmen and special effects. See, the original trilogy had good lightsaber duels because you could easily see and feel the states of the combatants in each fight. The final lightsaber duel? Luke went berserk and cut off his dad's hand, just as his dad cut off his hand in the previous film where Luke was obviously outmatched and Vader was just toying with him. In the new trilogy it's just impotent strike after impotent strike, it's too perfect, too clean, nobody makes a mistake until the script says for someone to lose a limb or a head.

That's why they're pretty much universally worse. That criticism can go for the whole trilogy: It's too clean. It's devoid of life or soul.
No, actually, they were pretty awful and relied almost exclusively on stuntmen and special effects. See, the original trilogy had good lightsaber duels because you could easily see and feel the states of the combatants in each fight. The final lightsaber duel? Luke went berserk and cut off his dad's hand, just as his dad cut off his hand in the previous film where Luke was obviously outmatched and Vader was just toying with him. In the new trilogy it's just impotent strike after impotent strike, it's too perfect, too clean, nobody makes a mistake until the script says for someone to lose a limb or a head.

That's why they're pretty much universally worse. That criticism can go for the whole trilogy: It's too clean. It's devoid of life or soul.
I dunno, I always thought the fight scenes were really cool.

The music was good though. Can we at least count that as something good since apparently we can't find anything to agree on about the movies?
I dunno, I always thought the fight scenes were really cool.

The music was good though. Can we at least count that as something good since apparently we can't find anything to agree on about the movies?
Music was good, and if I had to count some good stuff from the new trilogy for your sake to show I'm not just hatin' for the sake of it...

--Anytime Hayden Christensen got to walk in with no dialogue as you pointed out? Yeah he pulled it off.
--I could believe Annakin turning evil and the scene where he becomes Darth Vader is really neat. Unlike others who point out how quick his change was, he already proved he was a sociopath in the second film, so I had no qualms with it.
--The entire era is neat and provides a backdrop for future conflicts with better writers. (Clone Wars cartoon series!)
--The design of the clone troopers and how they slowly changed into stormtroopers was well handled.
--I REALLY liked the actor for Obi-Wan even if I thought the character was suffering from some sort of brain tumour.


Should also be noted I didn't list it as the worst film ever made in my opinion. There's worse than the new Star Wars trilogy, easily.
Music was good, and if I had to count some good stuff from the new trilogy for your sake to show I'm not just hatin' for the sake of it...

--Anytime Hayden Christensen got to walk in with no dialogue as you pointed out? Yeah he pulled it off.
--I could believe Annakin turning evil and the scene where he becomes Darth Vader is really neat. Unlike others who point out how quick his change was, he already proved he was a sociopath in the second film, so I had no qualms with it.
--The entire era is neat and provides a backdrop for future conflicts with better writers. (Clone Wars cartoon series!)
--The design of the clone troopers and how they slowly changed into stormtroopers was well handled.
--I REALLY liked the actor for Obi-Wan even if I thought the character was suffering from some sort of brain tumour.


Should also be noted I didn't list it as the worst film ever made in my opinion. There's worse than the new Star Wars trilogy, easily.
I'm a tad bit biased in favor of John Williams.
I'm not denying that the movies were bad, but there has to be things that were good about it. That being said, I grew up on that nonsense which is a large reason as to why I'm defending it. Seven year old me adored the series, and I still kinda do. It's pretty hard to find people that actually like them. Even if a little bit. (;_・)
Ewan Mcgregor was perfect in my opinion.

But a movie that I didn't like would have to be Matrix Revolutions.
Matrix Revolutions.
See and funny enough as much (well deserved) hate as it gets, I still like it for the fight scenes in the city with the robots and chain guns, and especially the insane, over the top, grotesque, unabashed love letter to violence.

So, to each their own. I just wanted to point out the fight scenes weren't actually choreographed well in the new trilogy of Star Wars, but the music? Yeah it's great as usual. There were certain elements or moments that scrape it from the bottom. It's not something I personally enjoy (I usually fall asleep watching it) but it's not the worst thing ever.

That's still reserved for Transformers 4.

Why was that film made.
See and funny enough as much (well deserved) hate as it gets, I still like it for the fight scenes in the city with the robots and chain guns, and especially the insane, over the top, grotesque, unabashed love letter to violence.

So, to each their own. I just wanted to point out the fight scenes weren't actually choreographed well in the new trilogy of Star Wars, but the music? Yeah it's great as usual. There were certain elements or moments that scrape it from the bottom. It's not something I personally enjoy (I usually fall asleep watching it) but it's not the worst thing ever.
I just didn't like the whole second half of the movie XD I hated the ending.

Nothing's ever perfect, but I liked them so that's something at least.
@Lightning @Nydanna, I liked In Time, but I agree that it was missing something and probably could have been executed better.

Since someone already posted Shyamalan's The Last Airbender, I don't really know any more of the worst movies ever made, but I'm going to post this piece of crap movie because I'm still mad that we spent money to see it in theatres and that I was so excited for it. I thought maybe I could ignore the blatantly incorrect science in it, but there were so many things that the writers chose to go with that were actually out of character for what the main character was becoming. In the end, it was, as my boyfriend said, "...a pseudo-intellectual circle-jerk."

Heh, I've ninja'd you in it, posted it in last page. That only serves as a better warning against this piece of garbage

I MEAN IT GUYS, THIS FILMS SUCKS. I've considered inserting a fork inside my eyes while I was watching it. I felt pain watching it, I really did.
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