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Kouji said"sure love. What about you sis?" Looking at Nichole. Nichole swallowed her two pills and closed her eyes. She opened them and her pupils dilated a bit before going to normal."sure! Id love some more orange juice senna!" Nichole chirped happily and giggled. Kouji slowly reached for the pill bottle.
Senna raised an eyebrow at Nichole's sudden enthusiasm. Before she was almost impossible to converse with, and now she was all bubbly. "Alright, I'll be right back with the orange juice," she said, heading towards the kitchen to grab the container.
Kouji walked into the kitchen and said"senna I'm gonna hide these pills, I got a safe hidden in the basement, she doesn't know the combination so I'm hiding them there. These things are messing with her head."
Senna almost tripped hearing that despite there being nothing to trip over. "Wh-what are they?" she worried, slowly walking back to the table with the orange juice. Nichole had already just gone out and gotten drunk, she couldn't have gotten some serious drugs too, could she?
Kouji gently pulled her back into the kitchen."they're her depression pills." He whispered looking back into the dinning room. Nichole was happily drinking her orange juice.
"Did she take too many of them or something?" Senna whispered back. "Is she feeling really depressed cause of Saturday night?"
Kouji said"no she's supposed to take two, they just have a side effect with her. She becomes super bubbly and random than what's normal for her. Becomes a bit paranoid at times and she tends to snap over the smallest things.." Nichole popped out over the counter."what are you guys talking about?!" She chirped and giggled.
"Oh, alright," Senna sighed. She leaned back in her chair, relieved that it was just side-effects. "Well better not piss her off then," she winked at Kouji.

"I think milk would be better, that's all!" she lied, hoping it wasn't a rhetorical question. Talking with a drugged up Nichole about her drugs might not go too well.
"Ooh I like chocolate milk and strawberry milk the best!" Nichole said on kouji's back now. She giggled and climbed off him hugging smokey."let's go! I want donut holes!" Nichole said with a big grin. Kouji said"senna you start the car, don't trust her with the car." Giving senna the keys before rushing to the basement.
"Oh, uh, yeah, that sounds reasonable," Senna stated flatly, still not entirely sure how to deal with hyper Nichole. She watched them head to the basement before sighing and heading for the garage. She unlocked the doors with the key and opened the garage door before turning on the engine. She laid back in the seat, hands behind her head and closed her eyes, waiting for the siblings to come out.
Nichole literally bounced out the door like a rabbit and got into the car with a giggle. Smokey hopped in and Nichole put him in his harness.

Kouji walked out and got in."thanks love." He said kissing senna.
She blushed a bit. "Anytime, big guy." She looked back at Nichole and Smokey. "Taking the dog to school?" she teased. Obviously he was just here for company, dogs didn't go to school. But Nichole was pretty out of it right now. Out of reality, that is.
Nichole giggled and said"yep! We're gonna go to history! And jrotc! Math! Everything!" Hugging smokey close to her. Smokey licked her face but looked at Kouji like help me.
"Yeah, I bet Smokey'll really like English," she laughed. Nichole may have been an insane right now, but she was certainly entertaining. "She's like this every time, Kouji?" she asked, pointing at Nichole.
Kouji said"yes she is sadly. It's entertaining but again she can snap at the smallest of things."

Nichole petted smokey without a care in the world. Kouji got her and senna some donut hole to eat before driving them to school.
"Guess we better avoid that then. What sets her off?" Senna asked as she munched on a donut hole. She'd decided to grab some coffee while they were there as well, but was letting it cool for now. She didn't like her drinks too hot.
(I hate those rating things. Try to scroll down and accidentally hit one)
Kouji said"bullies, animal abuse, people not liking the anime she enjoys and not liking her ships. Mostly the bullying animal abuse and the last one." Before munching on a donut hole.
(Hah. Happened to me once.)
"Ah, that should be easy to avoid," Senna said, relieved. She took a sip of her coffee, it had finally cooled down enough for her to drink it.
Kouji nodded and Nichole happily ate her donut holes. He parked outside the school."you got smokey's water bowl sis?" Kouji asked. Nichole said"yep!"
"Wait, you're not actually bringing the dog to school, are you?" Senna asked incredulously. "Does the school even allow that? I haven't seen anyone else bring in their pets or anything."

She turned to look at Kouji. "This isn't a recurring thing, is it?" She was a bit worried about Nichole getting in trouble for breaking rules while she was under the effect of her medicine.
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