What really grinds your gears?

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As far as smaller pet peeves go, saying "me and" really annoys me. That's all I can really think of.

For something more serious, the objectification of women and sexism in general makes me want to deck someone. I probably feel more strongly about that issue than almost any other. Abuse pisses me off, too (abusive family, girlfriends, boyfriends, anything).
For something more serious, the objectification of women and sexism in general makes me want to deck someone.
For me it's less this and more the complete polarization of factions screaming at one another about how there is only sexism or absolutely no sexism. Uttering the words "maybe it was just unintentional and with a little forethought and tolerance we can easily march calmly to a better future" usually gets bile from both sides.

Then I just sort of sit quietly and watch them roll around in their own piss while I eat popcorn. You just can't win, even if you try, people get far too emotional about it to think logically.
For me it's less this and more the complete polarization of factions screaming at one another about how there is only sexism or absolutely no sexism. Uttering the words "maybe it was just unintentional and with a little forethought and tolerance we can easily march calmly to a better future" usually gets bile from both sides.

Then I just sort of sit quietly and watch them roll around in their own piss while I eat popcorn. You just can't win, even if you try, people get far too emotional about it to think logically.
That's why I usually don't argue about it, although I'm honest enough to admit that I have decked someone for it before. I'm not usually a violent person, but...
  1. When people call me a lesbian. Actually, I'm bisexual. THERE'S A FUCKING DIFFERENCE.
  2. My dyslexia.
  3. Cuando la gente decide a mí el spam con textos, no me permitirá respondo entonces consigo enojado por ello.
  4. That one person who looks at you funny when you speak a different language.
  5. People who dislike my taste in music. Es mi puta vida y voy a hacer lo que y escuchar lo que me da la gana!
  6. Interrupters - The people who just walk up with no respect for what you are doing/who you are talking to, and feel they need to open their big mouths and say something that interrupts your entire conversation.
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Those people who just stop walking in front of you on a busy street. They just...stop. You're walking, right? It's a busy day, there's lots of people around. You've brushed shoulders with way too many other humans already and you just want to get to where you got to be.

There's a few people in front of you but namely there is one person directly in front. Then they stop. To check their phone or to fix their shoe or just kind of have a nice look around.

So you're forced to disengage walking autopilot and you have to do that thing where you put your arms up and flail-loom over them like a silent movie villain just to stop a full body contact - while they're none the wiser. You manage to not topple onto this stranger and step back, running into about three other people behind you. Now your whole section of the walkway is all messed up and everyone is annoyed and the world is a disaster.

But at least that person made a Facebook update, fixed their shoe or committed the scenery to memory.

And that's what grinds my gears.
The "Tumblrism" known as "Head-mate(s)". The made-up gender pronouns like ze/zir are just freaking stupid, but this crap is a shameless mockery of Schizophrenia. The people who actually hear voices in their heads need help, you're just crying out for attention. You and the five other assholes that supposedly share your body and have all these pleasant conversations can go eat a bag of dicks. It doesn't make you special or interesting, it makes you a colossal tool.
The made-up gender pronouns like ze/zir are just freaking stupid
For people who's gender doesn't fall within the false binary that society has made, having to use he/him or she/her can be uncomfortable. Because that's not what we are. Ze/Zir pronouns, and many others, are non-gendered, and therefore feel more comfortable for some of these same people. All we're asking is not to be mis-gendered.

I completely agree with everything else in your post, though.
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  1. Interrupters - The people who just walk up with no respect for what you are doing/who you are talking to, and feel they need to open their big mouths and say something that interrupts your entire conversation.
I feel you so hard on this. I'll go off to say something but then one of my friends starts off this completely different conversation and I can't say what I wanted to say because someone else speaks just a second after I've started. The worst thing is, no one seems to notice or care that I wanted to say something but stopped because someone else started.
The "Tumblrism" known as "Head-mate(s)".
Considering I've had friends be driven quite literally mad from disorders, and I have a disorder myself, these people will very quickly turn me from the friendly ferret loving man you see before you into a raving psychotic angry-man. "Psychotic is ableist!" No, it's the truth, some people (myself included) have a variety of symptoms one can classify with the term "psychotic" (though most have a more specific disorder, myself included), and you know what they do? They certainly don't fucking parade it about the whole planet! They don't think it makes them special, you know what they think? "Oh god make it stop". Voices in your head are not fun! Voices in your head aren't your best friends, you know what those are? Sounds that make you wonder what's real and what isn't.

Now a few things I can dispel immediately:
--Not all voices are murderers. Really, some are even friendly, and these are just as dangerous.
--If you're sincerely hearing voices often enough to associate them with personalities, you're not at all coherent to the world around you: There ain't no hiding that level of psychosis.
--You can be a perfectly unique human being without the need to take a seriously harmful condition and pretend to have best friends with it. Really. You don't.

So, on behalf of everyone who has a disorder...

Go fuck yourself Tumblr. Seriously, grab the biggest, blackest dildo you can find, and shove it right where the sun don't shine. Because all you're doing is continuing to further spread misinformation and lies about disorders that the general media already fearmongers to the point that people use them as blanket terms to associate with pedophiles and mass murderers.

And that saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me." Like hell they can't.
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1. Never going to sleep when you need to, but always being tired when you need to stay awake
2. Being too tired (yet not sleepy) atm to think of a #2 that's not ironically complaining about a lack of a #2

Oh wait... We got a mini-feminist/tumblr thing going on here.
Didn't expect to find it here, should have, but didn't.

Other's seem to have already said what I could do.
Stuff like Schizophrenia is a serious condition, and Tumblr trying to make it into some game is outright sickening.

Also, not sure if it's been posted yet but InternetAristrocrat had made a video about Tumblr and Headmates that I found amusing.

And thankfully there's an archive channel of his videos up:
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Two in one.

As for what gets my gears grinding...

When people write mental disorders incorrectly. I'll tell you this now, schizophrenia isn't hearing voices, sitting down and having conversations with them while you drink fucking tea. Personality disorders ≠ antisocial. Someone classed as a sociopath isn't always going to be violent, nor are they always going to be killers. But that's the thing I have a problem with the most, people making mental illness the reason why a character is a killer. Let's get this fucking straight, people with mental disorders can be killers, but mental disorders does not make us killers. We are not IN-FUCKING-HUMAN!

Another thing is applying mental disorders for funsies! Thinking they make a character more cool, more attractive by applying that angst!...Just stop, just...no. Realize there are real people out there who live with this shit. If anything the disorders should be to make your character appear more human, more realistic. Not anything else.

Though this is a topic for another day, but I hope atleast one person can take from this. Research what you're writing, and write what you know :hammock:
Things that grind my gears?

That sound a pencil makes when you run out of eraser but nonetheless keep trying to erase.
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Expollo said:
Two in one.

As for what gets my gears grinding...

When people write mental disorders incorrectly. I'll tell you this now, schizophrenia isn't hearing voices, sitting down and having conversations with them while you drink fucking tea. Personality disorders ≠ antisocial. Someone classed as a sociopath isn't always going to be violent, nor are they always going to be killers. But that's the thing I have a problem with the most, people making mental illness the reason why a character is a killer. Let's get this fucking straight, people with mental disorders can be killers, but mental disorders does not make us killers. We are not IN-FUCKING-HUMAN!

Another thing is applying mental disorders for funsies! Thinking they make a character more cool, more attractive by applying that angst!...Just stop, just...no. Realize there are real people out there who live with this shit. If anything the disorders should be to make your character appear more human, more realistic. Not anything else.

Though this is a topic for another day, but I hope atleast one person can take from this. Research what you're writing, and write what you know :hammock:

lol, Punny. XD

But yea I get what you're saying. People/Media seeing mental disorders as simply being a thing that makes people violent, or as a while to vilify or make a jokes out of people (or in Tumblrs case, a fun game). Not realizing that disorders are very real problems that people constantly have to live with having and that being born with ________ does not make one a killer. It makes them a human being who is struggling with a disorder.
My shoes. I wear children's shoes because my feet are so damn small.

They are hard as hell to get off and on, mainly off. I have a pet peeve against shoes that pull my muscles.