We're in this War Together (AngelFire and CrimsonMaiden)

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Isis shook her head. "Your height is fine. People get put in books for being super tall. There have been humans even taller than you, don't worry." She finished her granola bar and threw away the wrapper. "We could be set for a while if there's still food left in that market and bags left to grab it all. Can you imagine not having to forage for food anymore?" She made the "yes!" motion, pulling her elbow down into the side then went to grab her shoes. "You probably could go out like that, but let's not. Do you want to see if you can wear the coat I got? We can always tie one around your waist. It's impolite to walk around undressed in public." Today felt like a good day for the first time in a long time.
"Sure." He smiled. He still couldn't believe how nice Isis was.He would have to work on his hugging skills because she deserved them! And he could tell she was lonely. They had something in common. He wondered if he would ever tell her about what it was like in training for the war. He used to have nightmares about it. Now that he was a pilot, they had gotten less intense. He could still see the face of his old trainer back in the camp...He shuddered.
Once her shoes were on she grabbed that coat from her bag and held it out to him. "Try it on and see. My coat sits at my thighs so let's see how this one fits on you." She also went and grabbed her coat. "Hurry, I wanna see how it fits! I'll probably want to try to find something for you to wear too. I'll not letting you walk around looking like anything. Times are hard but we don't have to look like it."
He put it on. It did fit. It was actually surprising. "Wow. I must be huge..." he started laughing. "Okay, let's go, I'll get my boots." His boots were in the bathroom and he slipped them on. "Okay!"
"Looks like I didn't completely waste my time grabbing things. Alright, let's go!" She grabbed her bag and went out the door. "Let's look for stores that my have something useful in them. The store I found the other day was mostly bare except for the things I brought back in those baskets. Let's see if there's an unoccupied clothes store so we can find something that fits you. Since you're here it should be much easier." She looked up at Rikyo and smiled. "Maybe you could find somethings you like around here too."
"sounds great!" It really did. He hadn;t been this excited in a long time. As they went out, he squinted his eyes in the sun. He followed Isis closely, wanting to hold her hand for comfort, but not wanting to scare her.
The first store they came across was a practically empty clothing store with a few ties and socks still scattered around the place. She went inside and looked around. "See if there's something you might be able to wear around here. We should grab anything we can use where we find it." She walked further in and went behind the counter. The jewelry counter was cleaned out. "Why anyone would need a pearl necklace right now, I'll never know... Do you see anything?" She stood and looked around for Rikyo.
He was by a shelf that had a few socks on it. "Nothing here." he answered, looking at her. He moved towards other shelves and trailed his fingers across the empty ones. "This place looks all cleaned out to me."
"Hmm... Then let's move on." She jumped over the counter and walked back out into the street. There was nobody out at now so it was a little eerie walking around. "Doesn't it feel weird with no one else out here?" She walked a little closer to him and hugged herself.
"It is quite strange to see absolutely no one around, but it's probably because of the battle that is going on in the next town over. Correct?" He was about to put his arm around her shoulder, but hesitated. "That shop looks like it may have something in it." he pointed farther down the road to a gas station.
"That's true..." Now I feel silly. I've been through towns like this before plenty of times on my own. Why am I getting creeped out now? I'm supposed to know what's gone around here. She sighed and dropped her arms back down to her sides. When he pointed out another store she perked up. "Oh! A gas station, nice find. We should be able to find something to make a fire and more food. Who knows, maybe someone left a car or motorcycle or something!" She ran ahead to the station and circled the pumps. "Nothing..." She stood by one and waited for Rikyo.
Rikyo looked inside the window. "This one is almost empty too." He sighed.
Isis walked up to the window and peeked inside. "It wouldn't be surprising I guess. People would grab supplies and such before leaving with no clue how far away the next town is..." She still went inside and walked around. It was cleared out of food and cigarettes and such things. Walking back out side she threw up her hands. "There are still plenty other places to search. We can't get upset about a few empty places!" Mostly she was speaking to herself. Not far from there was a jewelry store but she wouldn't bother with it. They needed things to sustain themselves, fashion was not on the top of her list. Across the street and a little further down she was sure she saw another clothing store. A window was broken and mannequins were on the ground outside the window. "That place is most likely empty too, but let's take a look." She started towards it with a sigh. It really started to seem that it looked more lively at night. It was just a little creepy at the moment.
Rikyo sighed. "Maybe we should just go back. We have lots of food already, and I can always make my jumpsuit into pants." he took her hand, urging her to go back. His bandana unwrapped itself as his ears moved back. His eyes were filled with fear. he got this horrible feeling and he just wanted to go back. "Come on, Isis."
"But..." She looked at the store then back at him. "What about... What if we..." She couldn't get out a decent reason so she complied. There was a look in his eyes that sent off the red flags in her mind, like one of those "if only I had done this instead of that" moments was about to happen. "Alright then, let's go back..." Isis nodded. She looked intently at him a if expecting some kind of answer but wasn't really, at least not until they got back to the hotel room.
"Good, we need to go now." He picked her up and gave her a piggy-back ride. Running as fast as he could away from the streets and back to the hotel. There was a small coat closet that he saw when they reached the lobby. He ran in there and let her down. "We have to stay in here. Okay?" he said quietly.
Isis was surprised at first but didn't say anything until they got back to the. She slid from his back into the closet. "What's going on? Rikyo, what's happening?" She was officially worried. Was the fighting finally moving to where they were? She did not like not knowing things in times of crisis. She wouldn't fight it, but she wanted to know what was going on. There was a pointed pain in her chest.
"Sh. Do you hear it?" He asked, looking at the door. The sounds of boots marching and men yelling sounded from outside. "be as silent as you can."
Isis stopped talking and listened. She could hear marching outside. Her heart stopped and she pressed her back to the far wall. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine herself somewhere else. Hopefully they were just passing through and the wreckage would turn them from investigating. She was sure she was shaking in the dark but was glad for the cover.
Rikyo could feel her shaking. She was scared and he was too. He thought for a moment, then reached over and wrapped his arms around her for a moment, then pulled back. "It's okay, Isis." He heard lazers shooting and flinched.
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