We're in this War Together (AngelFire and CrimsonMaiden)

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Isis smiled back nervously. "Well, it's a start. Don't step so far out, you could lose balance and fall or twist something. We don't need that. When you step, try to shift your weight a bit so you don't lose your balance. I'm willing to give you time to get used to this so don't feel rushed to walk, take your time."
"Thank you." He smiled softly. As he kept practicing- listening to her advice -he tried to make conversation. He felt kind of awkward, stumbling around in front of her. "So, uh, what was your favorite thing to do when you were a child?"
Isis tilted her head thoughtfully. "Um, I used to like spending time with my grandparents. Simple things made me happy." She watched him walk, getting a little better every few minutes. "I still like simple things. Like this, having someone else to talk to is nice when the world is pretty much ending." She sighed heavily then stood. "Hey, is there something you would like to do? When we get all of this figured out and get a place to stay. Do you want to do something? We might be able to get jobs here and then we'll have money." They might as well try to enjoy how ever much time they had left. Who knew when the other aliens would reach them or when they would meet their end? Isis smiled and it seemed a little sad.
"I don't know. I want to learn about more about your culture once everything gets settled." He shrugged and kept balancing. He leaned against the wall for a moment to shake out his leg and bend the knee.
She shrugged. "Okay then. Well, do you think you're ready? If you're still having a hard time with it you can use me for support, it'll probably get us a place to stay easier." She smiled at him. "If we pull out a story about how long we've been walking. Actually, it wouldn't have to be a story. We were almost found by those alien soldiers and have been walking for days." She picked up her bag and awaited his answer.
"True. That's very smart of you. Thanks. Yes. We can continue on now." He slowly started off, wobbling ever so often. He kept his gaze up, trying not to look at his new feet, which were fascinating.
She nodded, glad to be moving on. Isis walked beside him and hoped dearly that he wouldn't loose his balance and fall. The town was rather lively; it was midday but no one seemed any less energized. There were some people, Isis noticed, that looked like they were dressed in some sort of uniform. She hoped that meant there were jobs to be had here. It was a welcome reprieve from the deserted towns they had passed through before though. "I hope there is still something to be done here," she said. "There are so many people..." There were a few hotels they passed as they walked, most with no vacancy signs put out in front.
"It's a booming town. I'm glad to see it." He smiled at the people as they passed them. "We could ask someone about open jobs." He suggested. His knee almost buckled, but he caught himself and steadied. An embarrassed blush crossed his face, so he looked away from Isis, hoping she wouldn't see.
Isis said nothing to his mistake, it'd take some time to get use to his new limbs. She wasn't one to nitpick at small mistakes. The town was indeed lively and one of the liveliest buildings was a bar; a ways down from that a hotel. It took everything in her not to run toward that hotel. Actually, another thought came to her as they closed in on the bar. "Should we stop by that bar to see if anyone knows about any open work? I'm just guessing, but they would probably know the most working men and maybe women." The sooner they got a lead on something, the better. Isis was eager to eat real food and put in for some real supplies.
"Yes. That is a good idea." He started off toward the bar with enthusiasm. He could use a drink. He made sure Isis was next to him as they walked in.
The bar was rather lively, but not full to the brink, though the noise was have you think otherwise. There were men and women gathered about talking loudly over each other in some places and speaking quietly amongst themselves in others. It was probably the most well kept building Isis had seen in a while: there were curtains on the windows, windows to be covered by curtains, tables in one piece and a set of chairs to each and nothing but the smell of cheap booze and fresh wood. Isis stayed beside Rikyo as they entered. She wasn't used to so much activity after all she had been through and it made her a little nervous.
"What do you drink here?" He whispered to Isis. He looked around at the people and suddenly got kind of nervous. Was he supposed to sit down or were the tables taken? How were they supposed to pay? He fixed the bandana that was covering his ears.
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