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She quietly watched him and her tail started to gently sway as she listened to him.She gently nodded her head,"Yes it is.I mean it's one of the main ones.That's why I wrap my tail around my waist when I'm going to be near a lot of people.Some people grab or touch my tail without actually knowing."She said a little shyly.She couldn't believe that she had just told him that but for some reason she felt comfortable with him.She laughed a little at how Yangs eyes got bigger and how he grinned in such a goofy way.

She wasn't sure she wanted to know what he was thinking,"Well...Yin already grabbed my tail but he wasn't gentle with it.He...he didn't know though...so I won't hold it against him."She said kindly.Part of her wanted to ask what he was grinning about but she didn't.It was most likely better not to know because once you learn something,'You can't unlearn it.'She thought amused.That was a motto that she always reminded herself of before asking any question.

She looked around a little then she looked back to Yang,"Oh really?I hope he'll show and that he'll help if his help is needed.I would really appreciate it if he would."She said hopefully.Then she started wondering what he would do if he did show up.She knew that she wanted to show him how she felt about him again and even tell him.Just thinking about it nearly made her nearly blush but she managed not to.She didn't want Yang asking what she was blushing about it would be embarrassing.

After taking a few deep breathes to relax she looked back at Yang,"Hm...okay.Well...what if I needed him now?Would he still show up?"She said almost hinting that she had just about figured out the truth.She took a deep breathe to prepare herself,"Okay.Get ready you guys.Here I go."She said a little nervous.Then she slowly leaned in close to Yangs' neck then she bit into his neck.When her fangs penetrated his skin she had bit him as gently as possible.

Not long after she bit him she could taste his metallic but sweet blood and she started feeding.Regardless of how good his blood tasted she drank a little and quickly pulled away.Now she had to battle to stay in control and resist the urge to feed more.She shook her head and started to breathe heavy.Shutting her eyes she tried to fight her transformation but black veins slowly spread across her skin.

She appeared to be losing the fight as she gazed at Yang with growing bloodlust.
"You actually let her drink your blood?" Kyla questioned, with one brow raised, as she approached them. "She's a demon, isn't she? You never let a demon drink your blood."

Without thinking for another second, she bolted towards them and reached out for the boy's hand, signalling him to grab her hand. She didn't know this boy, but she knew it would be a shame to see him perish here without reason, at least without Kieran nearby to witness it. Not only this, but she had seen him transform with her very own eyes, and it had been a marvelous sight. She found some difficulty in understanding why he didn't just tell her in the first place that he was two entities in one body. It reminded her of her own situation, as she felt that she and Kieran were one entity within two separate bodies. Of course, they both didn't share a train of thought, but she was a part of him. She sympathised for this boy, having to share control with a more aggressive being, for at least she didn't have to lapse in and out of control of her own body. Pitiful. However, she couldn't think of such meaningless matters now, as she saw the veins on the demon girl's face and arms begin to swell up and blacken. She was about to lose control of her body and fall prey to her inner desires, and if she could help at all, the boy wouldn't meet his doom when he had piqued such interest in her mind.

"Get out of her way!"
Within seconds of drinking Yangs blood the female Vamon's wounds were rapidly healing.At the same time she strength and energy were also swiftly returning.She turned her head and looked at,"I'm not a demon.I'm only half demon and half vampire.Some call my kind a Vamon.What are you?"She said distantly and stared at her.She easily hear her heartbeat since her hearing had became keen again.

When the other female reached out to Yang she hissed at her the same way a vampire would.The moment Pandora did all six of her fangs were revealed.There were four on top and two below and she seemed willing to bite into the females' hand.Honestly she seemed more tempted to bite into the females' hand but she was fighting the urge.She closed her eyes and grabbed her head,"Please do something...before I... Please get Yin out here now!"She said realizing that she needed to at least see him.
Through eyes shut tightly closed Yang felt the gentle prick of her teeth pierce his skin, but oddly enough didn't feel as much pain as he'd expected. He opened his eyes, surprised as he witnessed her head leave his neck, That wasn't as much as I'd expected. It's still enough you idiot. Through the small dizzy spell he'd experienced from the rapid release of blood, he managed to look towards her and notice her appearance change. Eh. Can't really say I didn't expect that to happen. And apparently you did as well. He referred to Yin, a slight annoyance in the voice echoing in his mind, What? Me? How could I possibly know anything about combat, or what it takes to set certain creatures off? Yin replied in a mocking tone. Yang shrugged his shoulders, accepting that he was in fact right. He shook his head, dispelling any of the previous dizziness he'd been experiencing. "Well, now that that's done with, I guess it's your turn then..." He said aloud, seen as how anyone nearby who thought him to be crazy would soon see he wasn't in fact talking to himself. He unfurled his legs from there crossed over state, not enjoying that he'd have to get up and force his body through another change in such a brief time. He began to bring his legs inwards to get up when he heard a voice from behind him. He looked back, and felt where the small wound had been created in his neck. He looked at the girl who'd approached them, unsure of how to reply to her statement, "She was hurt so it felt like the right thing to do." He lowered his eyes, but took her hand and used it to help himself get back up, looking back to her with a thankful gleam in his eyes, happy that he didn't have to go through the effort of getting up himself, which by that point he knew would be a struggle on it's own. "I'd back up if I were you." He looked to the girl once he heard the dangerous tone of the words Pandora was using. "This could end badly." He knew it sounded foolish for him to tell her to back up when he was clearly the one in a bad condition, but he didn't want someone getting hurt on his accord. Alright, you've had your little play time, my turn! Yang didn't have any time to react as his body went through the process of switching souls. His entire body lit up with a blinding purple light that seemed to shoot more to the sky than anything, like a strange purple beacon. When the light vanished moments later he stood a completely changed person. His hair had converted back to the calming blue that was once displayed in Yang's eyes, and his eyes burnt a fierce red. As always he stood staring at Pandora with a distasteful sneer. Before he did anything, he turned back to the girl who'd helped him up moments before. His eyes didn't show any form of kindness or thankfulness, instead burning with intense rage. He didn't say a word as he quickly pushed the girl back with renewed strength, then turned and shot like a bullet, headed straight for Pandora's tail, "So your sensitive here eh?" He laughed as he shot towards the appendage, evil thoughts already beginning to take over his mind.
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"She can't hurt me," Kyla slyly replied to the fiery-haired boy following Pandora's threat. "I'm a ghost."

She grabbed onto the boy's arm but by this point it was too late. She saw him stop dead in his tracks, frozen in time for a matter of seconds, and then a bright beam burst from his body and engulfed him. It was happening again, he's turning into his other self. As she looked back at the boy, she could see the beam had began to disappear. It was the same boy, but he seemed to have a darker air about him.
As he turned his face to look at her, she was stunned by his beautiful eyes, which burned with hatred and anger. She smiled, amazed, and captivated by the passion he had. Abruptly, her thoughts came to a close as he used a great amount of strength to push her away. Immediately, Kyla smirked, as his hands pressed against her shoulders to push her. She stood, firm, and felt the heavy thud of the collision between the two bodies. As hard as he had pushed, she didn't let herself move too far backwards, and instead, she turned her attention to the self-announced vamon opposite her. This was interesting indeed. It has been a long while since I have last seen a vamon - this explains her powerful bloodlust. Seeing her sharp dagger-like fangs only helped to amuse Kyla. She's going to be a dangerous opponent. This man spotted her flaws before, I think even I can match her. However, as she prepared herself to attack the vamon, she watched the man speed forwards and, overhearing the man's comment, decided to step back this time. This wasn't her fight. Where are you?
She saw Yang shake his head then looked from him to the female as if trying to decide who to attack.Yang was already weak and injured and she knew how good his blood tasted.Strangely it didn't taste any where near as good as Yin's smelled to her.She was still struggling with her deep desire to kill and feed.When she saw Yang take the female's hand allowing her to help him up.She looked at the female but she couldn't hear a heartbeat at all.She didn't look or smell like a vampire so the only conclusion was that she was a ghost.

She listened as they spoke to each other but couldn't help but laugh at the female's statement.She clearly had no idea what she was really capable of since she had held back her power.She was a vamon but each vamon's abilities and looks depended on what demon DNA they had.She would have fun showing this girl a little more of what she could do.Upon seeing a bright purple light she closed her eyes for a moment.When she reopened them she could see Yin staring at her and she watched as he turned to the female.

His eyes were filled with burning rage as he looked at her then silently pushed her back.Then without warning he shot toward Pandora just like she had expected for him to do.She could tell that he was after her tail but she wasn't going to let him grab it easily.She grinned at him revealed her fangs then she swiftly lowered her tail and swiped it forward.The action was an attempt at tripping him and if it worked her tail would swiftly wrap around his legs.

She doubted that he would fall for something so simple but it was still interesting to see what he would do.If she was able to capture him in anyway she was going to take her time in claiming her prize.Although her attention was focused on Yin she still hadn't forgotten the female ghost.Just in case she tried anything she readied her energy and her hands slightly heated up.If she had to she would use the attack but she really didn't want anyone to see it.
She could tell that Pandora was watching her eerily in her peripheal vision. As Yin bolted towards Pandora with godspeed, she was immediately amused by Pandora's swipe. She laughed at Pandora's stupidity - she had claimed that her tail was her most sensitive part but now she seemed to be throwing her main weakness at her opponent. But then Kyla paused. Her laugh had ceased. She realised that Pandora was luring him in. Of course! Why else would somebody make such a stupid movement, if it wasn't because that movement was masking her true intentions. Pandora is an intelligent girl but I wonder what she is really planning. She then cracked an eerie smile before floating closer. If she attacks me, I can't use my full powers. I can't take a victim while Kieran is absent. The only thing I can do is wait. Kyla quickly disintegrated into nothing, before reappearing behind Pandora. She was far enough from them that she could avoid being collateral damage. She had seen the vamon's toxic attack before and was glad that the poison couldn't affect her, but if she released her true powers, perhaps she wouldn't be so lucky. Kyla, come here at once. She blocked out Kieran's thoughts as she hovered into the air to get a better view.

"Do you intend to seduce him?" Kyla smirked, as she watched with amusement.
As Yin shot closer to the girl, he spotted her attack coming from a mile away and his mind quickly developed multiple methods to avoid the attack, "Foolish girl, I'm renewed in strength! Or do you not recall being the one to heal me? I don't need to catch a breath, I simply need free reign of my own body movement. I could fight for days! Assuming I had a fool like you to heal me." He mocked her, a rather low blow. He'd selected from the choices presented to him in his mind how he'd avoid the attack from the fast moving limb, a move that would require precision, and if performed correctly would put him on top. He could feel the dried blood begin to crack on his skin, some falling down as flakes to the ground. The blood that coated his cheek was practically missing entirely, his eerie smile shaking it off moments before, and once again revealing the fangs that came with his transformation. Shortly before he collided with the tail, he swung his leg around and used it as momentum as he jumped into the air gracefully spinning sideways. He reached his hands out as he flew, his claws at the ready creating a dangerous sideways typhoon that reached for the tail that swung barely underneath it, "Who would perform such an attack? Using their very weakness as a weapon. That will cost you girl!" He laughed, then spread his legs to alter the direction he was spinning, the resistance his leg provided slowly stopping his sideways spin and lowering him even closer to the tail. Yin... Be cautious. She's not the same. Remember what you said about taking my combat advice? Yeah? Then shut up. I know what I'm doing. While he was performing his combat maneuvers, he didn't take his eyes away from Pandora's shocked at the darker air her eyes had obtained. His gaze faltered only slightly as his sensitive ears picked up on the question the girl behind Pandora asked. The words made his rage grow even fiercer, and his eyes burnt with an even more intense rage, practically fireballs within his eye sockets by that point.
Pleased that her words had delivered the desired effect, Kyla grinned devilishly at the sight of Yin becoming more angry. His beautiful rage-filled eyes delighted her, and she swayed excitedly as she prepared to see what the fiery-eyed man was about to do.
She could hear the female laugh for awhile and knew that she was still watching her as Yin rapidly approached her.She had almost been ignoring her until she distracted her with what she said.Pandora wasn't in a talking mood though so she didn't respond to what she said.Her focus stayed on Yin even when the female vanished and reappeared some distance behind her.

When Yin spoke again this time it was to mock her and he even dared to call her a fool.He clearly didn't know any better than to speak her in that manner.All he had done was cause the anger that she felt earlier to swiftly return.She snarled like a enraged beast,'If that's what he thinks of me then I was right...he did use me.Knowing that I have no reason to spare him.'She thought cruelly.

The without warning blue flames began to ignite from her tail and he was centimeters from them.If he should touch them he even slightly he would be burned by them.Shortly after she ignited more flames around her hands and her body temperature began to rise.She was about to completely release the blue flames from every part of her body at any any moment.Burning things wasn't all the blue flames did though since they were demonic flames.The flames could also consume energy and use it to grow and spread.

All her flames had to was touch a source of energy and it would automatically happen.Now she wasn't fighting her urge to kill everyone in sight anymore.Her will to resist it had been overpowered by the rage and hate that filled her heart.She gazed at Yin with cold and murderous eyes that only watched a target before them.Nothing about his rage filled gaze bothered her because her eyes remained the same.At that moment that black veins which had actually been markings spread out on her skin.

Her pale skin was rapidly becoming a coal black and her left eye became a glowing red.Then her skin became thicker as the temperature around her continued to rise.She readied her claws and fangs in case she needed to use them to go in for the kill.The Pandora who had murdered her entire class at her old school was back again.There was no way she was going to let her father stop her this time.She was going to finish off this entire school or at least most of the students.

Deep down she didn't care if she died because she didn't have any one to live for.Her father who used to love her grew to view her as a weapon for his kings army.For a few seconds pain filled her eyes from the thought but it quickly vanished.In her opinion she was better off dead so she would kill until someone killed her.
Payne wasnt normally this late, but the fact was she hadnt wanted to come to this school at all. for months her parents had trained her , telling her this would be good for her. now she leared people were dying?! Sighing she entered the classroom and took a seat in the back. her spikey black hair hung down over her yellow eyes. contacts of course. her clothes were nothing to brag about. jeans and a old t shirt. why did her parents want her here of all places? Noticing the male across from her she nodded

"Hey. am i the only one who is hearing this stuff about being killed?"
The blue flames had shocked Yin, and he didn't have any time to react to them as his hand clenched onto her tail, sending the flames jumping up his arm. They kept on travelling over his body, burning him alive. He was helpless, simply gripping the tail in his hand and stroking it, his grip getting weaker and weaker as more of his body was consumed by the ever growing flame. He'd imagine the pain would be unbearable if he was capable of feeling it. But since he couldn't he simply looked to Pandora, his eyes burning red as they contrasted the blue flames that fed off of his infinite energy, burning the tattered clothes off his back. He sighed, an odd action that showed calmness, even though he was blatantly on fire and moments from death.

He released her tail and backed up a few steps, with his hands raised upwards towards the sky. He watched in fascination under the blue flames that scorched his skin as she began to transform into her full form, "Some people just can't take a joke." He shook his head, regretting his earlier mockery of her. I sense I'm required? Yes... Please. NO! Yang's cries were too late, and Yin fell to his knees as the flame consumed him entirely. His entire body resembled a blue fireball, so much that his body wasn't even visible under the flames. He began to laugh, then added calmly under his breath, "You've made a grave mistake." A deafening roar could be heard under the cackling of the fire as he felt raw power start to take control of his body. His mind grew dizzy and began to shatter as his and Yang's minds began to merge into one, sending sharp pulses of pain resonating through his body, pulses so intense that they could even be seen as shock waves flickering the flames that coated him.

Then the pain ended, and clarity took control of his mind. Under the flames which should have long since reduced him to a pile of ash, the thing underneath scoffed, then released a laugh that sounded like two different voices mashed together, one of kindness and the other of insanity. "You try to beat me with my own element?" The strange voice didn't come from the burning mass, but rather from inside, from the mind. Then, the blueness of the fire instantly changed to a marvelous purple, and the figure underneath began to rise. Standing at his full height, the monster seemingly composed of flame stood much taller than Yin or Yang. It raised it's hands to the sky as Yin had done moments before, before throwing them forwards, sending the now purple flame that coated him flying in every which direction off of him, as if it were a a physical object opposed to mere flames.

Underneath stood a man wearing two gauntlets, one red and one blue. Thankfully, he also wore loose purple pants that shone metallically off the flames around it. He stood shirtless, staring hard at Pandora with neither a look of rage nor kindness on his eyes. His hair had turned to a royal purple color that matched his eyes, and unlike the previous transformations from Yin to Yang, his hair seemed to be neat and orderly, not tangled and messy as if he'd been fighting a battle. He opened his mouth, the strange combination of the two voices resonating within the mind, "Calm child. You stand before Karma, the living incarnation of magical and physical perfection. I commend your abilities, and I wish to end this meaningless conflict without blood shed, for it will certainly end in death for both of us if I were to overexert myself in this form." Yang's voice seemed to be the dominating tone during this statement.
She watched as he gripped her tail and the flames traveled up his arm.Surprisingly the way he had gripped her tail hadn't hurt at all like she had expected it too.The flames quickly traveled over his body burning him alive and she felt no remorse.She could see that he was was helpless,but she became confused when he stroked her tail.She felt his grip getting weaker and weaker as more of his body was consumed by the flames.As he looked at her his eyes burned red contrasted the blue flames that fed off of his infinite energy.

Suddenly the look in her eyes changed to one of realization and sadness because he was dying.The flames on her body all died down and vanished leaving no evidence that they had been there.Then she blinked and her left eye returned to it's normal shade of ice blue matching the right.Even her fangs returned to normal size and her coal black returned to it's pale complexion.

She felt him release her tail and back up a few steps,raising his hands upwards towards the sky.She could feel her heart begin to ache as she reached out her right hand to Yin.Tears filled her eyes and streamed down her cheeks,"I'm sorry Yin.I didn't know you were joking.I'm so sorry."She said in a sad remorseful voice.She felt terrible for losing control and it was only when Yin stroked her tail that she snapped out of it.

Unfortunately all she could do was watch as the fire killed him and she wished it were her instead.She deserved to be the one dying by fire but she was completely unaffected by fire.When Yin spoke again she didn't understand,'What does he mean by...grave mistake?'She thought.

She was sure that she had heard a roar within the fire after Yin had fallen to his knees.Then she felt a power that she hadn't felt before,'This power...there's no way it's Yin's or Yangs.'She thought in amazement.After hearing laughter she heard a voice and she couldn't understand how it was possible.It sounded like Yin and Yang were speaking at the same time.Then the color of the flames changed from blue to a royal purple that matched his eyes.Something strange was happening before her very eyes and she couldn't explain it at all.

Now there was yet another new male standing before her.If she didn't feel so confused and guilty she would've been blushing for sure.When he spoke again she mentally agreed with him on the physical perfection part of his statement.She was almost completely distracted by that alone as her eyes traced his form,"I'm sorry...it seems that I'm nothing but a monster and death follows me.I'm the reason that my mother was killed by vampires.So if you want to...you can kill me"She said with guilt filled eyes then she looked down.
She watched the girl with the yellow eyes enter the room and smiled at her in a friendly manner. But she was more focused on the man who was standing in the centre of the room calmly. "I don't think he can hear you," she told her. "But if that question goes for everyone, no, it's not just you. I saw quite a large number of people die already. But I have stayed out of people's way." She flicked her long blonde hair out of the way of her face, and her silver irises disappeared for a second under her eyelids. "He seems dangerous, though?"
Karma laughed, a deep resonating voice that was one of the few things that didn't sound like Yin and Yang's voice mashed together. Instead, it was a deep hearty laugh, that came from deep within his chest. He crossed his arms over in front of him, "You know, it's weird. A part of me really wants to take you up on that offer and end your life, but the other is screaming for me to apologize to you instead." He winked down at her, assuming she would understand what he meant, "Well, I suppose my presence is probably filling that pretty little head of yours to the brim full of questions. Although, I assume you'd have figured some things out on your own." He looked to her dead in the eye, moving one hand up to his chin thinking deeply on how best to describe his situation. Their situation.

When he got a better look at her face, he shook his head and abandoned his thoughts. Although he noticed it, he didn't address her staring at his body. Instead, he decided to address the tear stains that ran down her cheek. He uncrossed his arms and began heading towards her, walking slowly. His pant legs rubbed against each other as he walked, sending a chink chink noise through the air, showing that the loose fabric that composed the purple pants was somehow made of a form of metal. He thought deeply as he walked, though no trace was shown on his face, his expression staying emotionless as it normally did, even while he laughed.

He didn't take his eyes off of her as he drew nearer, "Don't try anything funny now. It would be a shame if I were to have to kill you." He shook his head, realizing how brunt his word sounded, "I apologize. I would hate to see any harm come your way is what I intended to say." The conflicting personalities showing through as traits in the tall man. "I must apologize for more than that though. I can not stay long to answer your questions, for I risk certain death if I do. It's a complicated system, one that would require time to explain, which I unfortunately don't have." By then he stood in front of the girl, standing tall above her. Cautiously, he held out his right hand, the one clad in a red gauntlet, to her cheek to wipe away the tears that had formed, "But if there is one thing I can tell you before I leave, is that your grieving has affected me greatly. All of me." His eyes briefly changed as he said the last words, one burning the fierce red of a psychopath, and the other the deep blue of a caring soul. It lasted only briefly, before they both returned to the emotionless purple eyes they'd been previously.
What the... Kyla's eyes were wide open now, and she stood mute and stunned. She found it quite difficult to comprehend the situation, but she was quite sure that the vamon had destroyed the man. And, without warning, he had transformed once again into this gigantic fiery spirit. If only she could feel the heat against her body, but being a ghost had its many downsides. Most parts of her body was completely unsensitive to everything - whether it be physical contact or thermal energy radiating through the air. As a result of this, she felt saddened that she couldn't engage all of her senses into the action, and her excitement had begun to waver already. To add to her sorrow, it seemed that the vamon had become engulfed with emotions, and once she noticed that the vamon's eyes had both returned to its soft blue colour, and the flames which had danced on her tail had dissipated, she cautiously approached her. She didn't dare to get too close in case the vamon decided to turn on her, but in her mind she was sure that her blood-fuelled frenzy had left her. This isn't funny anymore, Kyla. This is important, come to me now.

"Hold on, Kieran," she growled.

- - - - -

Kieran meanwhile, stood quietly in the room, and suddenly became aware of the two girls behind him. Without turning his head to face them, he adjusted his hood so that it covered his eyes completely. Turning around slowly, he approached the two girls, and then stopped when he was about two metres away from both of them. He could see them both watching him and he had to think hard to recall what they had said. He turned to the silver-eyed girl and narrowed his eyes as he replied to the only part of her statement he could remember.

"I apologise if I am coming across as threatening," he said, looking straight into her eyes. "That is the last thing that I want to happen, taking into consideration the fact that more people want to kill one another than not."
When she heard his deep and hardy laugh she looked up at him then she looked at his arms.Which were folded which caused his muscles to flex and bulge.They were chiseled just like the rest of his muscles that she could see.Not wanting to seem weird she quickly looked up at his eyes as he spoke.His voice didn't sound threatining at all in fact she felt safe listening to him speak.Upon seeing him wink she was caught off guard and slightly blushed.By the time she realized that she had blushed she was sure it had been seen.

She couldn't help but feel embarrassed since she had ended up blushing in front of him.As she listened to Karma speak she gently nodded her head,"My guess is that you're both Yin and Yang combined.At least that's how it seems to me."She said softly.When he shook his head while looking at her she wondered what he was thinking.Then she watched him unfold his arms and begin to slowly approach her.She was unable to read his emotionless face and felt slightly nervous.Her nervousness was due to how attractive he was and the fact that he was approaching her.

Part of her started to day dream about him taking her in his strong arms and passionately kissing her.Then she realized that her day dream seemed a lot like it came out of a romance novel.Once she realized that she mentally laughed a little at the thought.She had no idea why on earth she was thinking about romance at that very moment.His attractiveness must have seriously been affecting her and her state of mind.Although it was embarrassing she had to admit that she did still like the thought of it.

Since she meant no harm she shortened the nail like claws on her hands and feet to normal length.Then the sclera of her eyes changed from a pale black back to their normal white.She watched him with a now softer gaze,"Don't worry I won't try anything.I promise.It's ok,I understand and I'm sorry for trying to kill you."She said looking at him remorseful for her actions.She felt ashamed of herself as she looked up at him realizing how tall he stood over her.

She stood still as he cautiously reached up to her cheek and wiped her tears away.The whole she silently gazed into his eyes and his words reached the core of her heart.More tears began to form in her eyes but they were tears of joy because she knew he cared.At least he...no they cared,"Thank you.She said happily and smiled.Then without saying another word she hugged him hoping that he wouldn't mind.Better yet she hoped that he would put his big and strong arms around her.

She was already enjoying the feel of being against his chest and listening to the sound of his heartbeat.She could tell that the female was still watching and cautiously approaching.Her guard was still up as it always was but she wouldn't attack unless attacked.
"I hope you don't mind me interrupting," Kyla quickly said, as she watched the vamon move towards Karma and hug him, in disgust. "But you seem to be much more... emotional... than your typical half scary demonic beast, half blood draining vampire hybrid." Kyla finally walked forwards so that she was at arm's length from the pair, as she heard the sound of a bell ringing erupt in the room. Ignoring it she stared directly into the vamon's eyes and smiled, amused. "What's your name, beast?" she asked her.
Pandora looked at the female and annoyance danced in her eyes after she heard what she said.She couldn't believe that she dared to say that,"That is a stereotype that you would be wise not to believe.Vamon aren't automatically coldhearted killers.How we're treated is what determines how we act.Many are hunted on a daily basis and they aren't shown any kindness.So they believe they should kill or be killed."She said trying to stay as calm as possible.

Then she bared her sharp fangs toward her upon being called a beast,"I refuse to share my name with someone who has the nerves to call me...a beast.How about you rephrase that first."She says beginning to sound angry.There was no doubt that she had a temper that was a quick and fiery one.Also pain she had carried with her since she was little also made it easy for someone to strike a nerve.

She was being to consider using her flames to consume the energy that the ghost needed to maintain her form.That way she would have to go where ever she went to gather more energy for awhile.That would get her out of her hair for at least an hour and give her the chance to... Oddly finishing that thought made her feel embarrassed so she didn't finish it.
Karma, although shocked by the sudden action, didn't show it. Instead, he simply wrapped his arms around the girl's waist and held her close pulling her away from the ghost girl, "Your a brave girl to perform such bold actions." He felt the tears that ran down her face on his chest. He held her closer, holding her body tight against his. After a moment of embrace, he released his arms from around her waist, deciding he should explain some things to her at the very least, "Well, your right about Yin and Yang composing me." He replied, even though it was much more complicated then him being Yin and Yang together. His existence dated many years back, before either of the boys had even been born. Although he didn't want to confuse her with a plethora of information, he still felt the need to correct on thing, "Sort of. Don't think it so much as they combine to form me. I am my own entity, so it's rather that both of them are parts of me, rather than me being the result of them." He shook his head, realizing how confusing he must sound to the girl. He couldn't think of any other way to explain it though.

His eyes lightened, and he couldn't help himself as the corners of his mouth raised ever so slightly to form the tiniest of smiles, "I can see why they feel strongly for you." His eyes seemed to sparkle as he said this, each showing a tint of the color respective to the gauntlet on that side, his right eye showing red and the left blue. "But you mustn't feel strongly for me." His eyes grew dull once more. He could sense the emotions coming off of her, her feelings overwhelming him, "It would be illogical." He backed up a few steps from the girl, avoiding the pools of dried blood and toxin that had formed. "Now how should I return them... I think I should split the pain into two separate bodies temporarily. I just hope they don't kill each other before they heal..." He thought deeply about this for a moment, then shrugged, "It's a risk I'm willing to take." He looked back to Pandora, then pointed towards her body, "You might want to find some new clothes, you know, before Yang sees you and has a heart attack or something." He lowered his hands, then simultaneously raised both arms to the sky in the same fashion he'd arrived in, "Perhaps we'll meet again. And then I can explain more to you." He lowered his arms quickly, sending a strange fire that erupted from his body. On one side he burnt a marvelous blue, and the other a deep red. He burnt for a few moments, as his body began to shrink back down to Yin and Yang's size. Then, the fire split into two, the blue flames headed to the left while the red headed to the right.

When the fire stopped, there was a moment of silence as the figures underneath were revealed. Both figures collapsed to the floor with their eyes closed. The one on the left was Yang, and on the other side was Yin. They both wore shorts of differing colors, but nothing else. Yang's were blue, and Yin's red. Almost simultaneously they both stood up. Yin held a hand to his head, opening his eyes to show a look of pain "This is unbearable!" he yelled in agony, nearly falling to his knees again as an intense pain ran through his head. Yang could barely move, the pain coursing through his body so intense that it nearly paralyzed him, "Tell me about it." Yang replied, before opening his eyes in shock to look at Yin. Yin did the same, "What's going on?" They both asked at the same time, staring at each other in shock.
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