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Which is the best Magic?

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With half the party not really doing anything dark and the other half plunging head first into the evil crap at least once...yeah this will either be a recipe for destruction or alot of fun.
Also what can I say from your guys backstory is actually in the files? That way I don't state something that shouldn't have been known.
Eirioch's file would say that he is an Abthane, similar to a Prince. His family is the largest and most powerful clan in Innis Buidhe. He was to be schooled for a five year term at the mage college, but dropped out of the Northcoast academy after three for some foolishness, following a famine. He is engaged to Brigit Lutair.

He is a capable fire mage, as well as a skilled swordsman.
Okay dokie, I'm going to need everyone else to do the same. Tell me what is in the files so nothing will be spoiled.
Brigit is probably best known for engagement to Eirioch. Prior to that, she was just a clever girl from a cadet branch of Clan Lutair. Since their betrothal became official, it may have become known that she is a skilled commander and tactician who honed her skills in a campaign against Clan Martainn. She practices a brand of magic known as Bodagh which functions almost like a cross between elemental magic and transmutation. While there are ice mages elsewhere in Earisse, they don't practice this specific blend of magic. While the principle behind it is understood, only the Lutairs bother to perfect the art, and Brigit has perfected it more than most. Most details about her immediate family are likely vague, since the Lutairs of Taigh an Leargaidh are... pretty unremarkable. Her personality is likely just noted to be cold, if anything at all.
I saw [MENTION=5297]Lucas Falkreath[/MENTION] 's post just after i posted mine, so i edited it so that what Eirioch said was prior to Viper leaving. Hope thats okay!
The main thing in Vipers file would be everything on his character sheet but his background, well and his fear of death because even he doesnt know that yet xD.
Well I have a couple of things to mention here. The first is that during the time you guys helped me brainstorm this up, I had written out the whole Part One of the campaign...not including that whole fiasco in the Mess Hall,( I hope that never happens again.) But to the point, after I freaked out Sir Basil, I realized I needed to warn you guys that at the end of the Part One there will be a revelation of sorts that may make someone angry. I swear it was created before you made your character and that I'm not picking on you. Please don't hate me because there are coincidences galore happening here.
With that out of the way, here is number two. So my fiancé is in boot camp and asks me what fun stuff I'm doing. I told him about the thread and everything and he asked me question that had to do with my last plot device. If Eirioch can't see Aine's fate or future, can he see the futures that her decisions influence since she is now a free-radical in the equation of fate? It was a debate between us with no real conclusion. So I wonder, what do you guys think?
Eirioch is a true clairvoyant. He is able to see the actuality of the events - not the possibilities. He sees what is going to happen in a person's future. Not only his own, but all others who have some impact on his life and livelihood. I would think that Eirioch would not be able to see the future or fate of Aine, but he would be able to see the impact of her choices. Fate, according to Eirioch, works in such a way where the smallest gesture (the example he used was a handshake) can alter the entire course of it. Thus, many of her actions would alter the entire shape of the world ; and that would certainly be something that he could See.

As well, if he's only able to see a blur or whatever in his visions, or nothing at all ; he'll likely just -assume- it's Aine, since he can't see her.

([MENTION=5464]CrazyDragon[/MENTION] Feel free to PM with spoilers. I'm very good at keeping secrets and spoilers out of my posts.)
xD No angryness, a revelation that noone expected makes for a very interesting plotline later on. I am sure the person won't feel like you're picking on them. By the way I am working on a post now ^^, I am also going to assume that my roommate heard the mission before rushing out to move things along and then Viper is sleeping so we can move things to the morning.
Brigit's life is pretty rotten as it is, so if it's her, it won't be anything new. I sorta prefer it when my characters are suffering, for some reason or another. And I do have to say, I agree with Basil. Either the spirit's protection of Aine is somewhat ineffective in that Eirioch can see the effects of her actions without seeing her and Eirioch can put two and two together, OR if the spirit is of near godlike power, it seems it could wipe out Eirioch's vision completely. Based on how Basil has been playing the irrefutability of fate, every single action effects everything else. Not being able to see Aine's future would mean not being able to see the future of anyone she's interacted with and that would mean not being able to see anyone that they interacted with and just like that, the future is a mystery again.

That being said... Eirioch has already seen everything. Several times, in fact. So while it may take him a second to remember things, he isn't having new visions on a daily basis or anything. Unless he has never been able to see Aine (or at least anything prior to the spirit coming to her), the cloak shouldn't change... well, anything. That's the way I see it, at least.
[MENTION=589]Sir Basil[/MENTION], I believe that will be the best course of action. With future-seeing, communication between us will be a good idea.
[MENTION=5297]Lucas Falkreath[/MENTION], that is great. Thank you. Hopefully tomorrow I can get the next stage moving along. I was actually going to have Aine visit Viper and tell him everything but this works out much better. I wonder if Vexor will do something similar.
[MENTION=5562]The Piper of Pipers[/MENTION], that was where I was standing my fiancé was thinking the other way. Then again he believes you can only see like fifteen minutes into the future.
He lifted up the red vial next and looked at it himself, even now he could see the traces of green that danced through the crimson liquid. He remembered the first time he crafted this concoction from that witches blood…he had to say it was good for something. He lowered the vial back down to the dresser and looked towards his roommate with almost a sinister smirk.

"This creation I made myself from the blood of a witch I killed weeks ago, her blood held a very high dosage of an explosive compound. When placed on the tip of an arrow and fired, the first thing the arrow comes in contact explodes.

My head-canon is now that mages are somehow very explosive, and if they ever get injured, their blood explodes.
It must have been a transmutation of something. A Dead Man's Switch.
Daaaamn those arrows must be expensive. Where would you even get that? Shady black markets, probs.
xD He made them himself...the vials of liquids as well they are a mixture of several different compunds he just told his roommate they were one. The witches blood is mixed with a different form of flower a rare one from the east. just watch a lot of the things he makes will be made of a bunch different flowers he encounters. Feel free to point any out in the descriptions of different areas.
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