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Paula looks into the classroom at the female.She looks back at the group and continues to pad toward them.She walks up to Korkox stopping to sniff at him,"Are you sure about your statement?Now is your last chance to change it."She says with her sharp teeth showing as she spoke.She looks at Zane then at Minda,"Why didn't you speak girl?"She asked suspiciously.

Veronica listened to Bones speak although she could hear talking again,"That makes sense.How am I new to you? I'm a demon.I'm just...different from the rest."She asked.She watched him take his headphones off,"Weaknesses and disorders you say.How interesting.You know most of that is nothing more than myth.For example...Malic always wears a cross.He finds it amusing to show it to people and watch the look of disbelief on their faces."She says and darkly chuckles.She looks past Bones to the students talking to the hall monitor behind them.She looks back at him,"What's even better is the look of terror in their eyes when they realize how defenseless they are.A length of knotted rope will work on anyone who has serious OCD.To be honest...not every vampire has OCD.It varies from vampire on what kind of disorder they have.She says amused.She grins,"I gave up on trying to understand humanity long ago.Now I just want to terrorize it."She says and her eyes slightly widen with an insane excitement.
He herd her questions and wonder what Minda would say. Would she go with the lie or speak the truth? Ether way he had to throw her off some how. So he kissed the wolf on her nose when she sniffed at him, "Now why would lie to such a lovely lady such as yourself?" he said with a smile and attempting to scratch her behind 1 her ears, hoping flattery would work for it normally did with girls...... some of the time.
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Minda looked at the girl with clam eyes. She heard Korkox seemed to be trying to flatter the girl as if to make whatever she said especially if it was the truth to not end badly. "I did not speak for there was nothing for me to say. These two answered your question so why should I talk when I would basically tell the same thing. I just might not have said it the way Zane did or my friend for I am not the girl's sister and I do not act like Zane." Minda just stared staying clam still after speaking. She was shocked that Misery didn't say anything as to try and make things more difficult at least that's what usually would happen in situations like this.

Zane wondered why Minda had said nothing as well and wondered her thoughts. He listened to Korkox talk to Paula and wondered. 'Hmm.. Why try and flatter her? Interesting approach but I'm not sure that will work we will have to just trust Minda I guess and see where that leads. He then heard Minda reply but gave no sign that he was glad or not.
Pleasant shrugged, "Many of things I know apply only to one situation, but are useless in just about everything else." He crosses his harms behind his head, "There is also a very wide range of creatures identified as Vampires, but on to a more interesting subject. You are knew to me, because you are a demon, yes I have seen many demons, but I have a feeling from reading your aura that you are different from most demons, and I want to find out how and why." He looks at the clock, "How long does it normally take for class to begin?"
Paula growls at Korkox after he kissed her on the nose then snapped at his hand when he attempted to touch her.She narrowed her lime green eyes at him,"Don't touch me or I'll rip your arm off and beat you half to death with it.I'm not a dog and I won't be treated like one."She says then bares her fangs at him.She stops growling then relaxes some,"As far as that stunt you just pulled...it was bold move.I'll give you that,but carrying out my responsibilities always comes first."She says and snorts blowing air in his face.She shifts into a tiger that is black with lime green stripes,"Just what are you up to?Don't bother saying you aren't up to anything because your behavior is...suspicious."She says suspiciously gazing into his eyes with lime green tiger eyes.Paula looked over at Minda,"I find your statement to be lacking foundation.Most people will at least have some statement to add over something like this.Like...yeah they're right.His sister got really out of hand.Or...you know stuff like that."She said still looking at her.

Veronica watched Bones shrug,"That's so true.That's just one of lifes wonderful ways of screwing us over."She says jokingly.She watched him cross his arms behind his head,"You're right.In different nations around the world everyone has their version of vampire or vampire like creature.I find the stories interesting."She says.She pauses listening to Bones,"What's different about me is what other demons call...a mutation.There's nothing special about that."She says in an almost sad and angry sounding tone of voice.She looks down,"Yeah this normal for the first day or so.Class should start soon though."She says.
Nonchalantly Lucus arrived at the school, Walking inside he headed straight to the office where he registered his information and grabbed his schedule. Yawning he tossed his hands behind his head and closed his eyes, Still aware of where he was going Lucus walked trough the hallway full of students. "Class...What's a demon lord got to go to class for?" His trustworthy blade carefully wrapped and strapped across his back spoke in mumbles but well enough for him to understand.

"Because your father thought you needed a break from ruling over hell, I actually agree with him all you did was scare the lower ranks into doing what you wanted...This should be a better environment." Sucking his teeth he snarled, and passed by more students not caring who or what they were. "Manipulating people now shouldn't be so easy...I think its a taste of your own medicine." Lucus chucked and grinned evilly.

"Oh yea?,Then why'd you tag along?" His blade grew silent and he pushed past a group of kids talking amounts each other, One had shifted into a black animal with green stripes but he paid them no mind and rudely entered the classroom.
Paula was waiting for the male and the female to respond when she spotted another male walking by,'He could be trouble...I'd better keep an eye on him.'She thought then looked back at Korkox and Minda.

Veronica had just finished responding to Bones when she suddenly felt a chill run down her spine,'Damn it.I rarely experience this sensation.Surely it can't be...'She thinks almost anxiously but pauses in the middle of her thoughts to look around.It was then that she saw a male with a sword on his back walk into class.She immediately turned back around hoping he hadn't seen her and that he wouldn't notice since her back was turned to him.She felt somewhat uneasy,'Why is he here?Will more people from my past start showing up?Please don't notice me...I don't want to relive being called a mutant demon.Why did I have to be born different?"She think hoping her hood will hide her identity but knowing it won't hide her black demon tail.

Malic looks at the male then looks at Veronica seeing her change in behavior,'Veronica has never acted like that around me before.Who is this guy?'He thinks nonchalantly.He looks at the guy and smile,"Hello and Welcome to Hell High.I'm Malic Gillian Westbrook.What's your name?"He says politely wondering if the male would recognize his last name.It was the last name of his family of noble pure blood vampires.He figured only someone of high status would know of that name since the nobles and royals held balls and banquets.Malic had to admit that he found them boring and spent most of his time outside alone.
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He ignored noticed the newcomer and what the hall lady had said but payed it no never mind. When she turned back to them he took a step closer admiring her tiger form that looked just well as wolf. "Well im a bold man my lady" he said in flattering tone as he stepped closer. "How about you take our story for there 3 witness all sayig the same thing and throw my sister in dungeon and let the office deal with the paper work. That way you a lot free time on your paws tonight to maybe do more pleasurable things?" he whispered in a suggestive tone, placing his hands carefully on her waist. Boldness got him this far, maybe lighting will strike twice. "We can have a nice diner, get to know each other some, and maybe i can be your slave afterwards?" he continued to whisper so only she can hear him. Then he gave her a soft kiss on the lips hoping that would seal the deal and get them out of trouble for now. Though he did have a interest in this woman. She had something about her that struck his fancy.
Having past them a familiar sent caught to his nose and he stopped and turned to face the group of students. One had quickly turned hiding there face from him, but they forgot to hide the tail protruding from there backside. 'I know that smell.....could it be?' shaking his head Lucus waved the thought off and was about to turn and leave again before a male from the group spoke to him. Welcoming him and identifying himself. 'Westbrook...?' unable to shake the feeling he knew that title from somewhere he spoke to his blade. "Oy, Vexus have you heard the name Westbrook before?" Mumbling low the blade replied.

"Hmm....Westbrook, Westbrook....Oh! Yes!. That's a very popular and well known vampire family line, I wouldn't expect you to remember but years ago your father attended lots of spectacular balls held by them. Let me out! I want to see the Royal Blood!" Sucking his teeth again he pulled the blade from his back and unwrapped it speaking in different languages, The blade transformed into His servant Vexus who stretched and fixed his scarf.

"I don't see what the big deal is Vex....He says his names Malic Gillian Westbrook," Pointing to the male who'd only seconds ago introduced himself Lucus then sniffed the air again, still smelling the familiar scent, While Vexus approached the royal vampire and bowed with a smile on his face.

"Thank you for welcoming us, I'm Vexus; Lucus's Katana" raising his body he extending his hand to the boy. "I'm very familiar with the name Westbrook, I along with Lucus and his father Satan have been invited to everyone of your family's fabulous events." Lucus rolled his eyes as Vexus ass kissed like always.

"Yea, Nice to meet you"
Minda heard Paula's reply to Korkox and felt like giving a small laugh but didn't she made herself stay clam and quiet to see the girl's reaction to her statement. "Lacking Foundation?" Minda repeated as a question then heard the girl continue. "Well I was originally home schooled." She replied to defend her reason. "I'm getting use to how others might usually interact so I'm sorry if my statement was a little odd." She knew that was only part truth she really didn't see why she had need to say anything on this matter at all. She just wasn't use to this sort of thing so she thought her comment was fine. She never turned but knew that yet another student had entered but she couldn't feel there emotion because of the others around her. Minda then noticed Korkox trying to pull yet another move on the hall monitor.

Zane waited worried what might happen now Minda was home schooled so he understood why her answer was so strange. He then soon saw another enter but ignored them for he still had the hall monitor to deal with. Then he gave a laugh at Korkox for once more trying to pull a move on Paula.
Paula watched as Korkox took a step closer,'What is he up?'She thought.She simply watched and listened to him,"For starters we don't have a dungeon.Also my senses tell me that something isn't right...and my senses are never wrong when I'm in any animal form."She says appearing to ignore the tone of voice he had used.After he finished talking and to her surprise had kissed her she narrowed her eyes a little and let out a low growl.Without warning she attempted to swat him in the face with her paw,"What part of don't touch me...didn't you get?Also my duties always come first.Since you want some one on one time...you'll be coming with me to a room I like to call the interrogation room.I'll take you there during lunch to find out every detail of what happened."She says.She looks at Minda,"Oh I see.Don't worry about it then.It's not like I have anything against home schooling.Just remember to at least nod in agree with someone else's statement.Also be careful around here...or you'll get eaten alive.I mean that metaphorically and literally."She says.
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He let her swat him him in the face. "Hmmmm feisty one areyou ar. Me love feisty" he says with a wink. "So i will be glad to see you at lunch." he said happily. "Well guess we better get in class" he says as he walks through the whole in the wall to look around at the students seeing 2 which had fought earlier. Then turned around to face the hall monitor."By the way beautiful, the name is Korkox. Whats yours?" he directed at the hall monitor.

She watched and herd his words. She was angry as ever and when she was able to move again she planned on ripping of his balls and shoving them down his throat. 'Blame me will he, i will make him pay for this' she silently and angrily thought.
Zane gave a laugh then followed through the hole in the wall. He looked at Minda before she entered. "Well Minda I'll see you around I'm going to sit at my usual your welcome to join but something tells me you will want to stay with your player of a friend there." He gave a chuckle then went to a corner in the back of the room.

"Thanks for the advice."Minda replied relieved that the hall monitor didn't seem to suspect anything from her at least it seemed she did Korkox However. Minda listened to Korkox and Paula for a minute. She then stoop shocked at what just seemed to happen in front of her between Korkox and Paula. 'Didn't he do the same thing to Pandora in a way?' She heard Zane and snapped out of her thoughts for the moment. "Um... Okay see you around I guess..." She then slowly and carefully stepped through the wall like the others. She finally heard Misery. 'Why that... He so strange and interesting he's pretty sly don't you think?' 'Um...sly?' Minda questioned Misery. 'Ah yes...' Then Misery seemed to grow quiet once more.
Malic watched the male who seemed to be in thought for a few moments remove the blade from his back.Then he saw his blade change into a male then walk over to him,"There's no need for you to bow to me.We're at school so it's fine to be more casual."He says.He smiles,"You're welcome Vexus."He says then stands and shakes his hand.After shaking his hand he looks over at Lucus then looks back at Vexus,"Oh really?I would say that my families events were fabulously yet boring.At least they were to me.What did you think of them Lucus?"He says looking at the Lucus.He sat back down at his desk,"It's nice to meet you too Lucus.I also have an associate.Her name is Veronica,but she doesn't quite seem herself at the moment.I'm really not sure why though."He says pointing at Veronica.

Veronica was listening to the conversation and she slightly tensed upon hearing Malic mention her name.She could only hope that Lucus wouldn't remember her name.The odds of that were slim with her being one of the daughters of Satan's top general.Part of her wished her father wasn't so known but because he was she had met Malic outside of his families manner.She had been all by herself crying from being picked on when Malic came to her.Ever since she had stayed by his side.
Bones watched all the preceding happenings with a blank expression. Not because he was disinterested, but because he couldn't make any other expression. He leaned forward and rested his cheek on his desk, blank hollow eyes staring off to the side. So many interesting people... things. Like that fellow, is he a sword? How peculiar. He didn't say anything to these new people, just listened to them talk amongst themselves.
Yawning again Lucus searched for a empty desk and sat there, he then tossed the wrap he'd had around the sword to the next empty desk in front of him. "Those things were boring to attend...always a pain in the ass having to dress proper and pretend to care." leaning back in the chair he pulled out a bottle of water he'd saved in his pocket and drank from it, Hearing the name Veronica he spat it out and jumped up startling Vex and the others.

"What's wrong Luke?" Vexus approached him and placed his hands on his shoulders, rudely Lucus slapped his hands away and pointed to the girl named Veronica.

"Hey!, You girl...Show me your face!" 'That scent!, That tail!, That name!...Its not a coincidence.' Vexus Smiled slightly embarrassed at how his master was acting. Scratching his head he bowed forgetting about the casual placement he was in.

"Forgive him he's as dumb as a rock!" Slapping Lucus head he messed up his hair and chuckled.

"My IQ proves otherwise Vex!, Im not crazy sniff the air Im telling you! That's the girl...you know the one with-" Vexus covered Lucus mouth and sniffed only to open his eyes widely and look at the girl.

"That's strange...Very strange." Both of them looked and Malic and then to Veronica.

"Show yourself" they both said in unison.
Paula watched Korkox with her eyes slightly narrowed,"Keep it up and I'll show you feisty."She says rolls her eyes at him.She changes back into her human form,"Yeah you'd better get to class."She said then watched him step. through the hole in the wall.She was about to turn away when he spoke to her again,"My name is Paula.See you st lunch...Korkox."She says with a slight smirk.She watched the other male follow Korkox then she looked at Minda,"You're welcome.Well...I'd better be going since I have a job to do.All of you stay out of trouble."She says then turns and begins walking off.

Veronica was trying her best to stay calm but she was beginning to find it hard.She watched Bones as he was watching other students before he leaned forward and rested his cheek on his desk,"So...you said you wanted to know what was different about me?Are you sure that you want to know?"She asked him with a somewhat uneasy voice.

Malic watched as Lucus yawned while searched for a empty desk before sitting then tossing the wrap he had around the sword to the empty desk in front of him.He couldn't help but smile at his response to his question,"I'm glad that I'm not the only one who felt that way."He said amused.He watched Lucus lean back in his chair,pull out a bottle of water and begin drinking from it.Upon mentioning Veronica he noted how quickly Lucus had spat water out and jumped up from his seat.He silently observed his reaction,'Is it possible that Veronica has some kind of connection to them?'He curiously thought.The look in Malic's eyes became somewhat concerned,"Yes...what's wrong?"He asked.He watched Vexus approach Lucus and place his hands on his shoulders before he rudely slapped his hands away,Lucus had pointed to Veronica so Malic looked at her seeing her back still turned and sensing her tension,"What about her?"He asked curious to know what the big deal was.

The moment Lucus spoke to her she could feel her powers beginning to act up,'Calm down...you can't lose control.Maybe if I just ignore them...maybe they'll leave me alone.'She thought anxiously.Malic laughed a little upon seeing Vexus slap Lucus in the head but he continued to watch the scene that was unfolding.Veronica's tail started to anxiously sway back and forth as she acted like she didn't hear them speaking to her.
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Bones turned his head to look at Lucus and Vexus, you couldn't tell but he was frowning. He then looked at Veronica and nodded, "Yeah, I'm sure, but you don't have to tell me right now if you don't want to. Whenever you're comfortable."
Vexus approached veronica and extended his hand. "I know you heard us." Lucus watched as Vex moved in on the prey. Looking around he rolled his eyes and picked up the wrap he had around his sword.

"Forget about her Vex, who ever she is she doesn't want us to know so who cares?" The real reason he'd called his loyal servant vex off is because sometimes when vex goes nuts there's no stopping him. He may put on the fake facade of being kind and forgiving but certain thing's tick him off. Thats one of the many reasons his father Satan chose him to become his weapon. He's not only his weapon but he's also his watchdog, faithful companion, a long with a whole lot of other things he's his best friend only friend actually. Pulling back his arm vexus nodded he knew not to disobey Lucus. Walking back over to him Lucus spoke a couple words in another language and Vexus turned back into his Long Katana sword. Catching it in mid air Lucus sighed and wrapped it again only to place it back on his back and take his seat.

"I dont want you to get the wrong
Idea Veronica, We will speak on this matter later. And Im not asking for your say on it" evilly grinning he pushed his seat back to where it was only sitting on its back legs and closed his eyes, still very aware of his surrondings.
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