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Zane dodged in the nick of time though he was moving to fast to stop. If he tried now he just face plant and be humiliated so instead he decided it be best to follow though and hit the wall. When the punch landed, the electrical charged skull that engulfed his fist exploded in a red lighting show that covered a 15 foot radius from the end of his fist blasting half the wall into the classroom leaving all unsuspecting students at mercy to the rubble. He quickly leaps back then turns to face Zane only to see Minda by him. He wasn't going to strike if she was nearby, for he didn't want to hurt her "Minda move away from him unless you wish to be caught in the middles of 1 my blast" he said with a serious tone as he engulfed both his hands in red electrical skulls. His red aura that now surrounded his body was more defined and had even more electricity dance across his body. From far away he could probable be seen as a stop light.
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Minda looked at Korkox and realized she hadn't yet moved. She then did as Korkox asked and moved once she did however she gave a sigh. "I might not be in the way once more at the moment but one of you are either going to end up hitting me or another student. If I was one of you wouldn't it be wise to finish this in gym or after school?" She asked with a hopeful tone. Misrey within Minda's mind made a grudge sound. 'Ugg... You realy are no fun. Instead of moving you should have taken on that boys challenge. I know that Zane isn't the wisest for us to start a fight with on our first day but why not that boy we've been talking to?' Minda ignored Misrey but first gave a simple quick reply. 'If we fought Korkox then that wouldn't look good for our new guild with Pandora.' She answered and with that Misrey returned once more to silence.

Zane looked at the damage that had been done to the wall. 'Good I was right on what the effects might be if I took on his hit full blow.' Zane heard the boy's concern for Minda. "I agree Minda if you don't wish to fight then I would move and leave us men be." He then listened to her reply to his opponents comment. "Look maybe not but your um... Friend threw the first punch now I'm just doing what is natural and we plan on finishing this. I am simply planing on showing your um... friend a warning. I don't have it planed on anyone of us three dieing now a classmate that gets hit by accident I can not make any gantines." Then Zane made his attention go once more fully on Korkox. He then realized that the red glow seemed to have increased and it appears to have added with the boy's electrical abilities.
He returns himself to normal at her words. She was right plus he may not care for the other students but he didn't want to accidentally hit Minda and defiantly wanted to try to stay on Pandora's good side. "She is right though, lets finish this in the gym plus these halls are to small for ether 1 of us to really maneuver much. Also if wasn't even using a tenth of my power so i could fried you if i wanted if that had you on the ropes. So shove your warning up your ass. 2, i only shocked you cause were standing in the middle of this school's halls reading. you would've gotten yourself hurt doing that you run into the wrong person." He may have returned to normal but he was still on guard just in case some 1 that was in that class room decided to attack. Anyways main reason he stood down was cause he didn't want to hurt Minda also at the rate was going he could have pissed off more students which he didn't want to do cause he wanted to be on Pandora's good side if wanted any chance of dating her. Also the gym would give a lot more room to maneuver.
Zane looked at the boy. "I guess she's right..." He said pausing. "I was reading because I'm a necromancer it's what we do to learn new spells. And I'm not new here so most know not to mess with me for the most part." He looked at Minda. "Also when we do continue this next Minda I wish to fight you as well see how you improved from our last encounter." Zane didn't care what either of them really thought and he never let his guard down because he wasn't sure what some of the other students thought of his encounter with this boy in the halls.

Minda gave a small smile. "Well I'm glad you both will wait." Her smile soon faded as Zane asked to fight her in gym as well. 'Fight me in gym?' Misrey gave a grin within their mind. 'It will be fun.' 'Fun? I don't think so my powers are with my soul his spells involve using ones soul. Do you not see the big bad idea written all over that?' 'No I don't. So?' 'So if Zane had an attack hit us how would it affect us? Would I feel it more than just physically?' 'Maybe that's why we need to take his challenge and just be cautions.' 'Fine I guess we can see.' Minda once more ended another conversation with Misrey. She didn't like the idea of fighting Zane not one bit but she knew she needed to stay clam and hide this fact for more than one reason reason one was other students would probable see her fear and want to fight her as well for she would seem an easy target and two her powers depending on how much emotion she let herself feel and show could depend on how strong and the effects her powers possessed.
As Pandora was looking at Yang she noticed that he was starring at her which was making her feel awkward. She noticed that he opened his mouth, but he closed it back and averted his gaze.She was about to ask another question when he finally spoke, "Yeah...I do."She said wondering what he was getting at.Upon hearing what he said next she looked down for a moment,"I...I don't know what you're talking about.She said and looked back up at him giving a fake smile.

She noticed that he smirked a little,but he also seemed to be starring past her.She heard the sound of a fight starting near by but her attention was on Yang as began to walk toward her. As he walked past her he whispered then he continued walking so she quietly followed him.She couldn't help but wonder what he was wanting to talk about.She heard a male voice call out to him saying that he needed his papers.Then she heard him snap back at the male sounding angry,'Is Yang okay?He seems upset.'She thought concerned as she walked a little bit behind him.

Shiro looked back at Leif and silently watched his reaction with amusement.The way the male had glared at him almost made him laugh.To him he was as intimidating as a kitten compared to the males of his kind.After Leif shook kiko's hand Shiro was completely caught off guard by the boyfriend comment,"Huh?! Wha-what do you mean?"He asked while starting to blush.As he shook hands with Leif he looked him in the eye,"Strong handshake you've got there.I have to admit I'm impressed and pleasure to meet you too."He says actually smiling at him while shaking his hand firmly in return.When Leif spoke again Shiro blinked his eyes in confusion,"Pa-partner?What gave you that idea?"He asked blushing again.
Veronica smirks,"I'm very impressed.Oh really? How does using it to get what you want work?"She says.She slightly chuckles,"Oh that's simple.There were never any rules against it.Maybe they didn't think anyone would create any or maybe...they just didn't care.They never said anything about it.I can't blame them though.Who in their right mind would want to displease a vampire noble who is also a pure blood like Malic?So do you want in?"She asks clearly enjoying talking to Bones.

Veronica sensed that someone was looking her and looked around until she spotted the blonde haired male.She gave her signature mischievous grin,"Well...well...well...what do we have here?Didn't anyone ever tell you that curiosity killed the cat?Luckily you aren't cat."She said and darkly chuckled.Malic smirked at Titus,"Yes...I'm that guy."He said unphased by his bitterness.Malic was completely calm,"What girl of mine?If you mean Veronica...she isn't mine.Pandora is mine.Veronica is nothing more than a chess piece that I command.She is my knight.He says.

He looks down admiring his drawing,"Also...she doesn't always listen to me so be careful what you say about her...and about me.I tried to stop her from biting that guys throat out,but she wouldn't listen to me."He says and lightly shrugs his shoulders.Malic looked at the Blonde then looked back to Titus,"Oh,how interesting.Since he feeds off of others where did he just roam off to?."He said slightly acting clueless.

"I am not the cat, rather I'm the fox." Scoffed Ezra as he turned back at Veronica in response before turning back around."Tch... Probably the girls bathroom... Well--He's submissive, hell who knows--Mens, For crying out loud." Answered Titus as he laid his head over the palm of his hand quietly, resting over Malic's desk. He rolled with the other male's way of just skipping the topic and going on to the next and flicked his ears as he heard Ezra's comment."Also, your... Pawn should watch for my fox." Warned Titus who glanced over at the two nonchalantly. He gave the others a deep sigh and turned back to Malic."He also bites... When you don't see it coming." Paused cerberus mid sentence as he leaned back on his desk with his legs over the back of his seat, feet crossed."Since you seem to like chess, Goldilocks is the player controlling the pieces." Shrugged Titus.
Veronica listened as Bones spoke,"Hm...not a bad idea.If I could do that I would have so much fun."She says and laughs.She nods her head,"I'm sure it is pretty great."She says.She watched him He tap his chin before he responds her question,"Vampire's aren't that scary huh?Are you saying that because you don't have to worry about being bitten? Alright.So...do I scare you?"She says in a joking tone of voice.She hears the blonde speak to her again,"I know that you aren't a cat.That's why I said luckily you aren't a cat.Since we're discussing animals..."She pauses.She turns toward him,"You may be the fox,but I'm the shark."She says and deviously grins at him revealing her naturally sharp teeth.Then she does a biting motion toward him before giving a flirtatious smirk.

Malic closed his notebook,"I see. Do you really expect me to believe that...being that I am a vampire after all?Everyone knows how keen a vampires senses are."He says hinting then he slyly smirks.He watched as Titus laid his head over the palm of his hand quietly, resting over his desk.He glimpsed at the blonde as he heard his comment then he looked back Titus,"You do know that a Knight and a pawn aren't the same piece in chess right?A pawn is the lowest in rank.A knight is the third highest in rank under the king and queen.My knight is a shark so she can handle herself just fine."He says and lightly chuckles.He looks at Veronica then back to Titus,"Oh does he?So does Veronica.Those two are starting to sound like they'd make a perfect couple.Don't you think so?"He says nonchalantly.

He noticed that Titus had paused mid sentence then he began to speak again,"Whether the game is played for fun or for competition chess there are two opponents playing the game.So if he is playing then I am his opponent since I was already setting up the board."He says calmly.Suddenly there is an explosion at the back of the class that sends rubble flying.Malic quickly turns toward the explosion and holds up his right hand stopping the rubble in mid air.Then he lets it fall to the floor without hitting anyone and he grabs his head in pain,"Whoever did that...is going to be...in a lot of trouble."He says breathing a little heavy.Veronica growls annoyed,"Who did that?! You'll be lucky if I only rip off your arms!"She yells in anger.

Shiro blinked with a surprised look on his face,"What was that?! We could've gotten hurt or killed!"He says becoming angry.
Bones didn't have time to respond to any of Veronica's questions, as her attention was diverted. And then the wall exploded behind him. He turned in his seat and stuck his head out into the hallway. "I don't think anybody appreciates what you are doing out here. If your going to explode something, try the person you are obviously having a problem with." He tips his hat and turns around immediately after saying that. "What did you ask Veronica, Oh, umm... yes you scare me, but in the way that makes me interested." He's either trying to look cool by under-reacting, or he really doesn't care that much that the wall exploded. It may look like either, but it is the latter.
He just nods at he strange being that appeared in the whole in the wall. "Well looks like the hornets has been stirred" he chuckles to himself. "Anyway necromancer, the name is Korkox." He walks over to stand with Minda feeling somewhat protective of her for some reason "Oh! and by the way if want to get to her you have to get through me" he said. Though he she probable could defend herself, he felt she wouldn't last long in actual combat. Why he cared, he didn't know himself but it just felt right.
Zane looked at those who spoke to the three of them about the wall and didn't reply for he was the one who dodged. He then looked at the boy had fought. "I believe we did stir a few. Or so it would seem." He gave a smirk. "Nice to know my first opponent of the day's name." He then watched as Korkox went over to sand once more beside Minda. Zane gave Korkox a questioning look. "Really now? I guess I can wait till after we finish our battle if I must." Zane replied with confidence that he would get to at some point fight Minda and learn why she must be here.

Minda keep quiet when the people from the class who had broken the wall. She didn't like the feel of all the students that were obviously angry at well whoever had done it which she knew was Korkox and in a way Zane. Minda gave a natural smile at the thought of not having to fight Zane at gym. "Besides Zane I never said yes." She said giving Zane no real expression. Misery butted in Minda's thoughts yet again. 'You say that now but we both know that might not be the case. If you let me do more of the thinking maybe for once the talking at gym we can have fun and put fear into the others. Also I'm not sure why but for once I feel interested in maybe meeting and talking to your um... I mean our friends.' This made Minda feel uneasy within herself but didn't show it to the others. 'Really? Well maybe... Will see... Just don't act completely like you if I let you okay?' Misery gave a smirk in their mind. 'Okay. And like what you just said my attitude and my actions will just have to see.' Minda gave a very silent sigh. 'Okay.'
"Whats taking Pandora so long? She should be back already" he speaks a it worried. "i hope nothing went wrong and there was just some sort of detour." Not that h was exactly worried but still it suck to lose the guild leader right after you sign up.

She been looking all over for him. 'Dammit where the hell could my brother be? That asshole left me to find and wonder a dangerous place alone. Not that i cant handle myself but still so-pose to have my back' She thought angry. Then she spots him standing next to a girl and near a 3rd guy and the whole in the wall. "KORKOX FELVEX YOU ASSHOLE!! YOU LEFT ME BEHIND YOU IDIOT!! I SWEAR YOUR THE MOST WORTHLESS BROTHER EVER!!!" she screams as she stomps up to him and gets in his face and backs him to the wall. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU BE SO INCONSIDERATE AND FORGET THAT MOM TOLD YOU TO STAY NEAR ME AND LOOK OUT FOR ME!! INSTEAD YOU RAN OFF TO FLIRT WITH SOME WHORE AND A RANDOM PEDOPHILE GUY TRYING TO HAVE A THREESOME PROBABLE YOU DISGUSTING PIG!!!" Emphasizing pig by slapping Korkox in the face. "ALSO YOU KNOW I WAS SOPOS TO STAY NEAR YOU TO MAKE SURE YOUR OKAY BECAUSE YOUR SEALS WERE CLOSE TO BREAKING YOU INCONSIDERATE JACKASS!"

His first thoughts when heard his half sisters voice was 'Oh shit!'. After she finished her ranting and slapped him he replied calmly trying hard not to beat on his sister. "1) she is not a whore, she is a friend i just met not to long ago and we weren't flirting. 2) Not my fault you were to lazy to keep up and fell behind. 3) this guy is a dead beat that i'm going to bitch smack across the gym later. 4) the seals have broke and i'm perfectly fine. NOW SHUT UP!! Your annoying" he finished as he pushed past her. Truthfully he had gotten up and forgotten about her.
"I don't know." Minda answered also worried about Pandora. She then heard screaming and turned she felt like going into a dark corner just to hide or at least half of her did. Misery on the other hand wanted to beat this new girl up before she could call her anything else. Minda was trying not to let Misery get the best of her thoughts and end up being the one to speak next. She took a breath after Korkox explained but she wasn't sure that his sister was convinced. "Um.. Sorry... If you... think I stole your...um...brother... I meet him when talking to a girl who was going to show me around and well in the process we just kind of meet and started talking..." Minda wasn't sure how that sounded to the girl but it was the truth. "Then well... Um... This man here... Well they had a fight... Everything's fine now though." Minda then gave the girl a small shy smile.

Zane looked at the girl and felt that he had no choice but to listen to her yell at Korkox for a bit then after Korkox trying to explain he then felt like speaking for himself. "First off your brother hit me while reading a book. Second we did have a little conflict which will finish in gym. Third I never planed on being with Minda. She is not a whore or last I heard. Forth she's too shy." He then looked at Korkox. "And lastly I am not a dead beat. But you might just be when where through."
"So this other girl is the whore and your her bitch in training. Whatever i don't give a damn." She said and waved off Minda and turned to other male. "You still look like some creepy ass rapist so get fuck out here you piece of trash" she said as she disrespectfully turned her back on him to face her half brother. "No you listen here you ungrateful prick, and what would've happened if your seals broke and you wasn't fine?" she spoke with a sassy tone.

"I'm sure my friend here would made sure i was okay, and you seriously need to shut your mouth and stop disrespecting my friend" he smoke angrily as he grabbed his sister shoulder and gave a harsh electric shock that was going to paralyze her for next hour or 2. After he let go she dropped to floor rag doll like. he then picked her up by her feet and threw her in the room where she roughly landed in a corner. "i apologize for my sisters words Minda" he says with a slight bow. "My sister is more of a loud mouth than me and a whole lot ruder."

She hit the corner of classroom roughly getting a few bruises. She hurt all over and couldn't move or say a word but she was pissed. 'How dare he strike me and treat me like this! I will have his head on a platter along of the heads those to whores he is with. He will pay for this!!!' She thought angrily as she laid there paralyzed.
Aria looked around as they walked, it felt like they had been walking forever. Was this not a school? Why were the halls so empty? The hall monitor did not seem like she wanted to make friends with her so Aria turned her curiosty to the other students. "Where are all the other students?" She was curious as to who she'd encounter.
Minda keep quiet hearing every insult. She gave a quiet gulp. She didn't like where this seemed to be going. Misery was basically scream her at this point. 'Let me talk to her. She shut her sorry fucking mouth. I'll make her quiet and leave us the hell alone. She has no fucking right to say such things.' 'Misery calm yourself I won't let you beat up Korkox's sister and we have to get use to such insults where a freaking half elf demon for crying out loud.' Minda knew and felt the same as Misery but she didn't plan on acting upon such feelings. 'Look there just insults words can never truly hurt us right?' 'Ugg maybe but let me have her she'll never mess with us again. I'll take care of her and in the process I bet terrify many others.' Minda stayed very quiet and hurt could be seen in her eyes. When she heard Korkox stand up for her she gave a small smile. Then she heard Misery. 'He's nice I think I might grow to like at least on of our friends.' 'Really?' Minda didn't understand this strange feeling and change that Misery seemed to be going through or at least her side of thought was unusual. She then finally said. "If his seals did break I'm sure I could have helped him manage." Minda said trying to keep a slightly cheerful look. She then nodded after Korkox seemed to apologize for his sister's actions.

Zane looked at the girl and rolled his eyes. "Do you really think it's wise to make such comments to a necromancer?" He then didn't care for her talk or the words she had to say. 'So I guess maybe there will be two I shall fight after all maybe even brother and sister.' He gave a mental chuckle.
"When you said knight, I assumed your personal body guard rather than the chess role itself." Titus scoffed. Ezra eyed Victoria however and sighed deeply."You, are a idiot. Foxes don't go near sharks and instead of relying on blood...bloodthirst, we rely on intelligence." Shrugged The blonde. Suddenly Titus had growled, and the second he growled a explosion went off where he pounced over his friend to guard Ezra from the debris and small flames. Ezra coughed then sat up, smirking as Titus sat beside him, shaking himself like a dog."Seemed to pull a Nerve perhaps?~" he joked musingly before wiping his lip with his arm. Titus, already irritated grabbed Ezra by his collar."Listen, bastard. Shut the f*ck up for once!" He barked quickly, tossing Ezra aside and standing up as he proceeded to dust his pants off."There's nerve two~" chuckled Ezra as he propped himself up and stood. Titus kicked the desks out his way as he pocketed his hands in his jeans and proceeded to exit out, much to Ezra's dismay."I'll take my leave~" said the male, walking after Titus. It would be a chance to turn back into his incubus form, and he did just that when he turned a corner as people went by, to distracted to see Ezra transform. Flames appeared around his neck before it turned into a scarf and he yawned in his more normal incubus form.

Perhaps searching for that dog would be useless after all.
Veronica looked at the rubble seeing that it was held in mid air for a few moments.Then she looked at Malic,"I was going to handle it but I see you beat me to it."She says.Malic gives her a look as if to say 'of course...and calm down' so she sits back down.She turns her attention back to Bones,"Oh? Why is that? I normally scare people in the way that makes them want to run screaming."She says and lightly chuckles.Even though there was crazy things going on around her she was still paying attention to Bones,"Oh and...you forgot to say why you aren't afraid of vampires.I asked you about that too."She says as her demon tail sways back and forth.

Malic slightly raised an eyebrow,"A body guard? Why would I need a body guard?"He says calmly.Veronica looked at Ezra after hearing what he said but it was Malic that beat her speaking,"Sharks aren't just driven by blood.Sharks are intelligent as well...they just prefer to bite first and ask questions later since they have so much competition for food.For sharks it's about survival.Eat or be eaten.He says.He looks at Veronica then looks back to Ezra,"A word of advice.Be careful what you say about me...fox.Veronica doesn't take to kindly to any form disrespect toward me.Make her mad and I won't be able to stop her without harming her."He says in a calm and collected voice.She could hear the students just outside the hole in the wall talking then she heard a female yelling.Not long after the yelling stopped she saw someone come flying into the room out of the corner of her eye.She looked to see who it was,'Hm...someone new.Maybe someone...I can tear apart.Her voice was annoying anyway,but I doubt Malic would let me.'She thought feeling discouraged.

Malic watched as Titus stood and dusted his clothes off before leaving being followed by the blonde,'Where are they going?Class will begin soon.'He thought.Veronica eyes the blonde while he's leaving,"Come back soon...because I look forward to getting to know you and maybe we could have some fun."She says in somewhat seductive voice.

Paula walked down the hall keeping an eye out for trouble makers,"The other students are in class or either heading to class.Your first class in near by so you'll see other students soon."She said calmly.She walked around one corner only to see large hole in one of the walls with three students standing near it.She gritted her teeth with anger,"Who did this?! Which one of you make this hole in this wall?! Who ever did this better better get ready for the beating their life!"She yells angry then shape shifts into a werewolf.Paula was now black with toxic green fur on her paws,half of her tail and underbelly.She began growling with her fangs bared while stalking toward them with rage in her eyes.
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He see's the wolf thing after she starts yelling at them. 'hmmmmm my sister can use the beating if anything' he calmly thought. "My sister went crazy cause i left her behind this morning and started to try and hit but the klutz missed and her powers blew a whole the wall. After that i paralized her then threw her in the corner of the classroom. She is going to be paralyzed for the next 2-3 hours." He spoke calmly as he blamed his dumb sister for the whole mess as he pointed to her imp body in the class hoping there werewolf would believe him.
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Minda keep quiet she knew the truth but didn't want to be the one to start another fight and well she did just make two new friends and they didn't need the trouble she glanced at Zane who seemed to be thinking at the moment. 'If he says something what will the effect be? What would he say? Will Zane keep the truth quiet?' She heard Misery yet again. 'If that bastard says anything and starts another fight don't just stand around next time let me or us help out your...I mean our new friend there.' Minda didn't get much on was going on but gave Misery a mental nod of agreement.

Zane looked at the werewolf girl. He gave a smile. "You believe we did this?" He then paused hearing Korkox blame his sister and gave a wicked grin. "Yes this boy is telling the truth and has already dealt with it. So let's put the wall incident behind us shall we and finish getting to where we are well actually in the classroom even if it has a piece missing."
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Bones answered her, "You are something new to me, and maybe I'm just stupid, but things don't scare you as much when you don't have flesh to wound, or nerves to feel pain with." His music had stopped playing, and he took off his headphones."As to why Vampires are not scary, well, as you said, I don't need to fear being bitten, nor used as prey, and they have quite simple weaknesses and disorders. A few lengths of knotted rope, would buy me enough time to remove the threat." He is referencing of course, the fact that vampires are very OCD and will stop to untie any knot they come across, though vampires would do it much faster than any human. He watched the other students' peculiar actions and shook his head slowly. "I will never understand the rest of humanity."
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