Welcome to Brookstory // Open & Accepting!! \\

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Just kidding! I was able to get it up today ;) False alarm! xD
Will have Genie Up tomorrow night, just was super tired today. But tomorrow we start AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
@Lady With Class - Now that you've finished him, another relationship proposition.
Conran De Vile:

  • Terra (Terence) - The mood swings would scare Terra, and she probably wouldn't be fond of his over the top collection of fur coats. Enemies?
  • Kristin (Kristoff) - Kristin would not be able to stand him. Enemies?
  • Raphael (Rapunzel) - Since Raphael is very trusting of people I think they wouldn't be enemies, but Raphael would feel just neutral about him?
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Cinder Florence Eleanor



.:Sexual Orientation:.



- Height -
- Hair -
- Eyes -
Bright Blue
- Marks, Piercings, Tattoos -

~ Chivalrous ~ Diligent ~ Hard Working ~ Kind Hearted ~ Sweet ~ Optimistic ~ Compassionate ~ Tactical ~
Cinder has always been one to lend a helping hand. He knows how hard it can be to have a lot of work on your shoulders, given his stepfather, so he always tries to help out. He's very optimistic and carefree, believing everything will be alright and being a go-with-the-flow kind of guy. He can be protective and is very loyal. He also has a sarcastic streak, but knows how to keep it in check.

.:Health Ailments?:.
He does have a slight case of OCD.

The fear of abandonment is the most predominant of Cinder's anxieties. He doesn't like being left alone, or left behind and never really has. He also doesn't like to admit it, but being left in the pitch dark also amps up his anxiety levels and makes him nervous even if there are people with him.

~ Mice ~ Cleaning ~ Animals ~ Fairies ~ Helping Out ~ Nature Walks ~ Brooms ~ Pumpkins ~ His Cat, Lilith ~

~ Disorganization ~ Jerks ~ Mistreatment ~ Abandonment ~ Dust ~ Messy Rooms/Areas in General ~ His Stepfather ~

~ He has a cat named Lilith and has the innate ability to communicate with her. With other animals though, his communication and translation is sketchy.




Wendell Austin Darling

Wendy Darling


.:Sexual Orientation:.



- Height -
- Hair -
Dirty blonde, typically styled upwards.
- Eyes -
Light Blue
- Marks, Piercings, Tattoos -

~ Imaginative ~ Clever ~ Motherly ~ Adventurous ~ Kind ~ Sympathetic ~ Rebellious ~
Wendell is very, very imaginative and a great storyteller. He's got that stern, motherly attitude, towards young children, having grown up with a couple of younger sisters whom he loves dearly. He isn't one to run from danger, and in fact, would run towards it if it holds the chance of being fun. He knows his way around the world, and would never want to change it. He does have a rebellious streak, hence, having run away with Paige Pan.

.:Health Ailments?:.
Sensory Processing Disorder
He's learned to deal with it, but if he's not paying enough attention, he can epically misjudge distance, space, etc. Certain fabrics cause him to itch, touch him at the wrong moment and he'll jump like a skittish horse, and if you lay a weight over his shoulder's he'll practically fall asleep. Weird things like that. He deals with it most of the time though, and it's become hardly noticeable to others.

Wendell's predominant fear is medical supplies. Strange right? It started with needles, and then developed into all things that could happen to be in the hand of a doctor. He knows it's irrational, but it still freaks the hell out of him. It's also partly due to his disorder. Back when he was a child, and he didn't know of it, doctor's visits were hell. Getting shots felt like they were stabbing him with something. Every since then though, they just give him the heebie-jeebies.

~ Reading ~ Quiet Music ~ Young Children ~ Adventures ~ Having Fun ~ Art ~ Telling Stories ~

~ Loud Noises ~ Growing Up ~ Hook ~ People Who Don't Believe Fairy Tales ~ Mistreatment ~ Being Unable to Tell Stories ~

~ Though he likes art, he has no artistic ability whatsoever.




Cronan De Vil

Cruella De Vil


[BCOLOR=#ffffff].:Sexual Orientation:.[/BCOLOR]



[BCOLOR=#ffffff]- Height -[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ffffff]- Hair - [/BCOLOR]
Dark Brown
[BCOLOR=#ffffff]- Eyes -[/BCOLOR]
A Blue with a Greenish-tint
[BCOLOR=#ffffff]- Marks, Piercings, Tattoos -[/BCOLOR]
His ears are pierced, yes. And he's pretty much covered in tattoos, shown in the photos.

~ Egotistical ~ Bipolar ~ Ambitious ~ Sarcastic ~ Greedy ~ Ruthless ~ Reckless ~
Cronan is a pain in the ass. He's intent on always getting his way, and wont stand for anyone getting in his way. You can never know how'll he'll react to something, being bipolar in that since. His moods can easily be all over the place. He's greedy, taking whatever he wants, whenever he wants, and is very reckless when it comes to it. He also is manipulative, choosing to have other people do his dirty work for him. He can get obsessive over things, especially fur.

[BCOLOR=#ffffff].:Health Ailments?:.[/BCOLOR]
He's only got a.. slight case of bipolar disorder. His moods can change at the flip of a dime.

The death of his fur coats, for one. If anything happened to them, he would probably go more psychotic, than he already is. He also is apprehensive towards losing in general. Winning is a big thing for him, and it drives him crazy should he ever lose.

~ Cigarettes ~ Fur Coats ~ Fur ~ Fancy Cars ~ Expensive Clothing ~ Money ~ Winning ~

~ Failure ~ Cake Batter ~ Incompetence ~ Destroyed Fur Coats ~ Idiots ~ Gasoline ~ Boring Collections ~

~ He has a very large collection of fur coats and eccentric, expensive clothing.
~ You can often see him with a fancied up cigarette in his mouth.

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I want to do a merlin rp so bad!
I want to do a merlin rp so bad!
SAME! I am only a few episodes in because me and my friends are marathoning it together, though we have some hilarious vids of her just plain screaming at the television about Merther.
We need to talk details the about starting one together!!!!
xX Ella Wolfe Xx updated Welcome to Brookstory // Open & Accepting!! \\ with a new update entry:

IC Info!!!!!

Okay! So, the IC is going up today!!! I'm definitely working on it right now, so it should be up sometime soon, unless I'm suddenly interrupted. There will be no posting order (cause there is way too many people lol and it would just be too hectic). The only request I have is don't go back and forth, let other people reply as well. Oh! And make sure you wait a day or two before moving on to interact with a new character. I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I might as well do...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Will have Genie Up tomorrow night, just was super tired today. But tomorrow we start AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Okay! That's fine ;) Thanks for letting me know!

Sorry lol, I didn't see this till like a second ago! ~ I'm almost finished with the post! One more character to do!
xX Ella Wolfe Xx updated Welcome to Brookstory // Open & Accepting!! \\ with a new update entry:

The IC is Up!

The IC is now up! Everyone is now allowed to post! If you haven't read the previous update, I suggest you do ;) Also! The mandatory post-thingy which I mentioned before, is the characters name (can be put anywhere, I put mine as the box title), the location your post takes place, who your post may mention, who your character has dialogue with in the post, and your character's original Disney/Fairy Tale character. A photo of your character isn't mandatory, but it's preferred.

I can't wait...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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I'm having a really hard time thinking of possible occupations for my characters. Terrence's job in Pixie Hallow was processing and distributing pixie dust, and Kristoffs job was 'Arendelle's official Ice Master and Deliverer', so I'm not really sure what their jobs would be int he real world.

I guess what I'm asking for is suggestions from anyone who may have some?

I'm totally lost with Terra (Terence). I was thinking Kristin (Kristoff) could be a delivery person (like someone who works for UPS), but she'd need a drivers license for a job like that so I don't know if that'd be realistic for this roleplay... and, I was thinking maybe Raphael (Rapunzel) could work in a craft store? I dunno... I'm rambling now.
I'm having a really hard time thinking of possible occupations for my characters. Terrence's job in Pixie Hallow was processing and distributing pixie dust, and Kristoffs job was 'Arendelle's official Ice Master and Deliverer', so I'm not really sure what their jobs would be int he real world.

I guess what I'm asking for is suggestions from anyone who may have some?

I'm totally lost with Terra (Terence). I was thinking Kristin (Kristoff) could be a delivery person (like someone who works for UPS), but she'd need a drivers license for a job like that so I don't know if that'd be realistic for this roleplay... and, I was thinking maybe Raphael (Rapunzel) could work in a craft store? I dunno... I'm rambling now.
Terrance could be the mail man since he used to deliver the daily dose of pixie dust. Kristoff could play another delivery person or a reindeer farmer.
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Or he could for the Rangers? You know for wildlife
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Pretty sure Jamie would own a pawn shop, Aric would work at the lake and or beach as a life guard and partime at the pawn shop, and Tank already has a job fixing things where needed
I'm a little late xD But, yeah. Terra could perhaps be the mail woman, and Kristin could live on the Brookestory farm ~ perhaps with other characters who are very much centered around animals. I know since Aurek has an apartment, he can't keep his horse there with him, so I definitely thought there should at least be a horse farm, since other characters have horses as well. But there is no rush to figure out your character's occupation, since, they won't exactly know it any time soon, if they even have an occupation.

Also! If anyone would like to be the sheriff or a deputy, they still can! I made sure Xavier woke up in a cell, like he fell asleep there, so that police spots would be open for anyone else.
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I am pretty sure Maverick would live on a horse farm, or he might be Uggh, I don't have other ideas for him. Haruka would be the local inventor/repairer. Gogo would be either a fitness trainer or a delivery woman. And Cheshire, well, she might be a thief, so she wouldn't really run anything. Any ideas for any of them, feel free to offer them up
I had a thought cross my mind what if Jamie was the sheriff would make things strange to say the least if not then she can just stay as the pawn shop owner
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