Welcome Back to the Guild [continuation]

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Rae smiled when Gwazi said she should probably get some rest before she tried teaching him anything "that's probably a good idea" she stretched, her whole body still felt sore "it's not entirely fair..." she started, stretching her arms up "that i'm in the worst shape here, i really didn't do much..." she stopped and thought "well i did do the whole force-field made of fire when we were on that bridge, which took a lot out of me... but otherwise i can't think of much i did except get in the way and alert the villagers to our location..." she chuckled nervously and took a sip of water.

she frowned slightly at just how frightened the women were but said nothing as they left. she turned to Gwazi and nodded "you do have a point, but i think we should be careful anyway, we can't give them any clues that we aren't Gods" she took another sip and laid back on the slab "we planning on just sleeping in here?" she glanced around "should i wait till the men get here? would a sleeping God be confusing...? well, they did see us unconscious so i'm not sure how much of a difference it would make..." she sighed, her skin was crawling "maybe we should ask for clothes," she sat up a little "any in those bags?"
Gwazi simply let the women run off once he got an answer out of them, and then he replied to Leon "I would suggest keeping our lookout routine up though, just in case. Even if this tribe does nothing, they do have a God now, that might encourage another tribe to try something". Then when Rae starting talking about being in the worst shape Gwazi responded "Well Magic does tend to be far more exhausting than any sort of Physical Fighting. No one can blame you for being fatigued by such a thing".

Then searching the bags for any trace of clothing they left he did find something and stated "They did leave some clothes, but... It's rather dietisic in Nature. It looks like something some high up Divine person is meant to wear, not your everyday get up... And it doesn't look that comfortable either".
"I... see," Leon mumbled, staring at the pieces of clothing Gwazi held up. "Well, I say we take it anyway, out of a gesture of kindness or something. We can always dump it later on, or sell it or something. Regardless, there's no need to drive these people even further into a corner by refusing it. There's no saying what they'll do if they think the only way in which they can survive is with violence. ...I hate this place already."

It was about then that the party was interrupted yet again, this time by a male native -- who, unlike just about every single other male in the town, was unarmed. Much like the female natives earlier, he avoided direct eye contact, but unlike her he wasn't shaking all over. Presumably he was a more seasoned warrior than the woman before, something a scar across his cheek would attest to.
"You requested information about your spirit animals?", he spoke up, his voice revealing the fear that his body languge did not. "Please, know that we have not laid a finger on them; they were neither a threat to us nor truly trespassing." The man fell silent for a second, realizing that he implied yet again that the 'deities' in front of him were trespassing in their own home. "I, uhm, no disrespect, uhm... They are likely still at ou- your Sacred Mountain," he continued, digging himself deeper with every other word. Another awkward moment later, he decided that it was for the best to leave immediately, which he thus did.

"So... MK Ultra and Magnum are still back on the mountain," Leon repeated the native's comment once the latter had left. "At least that's where they left them behind; I don't know if they tried to go after us. Regardless, it's a decent first place to go look for them, right? ...After we get some rest, that is. I'll take the first shift again, if that's okay with you two."
Rae sat up and carefully walked over to look at the clothes. they weren't really her style but she agreed that they probably shouldn't refuse them. she picked one out and held it out, at which point the man showed up, she draped it over her arm and stood as tall as she could as she listened to him. she was only surprised for a second that he wasn't armed but then she thought 'they did all drop their weapons when we said we we're spirits,' he watched him carefully 'they probably think that we would be even more offended if they were to bring weapons into the temple' she didn't say anything as he mentioned them leaving MK Ultra and Magnum behind, though she smiled slightly at him calling them spirit animals.
when he left she glanced around and saw an alcove at the back of the temple, she looked at the boys "look that way, i'm changing" pointing towards the entrance, before she slipped back into the alcove and shed her ridiculously dirty clothes and pulled on the new ones. they were a little loose on her but it would probably add to the idea of spirit, they were also a little uncomfortable. but it would do. she stepped out "you can look now" she stuffed her clothes in her bag, she'd wash them in a river or something when given the chance.
"i agree" she replied to Leon, when he mentioned searching the mountain first, she yawned again "i'll go ahead and take second shft whenever you're ready to get some sleep" she said a she sat back down on the stone slab.
"Well..." Callum face froze with thought, how exactly to phrase this? "Well yeah...I guess" Callum rubbed his neck. "Again, it was with the help of MK-Ultra. I mean we fused DragonBallZ style....or, whatever other cartoon would do a type of fusion thing." Callum walked through the metal door. Which lead to an extremely long circular hall. Callum had to slightly duck just to fit into the hall.

"Well this doesn't seem like a trap at all. I mean what could possibly go wrong here? Toxic gasses, spikes...suffocation, thrown into outer space! Generic death...." Callum poked the wall. "Ew, sticky" Callum looked at his finger...some weird...sliver substance. "Well...I guess there's only one thing to do now" with that, he liked his finger. Taking a second to let the taste settle in. Callum frowned, "Taste like chicken...and I hate chicken" Callum glanced back at Muse.

"Oh yes that....Fellow who kinda....impaled me" Callum sighed. "I think....he might be, uh...my....creation? I think. I dunno, I didn't really have much time to check" Callum let out a awkward chuckle. He took a few more steps before he pointed to the door at the end of the hallway. "You know what, I'm going to guess that is the door to the.....whatever you call the-" Callum snickered. "Cockpit of an spaceship...If this is a spaceship. If it is, maybe we can do something...if we can figure out how to, well...control it" Callum shrugged before shimmering towards the door.

"Oh right...about the GM fight, I mean. For all I know he was toying with me, but he seemed pretty pissed at me. I made a comment...about something. I don't even remember. But he has a god complex or something. Which makes sense, as he's trying to literally make himself a god, along with calling himself that. Honestly I be surprised if he didn't- but look anyway. He seemed pretty surprised that I didn't actually get obliterated right a t the start. I mean it seemed pretty even, and then he just....disappeared-"

Callum clapped, "Like that...I dunno, it was weird." he added before they finally reached the door. Again, a pass code needed to open it. Callum felt nervous for some reason, perhaps it was to do with the extremely long claustrophobic small hallway they just passed through.

"Um, any guesses?...or ideas...I mean, I guess we don't have to actually get the pass code we just have to get through this door...but, I dunno"
Gwazi agreed that although the clothes weren't favourable that they should probably wear them if for nothing more than not angering the Natives any further. When the male Native entered he listened to what he had to say, and once the man left he spoke up saying "Well, either they followed us and are already lost. Or their still in the cave. If in the cave they can wait till morning, if not then wandering at night won't help us find them anyway's" though admittedly he did feel guilty delaying before trying to find them, and it showed on his face.

He turned around facing the entrance when Books asked them too, and while she was changing Gwazi decided it was a good time to change as well. With the clothes already in his arms from looking through the bag he simply changed on the spot while still facing the entrance. Once done he smirked and said "Huh, I can have fun pretending to be a God like this". And then spoke up once shifts were mentioned saying "And I'll take third shift when the time comes. Though I suggest we head out first thing in the morning".
Muse was far too caught up in Callum's story about GM and everything else that had happened to really pay much attention to the RP around them. Besides, RP dangers were something he was well accustomed to, but this was something new.

"Wait, what 'fellow'?" Muse echoed. "Oh, you mean… the lizard guy? Huh, that's… weird." he contemplated, having never really considered the thought of the RPers meeting their own characters in such a way. I wonder if GM knew…

"Are you sure you don't remember what you said?" he questioned. "I mean… GM's probably the most egotistical bastard that anyone could ever meet. Insults are like compliments to him. He loves being evil — just inflates his ego that much more…" he continued. "And then he just… disappeared? After going all-out on you like that?" he asked skeptically. "Man… something isn't right, here." he continued to contemplate, before being pulled out of his thoughts by Callum asking about the locked door.

"Huh? Oh," he spoke up awkwardly, having paid little mind to the sci-fi dungeon around them this whole time. "Uhhh… let's try this," he suggested, rolling up his sleeve and flexing his fingers as electricity began to build up in his hand. With a flick of his wrist, he shot it at the control panel, watching the thing spark with a rather disinterested expression until a tiny puff of spoke finally came out of it. "There. You can probably move the door manually, now." he told Callum flatly, still lost in his thoughts. "Sooo… GM fought you by himself? No cronies at his side or anything?"
"Okay then, it's decided," Leon nodded, agreeing with Gwazi's logic. "We leave first thing in the morning, then head back to the cavern where these people attacked us."
taking his turn to change in a somewhat private corner of the temple.

In a lucky change, the rest of the night was completely uneventful, allowing the party to actually get a good night's rest for a change. The natives had set up a guard near the bottom of the hill leading up to the temple, not allowing anyone to come near it. Whether this was actually necessary was debatable, considering everyone's fear of the new 'deities', but it was a welcome change nontheless. And yet, morning still came far too soon...

<The next morning...>

"So... Are you two ready?", Leon asked his travelling partners after he had gathered his stuff (including the weapon he had looted from the wall and whatever things that were in the native's gifts that he deemed useful). Of course it wasn't like they could stay here forever, but hey, he wasn't going to force them to move either, at least not when there wasn't any immediate danger. On the other hand, the longer they stayed here, the less likely it would be that they would find MK and Magnum again, so there was that too...
Rae felt a little better after sleeping. she'd had another nightmare, nearly identical to the other. she'd only woken with a start this time, stopping herself from screaming. she rubbed at her eyes and stood, she was still a little wobbly "i think i'm ok" she stretched up and readjusted the clothes "these really aren't particularly comfortable" she muttered it more for herself then the boys. she smiled at them then blinked and giggled "wow, i slept with my glasses on" she laughed and grabbed her bag, slinging it over her shoulder, he'd checked the contents the night before and she was pretty sure it hadn't changed in the night.
she glanced at the boys' weapons and tilted her head "it kinda just occurred to me i'm the only one without a weapon..." she smiled at them "guess i'm gonna have to depend on you strong men to defend till i get one, which should be sooner rather then later, truth be told" she glanced around the temple "we got everything we need? we forget anything?"
she crossed to the door and glanced out "i'm ready to go when you are" followed by a massive yawn. she chuckled and rubbed at her head.
"Well....Now that I think about, honestly I can't remember what I said...he was definitely pissed for some reason or another. Well, aside from the fact that we got....green animal goo all over him-" Callum looked at Muse. "Don't ask" With that he poked the door. "I guess I'll just...." Hesitantly, Callum pulled the door back using some weird silky rope thing. Not even he knew what that was, he just wanted something that would really stick.

He waited for a second, for any possible explosion, alarm or whatever trap that could of been waiting for them. But still nothing. Just a Erie silence aside from the few loud glitch noises from the control panel. "This isn't....suspicious at all" Commented before going back to the story.

"Anyway, one thing that I vaguely remember is that he was horrified by the cat. Mk-Ultra. I mean, he's so cute and GM is...afraid of him. Kinda weird, seeing as the cat like showed up barely a hour before the Gm appeared.....huh" He frowned before walking forwards. Straight into a cobweb.

"Ack!" Callum yelped as he seemed to a little dance while he was brushing the cobwebs off. "Stupid little" Callum swore under his breath before taking a glimpse around. It was a large room, a very large room. He felt like it look like the that thing from star trek...He didn't even know what it was called, seeing as he'd never watched star trek. At the end of the room was a entire entire wall of buttons. Some of them were flashing on and off, some were broken. A large amount of chairs stood facing away from the two, they were far enough that Callum couldn't really see if anywhere was on them or not. Though they did seem to....shimmer with the light. Between the duo and the chairs was what seemed to be a never-ending about of futuristic technology. The lights above fluttered on and off. Where, at least Callum assumed were the windows was covered with large metal walls. As if they were blocking the windows from something. "Right...well, this is unsettling"

"Oh, right...He wasn't with any um, 'cronies' as you call it. I mean he had two wolves when he appeared, but he just made them vanish...for some reason. Like, if I really think about it. He seemed very confused on how MK-Ultra was there. I dunno, it was weird. We fought....He was a giant wolf for some reason, I was a giant cat. And then we did fought, with...our powers?" Callum shrugged. "There's not much I can tell you really"

While talking, Callum placed his hand against what seemed like a solid block of metal. When he touched it, he realised that it was covered in that weird substance that was on the walls. "Ewww-" Callum face scrunched up suddenly. "Uh, it smells like wood polish" He groaned before wiping it off on his leg. The overwhelming smell was making him nauseous. He just wanted to get this done.

"So rat from hell huh? Neat..." Callum mumbled before getting to the chairs. "Let's just hope we can get some fresh air in here or som-" Callum stared at the chair blankly. "U-Um..." Callum looked at the other chairs....he looked at the whole room.

This place went from kinda creepy to downright serial murderer feeling. Every chair had a whole set of cool futuristic clothes, tattered and torn. Covered in the slimy stuff. But that was all, no living thing...that he could see.

His eyes moved to Muse, "This can't be good"
Gwazi took a few minutes to fully wake up, being fairly exhausted from the past few nights. Once he did finally get himself up nodded in response to Leon and said "I'm ready to go, it's best we get going asap". As they were about to leave Rae mentioned being without a weapon, Gwazi grinned and replied "Actually there is a spare" before going to grab the common spear he had taken back at the hill. He handed it to Rae and said "You can use this for now", but then added on "We can teach you how to use it as we're going, or this can simply fill in till we find something you're more comfortable with. Regardless we can protect you until you learn some tricks, just treat the Spear as insurance until then".

With that Gwazi started to move as he replied "I'm pretty sure we got everything. I got my Sword, and this fancy Staff from their Elder, everything we had before is in the bags, we got food, we should be good".
Muse followed behind Callum, listening intently to what he had to say, waiting patiently as Callum tore his way through the cobweb and explored everything else in front of him, still deep in his thoughts. "Yeah, there's something weird about that cat." Muse contemplated. "Certainly doesn't seem to be an RP character, but it doesn't look like an RPer, either. And it can't be one of GM's creations — not unless it got out-of-control — but I doubt that would happen…" he mused, still paying minimal attention to their surroundings.

He was only pulled out of his thoughts when Callum brought his attention to the torn-up clothes in the chairs. "…Aw, shit. Must be some sort of survival RP." he mumbled in annoyance. "Don't touch the suits! We don't know what they're covered in. Best we just back on out of here…" he contemplated, looking around. "But… this is a space ship. Hard to tell how we're supposed to find our way to any other roleplay…" he continued, slowly backing out of the room they were in as he thought to retrace their steps. "Hey, wait a minute… how did we get here, anyway?" he asked. "Or, well, how did you get here, anyway? I sort of fell through some hole in space-time or some shit — but what about you?"
"Very well then, let's go," Leon nodded. With that, he headed towards the front exit of the temple, dramatically throwing it wide open. The natives that were guarding the temple from intruders immediately dropped to the ground, stammering something about not being worthy. A small group of natives that just happened to pass at the right (or arguably wrong) moment stopped dead in their tracks and turned towards the temple before also dropping to the ground -- also dropping the wood they were carrying in the process. The wave of attention surged through the native's village, and soon everyone (or at least everyone important) was paying attention to their gods again.
"We shall now leave for our home once more," Leon spoke, once again using his 'divine' voice. "Do not attempt to follow us, and do not come near the mountain in the near future. We shall send you a message when we once again deem your presence on our grounds acceptable. You shall know what it is when it arrives." Not wasting any more words on the natives, he then started walking towards the mountain to the west. Luckily the mountain was pretty hard to miss, with it being a mountain and all that.

<Some time later, at the mountain...>

"Okay then, now to find the exact cave where we came from," Leon said. "...This might actually be a problem, seeing as we have no idea where it is." Of course they could just walk around the entire mountain until they found it, but that would be like trying to crack a safe by trying every single possible combination. Yes, it would work eventually, but it would take forever. There had to be a better way... Scratching behind his ear, Leon was trying to think of a solution to this problem. "...Does either one of you have an idea where the cavern is? Or, failing that, a way in which we could find it?"
Rae nodded appreciatively and took the spear "thanks, i don't really know how to use it but i know the pointy end goes in the bad guy so that should be enough for now" she chuckled then turned to Leon as he went for the doors, she tried not to laugh as he threw them open. she composed herself, straightening the clothes and her hair, before following behind him and staring in her best 'angered God' face as he spoke to the masses, then took her eyes from them as if they were beneath her notice and started walking behind Leon towards the mountain. she glanced back as they reached the edge of town, most of the villagers were either watching them or still on the ground but a few had gone back to what they had been doing. she smiled slightly and turned back to the mountain.

when they go there she looked around. Leon had a point. she glanced up "well..." she walked around for a second then looked up, shielding her eyes from the sun "you do have a point... let me think..." then something occurred to her and she smiled "do you remember if we could see the sun go down from the cave?, if we could then we had to be on the other side, it seems like the sun sets over there, but if we couldn't then we had to be on this side, then we can figure out exactly where based on where we saw the sun if we saw it" she glanced around again "i honestly can't remember though, i was pretty wiped out, i hope one of you can"
Cautiously backing out of the room, Callum eyes snapped to Muse. "Um, the same really. Well, it was a portal but honestly that what a hole in space time is. Or the other way around. I mean, if you think about it, we came out the same way. But went in different ways. Also, I had MK-Ultra with me. But now he's not...." He looked around the area again and grimaced.

"I really do not see an obvious way out of here..." Callum thought in a second. "Unless we passed it by accident. But, then again. This is likely in space. So I think just directly leaving probably isn't a good idea" Callum shrugged as he passed a ball of ice between his hands. He hummed a little song before throwing it in the air and spinning.

"Honestly I have no idea what to do now-" He caught the ball with one hand before looking at Muse. "I mean, the ship is covered in gooey stuff and smells like wood polish. Whether the RP is meant to be deserted or not....well I just don't know." Cocking his head to one side, Callum groaned.

"You know, I thought I'd never say this. But just being in a spaceship is....well, a bit dull. I mean, at a point you really need to see something crazy. This whole thing really makes your exceptions high. It kinda makes me wonder how I could ever go back to just going back to just a normal site when I can....well, experience it. First hand, shooting lasers with your mind and all. Normal life is just going to seem be so boring after this. If only there wasn't a crazed maniac trying to kill us-" Callum eyes drifted to the ground. "If only..." He seemed to think in silence before suddenly in the air. "Ah-!" The Iceball smashed against the ground as Callum flailed his hands.

"That is cold! really cold. Oh THAT IS SO COLD!" Callum flailed about before creating a fireball above his hand.

As the group left the Temple Gwazi took note of all the Natives who instantly started dropping down and worshipping them. Leon seemed to take full advantage of it though and used it as an easy way to both leave and prevent them from following so Gwazi simply followed while trying to keep up a divine 'do not disturb' sort of look to him.

Once they got away from the village and to the forest he responded to Leons latest concern saying "Well splitting up to cover more ground would be inadvisable..." his thought trailing off as Rae made her own point about the Sun to which Gwazi replied "Oh yea! I did see the sun from the Cave! Nice going Rae!". It finally seemed there were getting somewhere, "But that does mean we have a decent walk still... At least we'll get exercise and know where we're going though" he then finished.
As luck would have it, the RPers didn't have to wander aimlessly for long before a familiar meowing happened to catch their attention. Poking his head out from behind a rock ledge, MK continued to meow loudly to make sure he was heard, nimbly scaling the side of the mountain to come closer to them. But, he only scaled down a short distance before he stopped moving, and instead just continued to meow to get their attention, not coming all the way down to meet them.
"Good thinking, you two," Leon smiled. "Now, let's see... if we could see the sun from the cave entrance while said sun was setting, then it should be facing roughly eastward. Since it's morning now, that means the sun roughly marks west, which means the entrance would have to be somewhere in... that direction," he pointed to the group's left. Well, hopefully, at least. Please let the sun actually behave like a normal sun in this place... Pretty please? "Well then, let's go, shall we?," Leon spoke, heading off in the direction he pointed out.

Mere minutes after they started to walk again, they already stumbled into part of their goal; the cute, fluffy MK Ultra! ...Well, that was easy. Too easy even, considering everything else that had happened to them since they arrived in this godforsaken universe. Maybe the true gods of this place were looking out for them for once? Considering how the natives were acting and how this was a fantasy roleplay of some sorts, there was a decent chance that there were some actual gods on this mountain. Then again, wouldn't said gods be angered by Leon and co. acting like they were them for their own profit? Well, regardless, Leon wasn't about to question their blessings without a good reason.
"Hey, MK Ultra! Here, kitty, come over here," Leon cooed, trying to lure the cat down to him. "Don't be afraid, it's just us. We won't hurt you. Kittyyy..."
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Before long they had already stumbled onto the cat. 'That was fast...' Gwazi thought to himself, but it was almost too fast. Almost as if this was being set up/plotted, Gwazi took a quick look of the surroundings as Leon called out to the cat before saying making the kind of tsk sound people use to lure Cats over and saying "Here kitty". He didn't spot anything odd, but he was still cautious in case. But he wasn't going to simply ignore the cat over it.
Rae was very happy when they found Mk Ultra. she sat on a rock to rest her feet for a moment, still not being fully recovered from their numerous ordeals and looked around. she noticed something almost immediatly while the boys called out to the cat. the dog wasn't anywhere to be seen. she stood again and looked around, something was definitely up. "Magnum!" she called out, glancing at the cat, who didn't seem harmed or anything "Magnum! Where are you boy?" in fact the cat seemed to be waiting for them, like he wanted them to come to him. "hey guys, maybe he's trying to lead us somewhere, like we're supposed to follow him?" she looked at the guys to see if they shared her assumption or if she was simply seeing things.