Welcome Back to the Guild [continuation]

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I'm so flipping angry that I could cuss and I've been doing really darn well at cleaning up my language.
Well shit... :/
Swearing =/= Angry. I swear all the time when I'm completely calm. :P

Also, everything Kaga said was right even if her wording came off as hostile.
The fact of the matter is, Mahz left the Guild and everyone on it to rot for a year.
Not a week, or a month cause of family issues or something, but a whole entire year.

If something requires you to bow out for that amount of time, you are supposed to relegate responsibilities to others. Which Mahz never did, instead he would vanish from existence, and put stress on the other admins and moderators to play defense and cover for him. Because it was all they could do, they had no power to fix the site, but they were the ones also constantly being given all the shit and complaints because Mahz was never around to complain to.

To put this situation in other examples:

1. Like the RP one given by Neo above. Imagine of a GM just up and vanished for a year. No word or reason given as to why. The RP for all intents and purposes was left to rot. But the players cared enough about it to salvage what they could together and keep it going. Then imagine the GM suddenly logs in one day and goes "Hey guys! I'm back and I have a ton of ideas for this RP!". Would you honestly let them back in, and trust them with the RP?

2. Or if you'd rather look at it more as a caretaker route, where the site was the child/baby. Imagine your mother or father just getting up and leaving one day. They left the house with no word or clue, and they don't even pay child support to now support your now single parent. You get by a whole year without them, scraping together what you can to get by. Then one day they come back claiming they missed you, and want to come back. But the only reason you ever got for them being gone was your other parent going "He has other things to do! How dare you question them!".

Mahz has a bad track record, he abandoned everyone for the longest time.
He quite simply does not have the trustworthiness/credibility to be playing host for a site where communities and long lasting RP's are meant to be getting hosted on.

And I say this as someone who defended Mahz fiercely (to the point I made several enemies, and the Mods had to come in and hold me back) when the Old Guild was shut down. I liked Mahz, I loved the Guild, and I hated people who acted entitled/owed things out of the site. But this situation is quite basically Mahz having failed the very basics of running a site for far too long.

I get that you miss the Guild and want us all to go back. But it simply is not in the best interest of the group or the RP. And getting about it to the point you're storming off furious over it, and leaving others hurt and concerned about you is not helping anyone or anything.

Well. Yeah. I know how to argue that point. And I completely agree with you. The problem is I want to be able to approach that without her still being so angry at me. Cuz, I mean, if I were her, as soon as I saw the first three words of that paragraph I would just ignore it and assume that the other person's just being a bitch who needs to have the last word.

My ability to argue a point really isn't the issue, here. :/ The issue is I can't get a single other word across to her without sounding like an asshole. And that makes me feel like an asshole. Cuz I don't like when people fight with other people in an RP. It's kind of RP poison. But then, just saying that makes me sound like a selfish bitch who's just worried about my RP and that's the only reason why I'm trying to get across to her. Which it isn't! Cuz I really didn't want to make her that angry but... ugh...
Humans are emotional creatures.

Anger, frustration and arguments can happen even if all the points made were logical and rationale.
Even if people try to clarify their intent because sometimes they instantly adopt a defensive stance of "I'm being questioned! I must defend myself rather than hear criticism and other people's opinions!".

And sometime's it's unavoidable, I knew when I picked up on the angry tones that even if it was fixed an argument could still happen. But I pointed it out in the hopes one could be avoided, but this case turned out to be one where an argument was simply bound to happen. There's no one to blame, it's just a stressful and messed up situation for everyone.
This place needs to lighten up a bit... So how about we all watch this video and point and laugh at video games made silly?

Don't look at me like that >_>
This place needs to lighten up a bit... So how about we all watch this video and point and laugh at video games made silly?

Don't look at me like that >_>
Ah, yes....Seeing a whole village get destroyed is hilarious...hah....*flees before he gets killed by the pycho*
Sooo... I just found a comedy video on Youtube -- from a creator whose humor normally revolves around sass and making fun of people -- that is entirely centered around religion and managed to not be offensive.

I feel like I just discovered the city of Atlantis, proof of life on other planets, and a cure for cancer all at the same time.

And yes, I did post this comment on both my OOC's because WOW that is a rare thing to find.

Link for those interested.
Ah, yes....Seeing a whole village get destroyed is hilarious...hah....*flees before he gets killed by the pycho*
It's funny because it has Yakety Sax under it :D. Also, that was originally made for an FFX RP that never really got off the ground. Anyway, what's with Yakety sax and its magical property to make almost anything funny? O_o

In Rp news, I'm gonna leave Ríbás till kaga posts with the GM, well..that is what I think I'm supposed to do. but if I supposed to go straight ahead then...

In Rp news, I'm gonna leave Ríbás till kaga posts with the GM, well..that is what I think I'm supposed to do. but if I supposed to go straight ahead then...
Nah, just wait. I got... *yawn* Plans...
I'll see if I can post sometime soon. It'll be a big one, probably.
Don't worry about Books. Having never replied to me on the Guild, I'm going to assume she's gone for good.

That said, feel free to have your way with her, Rithas.

On a related note: posting order. People tend to get confused when groups merge, but, since not much of interest has happened for a lot of you in a while, just post whenever you can find the chance to. Don't worry about who else you'd normally wait on if you feel like you can write a post. I guess once all of you have posted a response to that, we'll continue forward with whatever turn order naturally emerges.
I'm on my phone atm and not my computer so I can't make a proper response right now. Should be able to in a few hours though.

But if someone does post in that time I feel the need to state that since GM openly ordered the lizard to attack that Gwazi does intend to try to block/intercept it.
I'm on my phone atm and not my computer so I can't make a proper response right now. Should be able to in a few hours though.

But if someone does post in that time I feel the need to state that since GM openly ordered the lizard to attack that Gwazi does intend to try to block/intercept it.

Oh feel free to do whatever you like in this battle. :P I'm just saying Rithas doesn't need to be shy about killing her off.
Oh feel free to do whatever you like in this battle. :P I'm just saying Rithas doesn't need to be shy about killing her off.
Can I do the macarana while growing 4 new arms with swords for hands? :3

Just because I don't reply doesn't mean I'm gone.

Just because I don't reply doesn't mean I'm gone.

:/ Well, you did storm off and say "this might as well be my last OOC post" after getting very upset with me. I then tried to contact you on the Guild, sending several messages until I figured that you were too angry to reply and that that was your way of saying that you were done with the RP.

I don't know what else I was supposed to do, under such circumstances.

Just because I don't reply doesn't mean I'm gone.
Not to be a jerk, but if you disappear from an RP thread for a week, without forewarning, from both the IC and OOC thread and right after an argument... people tend to conclude that you are, in fact, gone. It's not that much of a logic leap, really.
Yea, you basically fulfilled every requirement in the book to say you were leaving.

Except for throwing cream puffs at everyone and starting a cream puff fight that is...
Cream puff fights are fun... and Delicious. :3

I was not saying I was leaving. I was saying I wasn't going to post OOC until I calmed down. And again I don't check Iwaku like I check the Guild. My replies are delay and I was having a bad and busy week last week so that post ticked me off at the worst time possible.

I didn't reply to your PMs on the Guild because I for one could not form a coherant thought for a reply and I was still angry when I tried to think of replies.

Lets just say I've been in a bad mood since I've been having a hard time breathing for about three weeks now.

EDIT: And I said OOC directly. I did not say IC.
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I was not saying I was leaving. I was saying I wasn't going to post OOC until I calmed down. And again I don't check Iwaku like I check the Guild. My replies are delay and I was having a bad and busy week last week so that post ticked me off at the worst time possible.

I didn't reply to your PMs on the Guild because I for one could not form a coherant thought for a reply and I was still angry when I tried to think of replies.

Lets just say I've been in a bad mood since I've been having a hard time breathing for about three weeks now.

EDIT: And I said OOC directly. I did not say IC.

:/ You did say OOC, which was why I at first tried reaching out to you, but after so long without a reply, I'd assumed you'd jumped ship. An eventual reply on the Guild would've been nice.

But... Whatever. You're here now, I guess.
And I would like to point out that I did reply to you on the guild making my newest comment
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*Throws creampuff*

Food fight!