War Of The Elements

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By day, this creature had his mask removed and seemed like a normal civilian among those within the Fire Nation. By night, the beast bared its feral fangs, following the orders by the higher ups of the Water Nation government as if he were just a doll an nothing more. The fake Fire Nation civilian walked through the crowded streets, looking for his target. He turned to look to his left and right, before moving into a secluded alleyway within the bustling city and pulled a scroll out from his pocket. He unraveled it, before reading the directions again once more.


"This individual is your target. From the intel we have gained from previous spies within the Fire Nation, this orange haired woman is known as Mottomo. You shall gain information on the Fire Nation's strengths, weaknesses, people, and infrastructure. Do not fail this mission, for we know there is none other up to the task. Once you have finished gaining the information from her, rid her from this world. We believe in you and know you will succeed."

Shen could not help but give a little chuckle, and rolled the scroll back up before putting it within his pocket once more. He turned back to see if he would have to slay anyone watching him, but there was no one there. The assassin came back out of the shadows of the alley before taking a deep breath and popping his back. With a fake but ecstatic smile, he walked up to a commoner.

"Excuse me sir, but do you know where the barracks are? I am supposed to meet an individual there."

"Are you a new soldier or something boy? I haven't seen someone like you before."

"Yes sir, that's exactly why I have to report to the barracks at this moment. I have to meet with someone who will lead me to the captain."

"Oh, well boy-yo, all you have to do is continue down this street before making a right. That leads to the local barracks and army platoons. They are used to guard the city, but sometimes they are sent out for wars and such. By the way have you heard about the attacks by the Water Nation? I hope they don't come this far into the land, that would truly be an issue."

"Yes, it would be an issue... anyways, thank you for the directions mister!"

The old man waved to Shen, and he did likewise. As soon as he turned his back to the man, the smile faded instantly from his face. It actually hurt his facial muscles to display this much emotion, but it seemed as if more facial trials would follow. As he continued down the street, he looked at the families together and drunk men by the tavern laughing. He had no idea what emotions were welling up inside him. Was this regret? Whichever way it was, he had to complete his mission. He finally came upon the turn that lead towards the barracks, and walked towards it. To his right, he caught sight of his target, the woman who would give him information on all things Fire Nation. He also noticed that she was being held up by a group of soldiers, who seemed to be no more than those of the lowest rank. Watching one soldier ball up his fist, he immediately sprinted over to the situation and jumped in front of Mottomo, taking the blow for her. His head flew to his right, before he coughed. A piercing glare shot up from his eyes towards the group of mongrels.

"Leave this woman alone, or you will have to answer to me."
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Her flames wirled around in her clenched fist as she was about ready to kill these naive soldiers, when someone she didn't recognise stepped in front of her. The soldiers fist hit him and he spoke, his voice 'Leave this woman alone, or you will have to answer to me.' Her frown still spread over she face, she stept around him so she could adress him. 'I don't need you to protect me.' She narrowed her eyes at him before she turned her attention to the four soldiers. She wanted to burn them, watch them suffer though she thought better of it as she had better things to do. Without another word she turned and walked away in the direcrion of the barracks.
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The soldiers punch was taken by a different target, the man have jumped in front of mottomo, taking the blow quite well. "Grab her." The soldiers voice was cold, and demanding. With the girl walking away, the local guards step out, blocking Mottomo. "Everyone in is have been paid to do what I command, all but You." The solider turned back towards the stranger, looking oddly at his appearance. "WHO are you?"
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Shen Zwei looked at the local guards who stepped up to block the path, and sighed slightly. This mission was actually not a cakewalk like the others, and would be way harder to deal with. It was obvious to Shen that there was no where to run, so there was only one option left. Shen Zwei would have to go for a bluff and hope that it would work. He placed a fist into the palm of his other hand before bowing.

"Sir, I am just a regular soldier here. You probably did not notice me for my insignificance. The others soldiers here were trying to mess with her, and bully her into submission. They even tried to throw a punch against another comrade, which I luckily blocked. I stepped in the way because the great army of the Fire Nation should be in unity rather then in civil distress. That way we will come to a quicker victory against those of the Water Nation."

He looked at Mottomo, giving her a sly wink that was not noticed by any other personal. His mindset was completely different from his physical actions. Expressing this much emotion was tiring.​
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The leading soilder finally spoke, showing no emotion in his voice, "I do not care who you are, or why you think we will win the war, only the royal army haves the Benders to do so. My men did what they thought was a must for this mission, so I do not care to hear." The tall tan man have been standing idol as his fellow soldiers took the mission, but with their failure was his rise.
She sighed loudly as she was once again stopped. 'I didn't want to have to do this but you leave me with no choice.' She was of course lying because she had wanted to do this from the first moment he opened his mouth. She gripped the soldier tightly around his neck, squeezing him just hard enough to cause him to claw at her hand and gasp for breath. A wicked smile fell over her face as she released her fire energy from her hand and into his neck. It penetrated through his skin, heating the blood that pulsed thought his jugulars and slowly and painfully cooked him from the inside out. She released the now dead soldier and watched him slump to the ground. It had taken her a while to perfect that technique without leavng scorch marks on their necks. 'OK who wants to go next?' She asked the soldiers, including Shen if he chose to stand in her way too.
"Haha, you are a devil." The leading solider stood patiencely, his hair lied just over his eyes, a small ponytail lied on his neck, black eyes sat looking at mottomo. "I do not wish to fight, I was simply to come find you and take you to the earth nation. "

Shen watched in awe as the woman heartlessly killed the soldier, and watched the reaction of the leader of the soldiers. Completely heartless, their actions left him in awe. His body shuddered with excitement before stopping himself. He was on a mission, and there was no time to be infatuated by the effects of how one kills. He listened to the words of their leader, talking about how he was to take Mottomo to the Earth Nation. This was a large issue indeed. He had to find a way to go along as well. There was nothing else to do but kiss up.

"Sir, shall it be OK if I go along as well as an escort?"
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'You think i meed excorting there? I have my orders so stand aside.' Her expression blank as she walked up the the so called 'Leader'. 'Do we have a problem 'Sir' or am i free to leave now?' She narrowed her eyes at him as if she was daring him to yet again get in her way so she could satisfy her urge to kill.
Nathan only grinned, Sakura have answered all his questions correct, proving she was his target. "We will be setting sail for the earth nation shortly, if you wish to change our trip time from 24 hours to 12 then help bend the waves beneath my ship." Nathan walked casually, stopping as in arrived in the middle of the deck. Changing position, Nathan stood silently, legs side by side, his arms calmly in his pockets, eyes closed. Then the ship started to move, the large steel sail less ship moved towards north, it's speed stayed at 15, then Nathan opened his eyes, but did not move. "I am also a Bender Sakura."
The large war ship ported next to the small fire nation fairy, leaving the ship was a air Bender named Max, he was only 15 but he was one of the most skilled air Benders, his nation only populated to 600 people, all Benders. The God of wind granted their wish for element manipulation after the nation turned it's eyes from war, building the ancient temples they live in now. I found him, i found fang. Max wasn't to far behide fang when fang stopped, looking to the sky.
"Do whatever you wish boy, haha if you survive. " The leading solider walked along side his remaining squad heading to the exit that lead into town. "Do remember girl, the royal army does not give up that easily. " Those where his last words as he walked into the crowded street.
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Sakura sat down beside Nathan, using her own bending skills to both keep her little boat beside them, and help Nathan move the one they sat upon.
"I take it you think you know pretty much everything about me, hm?" She said, adjusting her cloak with one hand. She could probably be making the boats go faster, but she didn't feel like it at that moment in time.
"Your bending is strong, but your mind Is weak" Nathan have jumped towards Sakura, with a wave of his hand towards his water holder, the water spun out, turning into a large ice spike, sliding just along Sakuras face. Then the boat stopped, Nathan's spike unfreezing, splashing onto the deck.
She was glad they finally left her alone, allowing her to continue to the Barracks to pack for her journey to the Earth Nation and mumble profanity under her breath about the Royal Army. For the first time a smile crossed her face as she thought how useless they were, showing a softer side, though it was short lived.
She slung the small bag over her shoulder as she made her way towards the docks. She despised the water but there was no other way to get to the Earth Nation unless she wanted to walk for a month. She let out a small sigh as she boarded a Fire Nation ship filled with her subordinates. Arriving at her quarters she grabbed the files that had been placed on the bed and began to read through them. 'Earth Nation... Kill...' She mumbled as she scanned through her mission documents.
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"You don't know that for certain." She replied calmly, barely even phased by the ice spike. She looked at him, her eyes sharp and calculating. "After all, how would I stay alive if my mind were slow?"
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He looked at the leading soldier walk away before turning away himself. What was the emotion that was welling up inside of himself now. Was it hatred for the man that had just crossed paths with him? Shen Zwei was wondering how this rush of emotion was suddenly happening to him. He shrugged before turning back to see the orange haired woman heading towards the barracks. The young assassin contemplated putting his hood on, but that would only make Mottomo even more suspicious than she already was. He silently crept behind her, watching her every move and also looking for a chance to see if he could talk to her again. The chance did not present itself as the woman walked into the barracks and got her things. It seemed that she actually would follow the order of the captain, and so would he. His target was this woman, and if he did not follow through with his task then he would face dire consequences. Mottomo's mission was Shen's as well.

His feet began to hurt at this point, as the spy followed her from the barracks all the way to the docks. The walk was quite a while, or at least in his sense of time it was. Shen secluded himself in a group of normal folk who were heading down to the docks as well, probably to purchase some ship or to even get aboard their own ships and right out into the sea. A sigh of distress came from the man as he watched Mottomo board the Fire Nation army ship. With his current apparel, there was no way that he would get inside of that vessel. A view of his surroundings confirmed from him that there were four guards in front of the sea vehicle, two at a fish stall to his left and one to his right who was apparently trying to court a woman. The one to his right would assist him in his goal. He quickly walked over to the guard before tapping his shoulder.

"Eh - What do you want?! Can't you see I am busy here!"

"Well sir, it's just that someone was hurt within this alley and I think you should check..."

The soldier sighed but nodded. Although he did not wish to do this task, it was his duty as the law of the nation. The man led the way into the nearby alley with Shen trailing slowly behind him. The soldier took a few glances around before noticing that there in fact was no injured individual. He turned back, only seeing the maniacal grin on Shen's face. Under his garb was a canteen of water attached to his waist. This is what he used to hold his water, for it would not be thought of as suspicious. With precision he opened the top of the canteen, before a small stream of water came out.

"Thank you for your assistance sir, although I fear ANOTHER individual may get hurt once more..."

One flick of his wrist was all it took for the water to solidify into a sharp shard of ice. He faced his palm towards the mans neck, and that is where the ice flew. The impact of his makeshift weapon shredded the mans jugular, putting him into shock. Within five minutes he would die, and that was all the time Shen needed to quickly take his Fire Nation soldier uniform and place it upon his own body. He walked out of the alleyway and towards the ship before boarding it, not being stopped by any guards on his way into the vessel. Shen Zwei took a few steps before finding the room that belonged to Mottomo, and he opened it quietly. He crept in before pulling off his mask and waving hello.

"They commissioned me to come along with you. Isn't that wonderful Mottomo?"

Using her real name might have been a mistake, or it might have not.​
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Nathan was not surprised at the lack of emotion shown, turning, Nathan sighed, once again moving the ship. "Only the strong minded can bend when emotion surfaces." Nathan sat, crossing his legs, then sat his arms in his lap. "This ship was once a great fire nation war ship, the "leading" vessel. I won rights of it after the battle, the fire nation have sent their "Royal" Army to take control of one of our islands, Sadly they under exstermanted our Benders, we quickly forze their ships in place, but we boasted about our bending all to well, half of our defense fell after their leading vessel started firing, Large bombs flew as it fired, destroying my small village, I was fourteen when I lead the team of Benders abored this ship, together we claimed our prize. " Nathans eyes where open now, a tear rolled down his flawless pale skin. The boat kept it's speed, Nathan kept still.
His voice had startled her as she shoved the files under her pillow and stood up. She let out a small sigh as she recognised him. 'You again...?' She narrowed her eyes at him as she studied the man. 'Who are you?' She questioned, never having seen him before today. She was frustrated and it showed, having not been able to get any peace today automatically put her in a bad mood, though that was no different to any other day. She noticed there were fresh specks of blood around the collar of his uniform, though she thought nothing of it as she knew Fire Nation soldiers tend to enjoy their killing a bit too much. She respected him a bit more for that, though she would never show it.
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Sakura felt pity for this soldier that had called her onto the boat. She knew she should be wary of him, yet it was hard to do with him having a tear rolling down his face. She sighed and scratched the back of her head.
"I suppose that must've been hard on you." She gazed away, not wanting to let him see the pity. She knew from experience that pity wasn't what most people wanted to see. She switched to understanding, still scratching the back of her head.
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His eyes trailed to the documents that she shoved under her pillow. Whatever the things that she placed under her pillow were, he would need to get a hold of them. They probably held valuable information about the Fire Nation's motives or something about political issues. He shook his head before looking back to her, and he gave her a sly smile. Mottomo had asked who he was, and he would give her an answer.

"My name is Nehs, I know it is a peculiar name but it is the name that my parents have given me, ma'am."

He had no idea how well his fake name would work in this situation, but it did not matter right now. What mattered was getting those documents and reading them over. Shen also had to find some way to gain her trust, but he did not know her likes or interests or anything about her for that matter. He would just have to learn over time.​
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Fang sensed someone behind him as he approached the ferry, seeing the other ship dock next to it he frowns tilting his head slightly before turning to the guy behind him. His fierce blue eyes piercing "Can I help you?" His voice is deep and a bit husky, his tone questioning. He keeps his hands in his pockets but stays alert ready to bend anytime, he was wary of any strangers especially ones that come out of nowhere.
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