Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup!

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Yes, the end of your meal is nigh, sir.

Waiter, there's a Ghost in my Shell.
I'm not sure why your soup is from the mid 21st century Japan. We'll send it back to Niihama and get you a non-time travelling bowl of soup.

Waiter, my soup has a dead samurai in it!
I suppose we can give you a new soup.

Waiter, my soup seems to be glowing
We're right next to a toxic waste dump. That should explain a lot.

Waiter, an alien just burst out of that man's stomach.
Yes, that occasionally happens with our gluten-free choices. Pay no heed.

Waiter, I have no fucking soup.
*checks notepad* You didn't order any soup.

Waiter, my soup is floating in a glob above my bowl!
Ah sorry, our cook is a wizard.

Waiter, that goat ate my soup
*Goat Bleat* *Begins chewing on the bowl*

Waiter, may I refund my child?
Yes, but you need the birth certificate. Can't have you refunding a child that isn't yours.

Waiter, my soup exploded.
Upon closer inspection, the soup appeared to be a bomb! A new soup will be served.

Waiter, my soup has an ikemen in it!
It's so that your soup is cool when you eat it.

Waiter, there's a failed dream in my soup!
Oh, sorry. Our chef wanted to be an astronaut.

Waiter, there's nothing wrong with my soup!
I'm sorry, sir. I'll have the chef spit in it right away.

Waiter, there's a fork sticking out of your arm.
Occupational Hazard. Gets me workman's comp, so it's all good.

Waiter, I think I've been sleeping with your wife.
I don't have a wife.

Waiter, there's a history book in my soup!
*Pirates of the Carribean theme plays*

Waiter, there's a lot more soup than I asked for.
"Not a problem," the waiter explains, before proceeding to bow down, slurping into the soup bowl. When finished, the soup was in an acceptable amount.

Waiter, there's fly paper in my soup!
Some of our previous customers complained about flies in our soup, so the fly paper solves that.

Waiter, this soup is too wet.
Oh, I'm sorry. We must have added water to the powdered soup you ordered.

Waiter, there is a facehugger on your face.
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