Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup!

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Um... *Hides them behind back.* We burned them.

Father, There seems to be a demon in my posession victim!
Umm...congratulations? Mission accomplished?

Waiter, can I be a werewolf?
No. This is Vampires R Us.

Waiter, there's a cruise ship in my yard!
Looks like someone forgot to plant their ice bergs.

Waiter, there's a bird on my keyboard.
I shall go ahead and call the Bird watchers in that case. In the meanwhile, go use a laptop.

Wait or, the re is a mou se tha t ke eps pre ssing my sp ace butt on.
Throw it out the window. It's not a truck.

Waiter, there's a stove in my pants!
You should take a bath.

Waiter, there's a chimera cactus leming in my lab.
How should I know what to do with it? I'm a waiter, not a genius?

Waiter, there's a chicken in my shirt!
Well, cut its head off!

Waiter, there's a computer Virus in my dog!
Again, I'm just a waiter.

Waiter, there's a pillow in my crocodile!
My dear, he is a pillow pet, that's why! :)

Waiter, I'm in my soup! o.o
That will cost extra.

Waiter, there's a Religion in my Heretic!

Enough with the Emperor-damned heresy! I have had it up to here, I swear to Terra!

Waiter, there's a Space Marine in my soup.
Get him out! his suit can't survive Clam Chowder that thick!

Waiter, there's Snakes on my plane!
Well play What does the snake say and get them out of here!

Mom, there is caramel in my crunchy stuff icecream
That's the point, honey. It's random.
Garbage collector, there's a box of curtains in my balls!
That's the point, honey. It's random.
Garbage collector, there's a box of curtains in my balls!
Uh... have you called 911 about that?

Waiter, someone stole my pants!
*Eyes narrow in suspicion* Jeanstealers....

Waiter, people are calling you weird things like mom and garbage collector.
Because... I am everything.

Waiter, what ISN'T The meaning of Life?
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