Voltaire Academy

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"Dracula is a myth created by humans. However its not a total mythic. I guess you could say that. I'm Damian Von Voltaire. I guess the heir to this castle." He says shaking the boys hand.
Zed had his hand shook. He had a firm grasp, but he made sure to keep the handshake as short as possible. "That's nice, getting a castle I mean." He sits on the edge of the fountain and brushes his fingers across the top of the water. "What do you do for fun around here?" He looks up at Damian with a questioning look.
"Oh! Sorry Dude." He said, realising his mistake. "Anything I can do? It was a lovely work of art as well..." Sumiko's painting came to an abrupt halt. No more painting for today. His pale cheeks flushed with embarrassment and once more, he was thankful his hair was so long.
(It gave me no alerts for this yesterday) Katrina was wondering threw the courtyard her nose buried in a book. The school uniform with the black tie fit to her body, but over it she was wearing her fur-lined white hooded half shawl; the hood pulled up covering the back of her head. She also wore her fur-lined fingerless white gloves. She managed to look up just long enough to find one of the many stone benches that lined the courtyard. She settled herself onto one. Katrina enjoyed most of her classes and had the most fun in art. She had almost completed Leonardo Da Vinci's Leda and the Swan, she just needed a little extra time. She knew she would complete it tomorrow and then she could paint or draw what she wished to. An image flashed threw her mind of a ball, she smiled to herself and lead her distracted mind back to the book in her hands.
Damian looks over to Zed. "Lots I'm sure. Playing instruments, reading, ice skating on the lake in the winter,swimming in the summer. Hell if you wanted could do a scavenger hunt or draw the sensory." He says before Kat coght his eye. "Kat!" He called out.
Katrina looked up from her book and smiled placing her bookmard and then sliding her book into her messanger bag. She stood up and walked over to Damian and the acrobatic kid. "Hey Damian sorry i was absorbed in my reading."
Damian waved it off and told her it was fine. He stood to his feet and walked to her approaching him. "How has your day been, Kat?" He asks.
"Its been good, just mostly reviews from things I learned last year." She smiled at him then turned to the acrobatic kid, "Hello," she said softly a little shy at first, "I am Katrina, but most people call me Kat." Her accent twined with her words .
Zed turns his head to look at the other student. He raises an eyebrow as he looks at her, then he raises the other, then he wiggles them and slides to the ground. His eyes squint as he stares quite intently at her hair. He tilts his head and throws up a hand in a mock-salute.
She gave a small laugh, and then reached up and touched her hair self-consciously. "What is there something wrong with my hair?" She asked stepping closer to Damian without realizing she was.
"I'm Zed... Most people call me Freak... but I wouldn't say that's what I like to be called." He smiles and stands up using his leg muscles, windmilling with his arms, and then sticking out a hand, for her to shake if she so desires. He shakes his head, "No it's just... different."
"If you weren't a 'freak' you wouldn't be at this school." She replied still standing close to Damian and put her small hand in his shaking it. She looked at Damian then Zed. "I think you are in one of my classes Zed." She stated suddenly.
Zed made sure the handshake was short, like before. He laughed at her reply, and put his hands in his pockets. He tilted his head and raised the opposite eyebrow, "Which one? I'm terrible at paying attention in class." He may have missed her, which he would regret, seeing how beautiful she was.
"Literature. I sat towards the back," She said with a small smile. She looked to the fountain and a fond smile then graced her lips. She shook her head and looked back at Zed, "Sorry random memory went through my head."
Zed nodded, "Ah, literature..." He purses his lips and furrows his brow, "That's the one with books isn't it?" He notices her smile and look, then purrs, "Looked like a good one!"
Damian let's out a slight laugh. "You guys get along well. And Freak is far from it kid. More like abnormal. I have both of you in one of my classes but I don't bother to show up to most of them." He says looking to the sky. With a sudden gust of cold when he shivered.
She shrugged, "Literature is my best subject because I love books." Katrina felt the wind gust but her shawl kept her mostly warm, she touched his arm gently. "Have you had any episodes today Damian." She asked concerned for him.
Zed dips his head to Damian's concept. He stretches in the breeze, "Really? Huh. Either of you in gymnastics?" Zed tilts his head when she asks Damian if he's had any episodes.
She gave a laugh, "I am its not my favorite my parents made the head mistress put me in there." She replied her voice a bit distant. "I am good at it, I just do not really care for it."
"No and I don't know. My memory serves me uselessly." Damian says pulling his leather jacket over his body. He might be a vampire but as a pure blood he had blood and warmth. Only his blood doesn't give him nutrients.
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