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"So Morin is a vampire too?" She inquired. That explained why he and Minuit were so close. She had turned to her side so she could face him. "Well, since you said that the thought's crossed your mind, the offer is open if you want to feed on me." She spoke. "I'm actually quite curious to see what it feels like." She spoke to him. She offered him a soft smile. She never would have thought that her teacher, friend, and well...she wasn't sure if she could call him crush anymore. It was far more than that she felt for him. Though he'd shown he returned her feelings a bit, she wasn't sure if it was to the extent that she did. She wasn't sure what to call him in that aspect. Anywho, she never would've guessed he was a vampire. Or that they were even real.
"Eh, I've got all sorts of living myth's in my home. I met Morin when I was a child. He told me he'd take care of me from that day forward as long as I changed him. Which was new to me. But if you'd like to hear his story you'd have to ask him. He'd be more than willing to tell it," Minuit scowled at the last bit. The old butler had told every girl that same story, as well as everyone in the house and often times he'd bring it up to Minuit out of the blue. He was close to the old man though, so he'd listen quietly to him as he reminiscent. Always going about his own work anyway.

His face actually seemed to brighten up a bit when the offer was put out there, his temptation overwhelming just at the thought. He felt his fangs ache as he slowly began to obsess over the idea once more. His eyes locked on her open neck as he licked his fangs. After a moment of staring, he turned away, shaking his head. "I'll pass," his breathing was a bit heavy as he said it, obviously trying to force the idea out of his mind. "You bleed enough. Especially since you're a girl," he teased her, chuckling a bit.
Kieara listened and made a mental note to talk to Morin later. She then looked to him. She laughed at his joke then spoke. "You didn't seem to mind feeding from Cadence." She pointed out to him. She wasn't a fool. She put things together quite easily. That is, until it came to the romance department. In that line of emotion, she was a class A idiot. She then spoke again. "What makes me so different?" She wasn't pressuring him to feed on her. She was just curious as to why he seemed so reluctant on the idea when he'd just stated he'd often thought about it.
"Cadence is different. She's a child willing and eager to cling to anyone who was nice to her. That and her scent made my psychotic. It's not as strong now that I've drank from her." He shrugged, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her close. "What do you mean what makes you difference though. Are you really trying to tell me you want to be treated like Cadence?" He kissed her forehead lightly, having grown a new obsession with the way her skin felt. "I lo-- I really like you My Kieara. Maybe one day, if I feel I can't take your enticing scent anymore I'll cave and bite you."
Kieara looked to him. "Of course not, but I just notice you treat me different than them." She spoke. She cuddled close to him. She hoped he didn't mind. "am I bothering you?" She asked him. She then looked up at him. "I...really like you too." She spoke to him since he'd hesitated.
Minuit smiled softly at her, slowly running his hands up and down her back. "Of course not," he chuckled softly, glad to have her so close. At the moment he was amazed the little Cadence didn't come rampaging back in. Throwing a fit over this and that and whatever else there was for her to ruin. But instead he chose to remove the thought from his head, putting all his attention on Kieara as she cuddled up into his arms. "So Kieara. Do you mind if I go out feeding?"
Kieara spoke. "It's how you survive, I can't tell you I disapprove." She didn't disapprove. Though she found his constant flirting with the opposite sex very unnecessary. She looked at him. "I don't mind you going out feeding." she spoke to him. She was shocked Cadence hadn't made another appearance either, but she wasn't complaining about it.
He smiled, toying with her hair a bit. "I'm glad. I suppose I could stop bringing the girls home though. Actually, I could stop doing a lot of things with the girls I normally feed on," He looked away. Unsure of how he actually felt about that. He'd been a "player" almost his entire life. Enjoying the company of a girl, though not for too long. With a soft sigh he kissed Kieara again. Pulling away after a short while. "Sorry, I guess I kind of really like the fact that I can do that now," he chuckled.
Kieara didn't find his comment about doing things with the women he fed from funny. Nor did she find it pleasant at all. She blushed when he kissed her. She smiled up at him. "I don't mind." She spoke with a slight giggle. She leaned forward and kissed him in return for once. She enjoyed his company, but if he planned on keeping her for a long period of time, he'd have to give up being a player.
He chuckled a bit, a big grin on his face as she kissed him. "So will you be staying inside all day?" He chuckled, poking her nose lightly. It'd been too quiet in the house. And though it aroused his suspicion, he choose to ignore it. Focusing more on Kieara than anything else. Of course the second one of the housemaids came slamming through his door the silence was all ruined.

She was an average size girl, her hair and eyes being her only real standout points. Her hair was a silky silver, her eyes a bright pale blue. "It's one of Sang's men. Well, many of them actually."

Minuit shot up, jumping out of his bed. "Stay here Kieara." He said softly to the girl, smiling calmly at her before returning his attention to the girl. "Where's Shade?"

"I'm here Sire," a voice echoed from the shadows, stepping out from the darkness into the dim glow of the lights. "I'll be staying with Kieara I assume?"

"Yes, you too Bunny." That was the last thing Minuit said before stepping out of his room and closing the door behind him. He sought Morin out first, having no real idea of what could be going on. His first thought was to find Cadence, knowing that Kieara was safe. Though before that he'd have to find Morin and Ross.

Shade and Bunny were polar opposites. Shade shrouded in black, from her hair to her eyes. She was simply shrouded in darkness, making it easier for her to linger in dark areas without ever being seen. Whine Bunny was in white, even her outfit was bleach white. A gift to her from Minuit as he'd grown fond of the white against her pale skin. She stepped to Kieara first, bowing to her. "I'm Bunny. This is Shade. She's a shadow demon, and I'm snow. Please sit still, it's going to get cold for a little bit.
Kieaera jumped out of her skin when the woman came bursting in and ruining the moment. "Who's Sang?" She asked him. He never answered though as he left. She was afraid. What the hell was going on. She turned to the women for an explanation. "Who's Sang? What's going on here?" She asked them both. As if her dad's goons weren't a big enough problem.
Bunny and Shade created a shield around the bed, taking a seat next to her once they'd finished. "Sang is Minuit's older brother," Shade spoke softly, lying back on the bed and curling into a ball. She wasn't enjoying the chill in the room that Bunny created and soon found her way under the covers. "Bunny, can't you do your job without dropping the room temperature?"

"Oh stop whining. I don't feel like wasting all my energy on keep the shield up and keeping you two warm when there's a perfectly good blanket here. Besides," she huffed out, crossing her arms. "It's not even that cold."

Minuit grunted in annoyance, peeking around the house to find almost no one, finally hearing the group in the backyard. As he turned to the doors, Marie came plowing into him, all in a huff as she quickly stood up. Apologizing again and again. "It's fine Marie, what happened?"

She paused, looking up at him rather innocently. "T-they took Cadence. She was playing in the back and then she just...vanished. I'm kind of amazed you didn't hear them Sire. He sent gargoyles to ransack the house. Of course Ross quickly got rid of most of them, buy one of them did get away. And Morin is out finishing the rest off."

Minuit rolled his eyes, letting out a sigh as he pushed Marie out of his way. Opening the doors to the backyard he saw the two gargoyles turn into dust and Morin appear before him.

"Good afternoon Sire," Morin smiled, stepping inside and closing the door's behind him.

"You exhaust your energy trying to fight in the day light. Just come get me next time," Minuit said with a sigh. "Where's Ross?"
Kieara got cold easily to begin with. She curled under the covers more. She shivered lightly still though. She didn't complain. She'd been through worse. Much worse. She listened to the two as she got the news that Sang was Minuit's brother. She understood by her classes that his name meant blood. Ironic actually. Looking back she should've seen Minuit's true nature a long time ago. His name was a give away. "If they're brothers, how come Minuit left me under protection?" She asked. This seemed a little fishy to her.
"She's in the cellar Sire. She said she'd summoned something and now she's searching for it. Makes it easier to track your brother and Cadence down." Morin stated as he dusted himself off. "Ah Marie, glad to see you looking as chipper as always. Do you mind?" The girl heaved out a sigh, opening her neck up to the older man as Minuit headed down to the cellar.

"Inform Shade and Bunny that they've left. I'm going to speak with Ross."

"Sang hates Minuit. They've never gotten along. So every so often, when Minuit brings a girl into the house that he feeds on--" Bunny started, glaring at Shade as she finished the sentence.

"Sand will take her away and drink her dry. He believes that eventually he'll find the girl that Lord Minuit truly has feelings for." Shade only mumbled from under the covers, refusing to leave their warmth until Bunny removed her shield.

"I haven't been here as long as Shade. But he's killed three girls so far. That's why Lord Minuit doesn't really like having humans around for too long. Vampire or not, he does still have a heart, and he cares for peoples life."

Morin knocked on the door gently before entering. Stepping through the girls barriers as if they weren't even there. His eyes were a bright purple, as he'd just feed off of Marie, who lay limp in the hall way. "Did you have to drink so much," She whined through the door way.

"All is well now you three. I assume Sire would like us all to have dinner together. Mostly to explain things to Kieara. Now, quickly run up to your rooms and prepare yourself's. You too Kieara." Morin smiled softly to the girls, wiping a drop of blood from the corner of his mouth. Watching the girls break down their barriers and run off. "How are you faring Madam? Will you need any assistance?"
Kieara listened to them and looked up as Morin entered. She noticed his eyes. They were a rather pleasing shade of purple. She offered a slight smile up at him. She then moved to get up wincing a bit. She still hurt very bad. "I think I got it." she spoke forcing herself to her feet fully. She offered a slight smile to Morin from that point. She had noticed how he could step through their barriers and wondered about it, but never said anything. With that she headed to her room and got undressed. She showered being weary of her wounds. She then got redressed in one of her new outfits. A nice skirt she liked, and a long sleeve.
Morin nodded to her. Stepping back into the hall to find Marie still pouting on the floor. "Come now child. You're fine. Now run upstairs and get ready." He helped her up and shooed her off. Sighing a bit as he made his way upstairs to tidy up before Ross began cooking dinner. The gargoyles had made their way upstairs without being noticed,but upon grabbing Cadence things went terribly wrong for them. The child is far to loud and outspoken to just up and be taken away. She'd be going through the draws in an empty room, hoping to come across something that she thought might get Minuit's attention.

Morin stepped inside, looking around at the mess. Amazed that beast such as gargoyles could actually struggle against a child her age, and even more so her size. The bed sheets were destroyed, the blankets thrown about and torn. Quietly and quickly he cleaned the mess up.
Kieara then headed downstairs. She still hurt, so her movements were slower than usual. She made her way down the stairs looking for Minuit. She had no idea where he was. Nor that the gargoyles would have a better chance of making him mad had they taken her. She looked around at some of the damage that had yet to be picked up. She was kinda amazed at all the damage.
Marie had gotten herself together quickly, being one of the few who didn't really participate in any of the fighting or protecting, or whatever some of the others had done. She was a simple human, not that it truly bothered her. Minuit had promised to change her whenever he believed she could handle it. Noticing Kieara she let out a soft squeal. "I'm so glad you're alright. Do you think you can help pick a few things up. We wont be eating until Minuit finishes talking to Ross. I'm not sure how he'd react if you went and found them, but normally the only person allowed to interrupt a conversation between Ross and Minuit is Morin."

She smiled cheerfully, picking a few of the pillar's that once held up vase's or other such objects. For the time being she simply brushed any broken glass to the side. Mostly trying to clear up the walk way before everyone gathered in the dinning hall. "I'm sure you haven't actually met the entire staff yet. So the dinner should be fun for you....well maybe. I've only ever been to one myself, and it gets a little hectic. I'm sure Minuit is talking to Ross while she's cooking now too. So it should start any minute now."
Kieara nodded to her. She went over picking up with her. She was sore and it hurt to move. She did it anyway though, she felt that if she was allowed to live here she should help clena up. Soon she had to stop the pain becoming a bit much. She spoke to her softly. "Forgive me for giving up on you...." she spoke. "I...I'm hurting."
"No, no Madam. I only asked, it's not like you had to oblige anyway. I'm sure Minuit would actually scold me if he found out I even asked you." Marie giggled. Stopping, she looked the hall way over. Satisfied with the work that had been done. Turning, she dusted herself off and began toward the stairs, stopping only once she noticed Morin in front of her. As a reflex, she jumped back, swinging at the older man. Though he easily dodged her. Simply readjusting himself as he returned to his original stance. "Sorry," Marie mumbled out, her cheeks lighting up from embarrassment.

"You're fine miss. We were just attacked. Either way, please meet in the dinning hall. We'll all be dinning together tonight." Morin nodded to them before practically vanishing. Feeling using his vampire powers in front of Kieara was no longer prohibited. Though it wasn't as if he'd entirely vanished, instead he was just moving rather quickly. Not that any supernatural fan couldn't already tell a fact like that.

Marie jumped excitedly, looking back and Kieara. "Come on, I love Ross's food. She's such an amazing cook," The girl squealed, happily running down the stairs to greet the others.