Us against the World

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Ruby smiled as she was gently placed to a mattres. Looking around curiously and to Chrome she sighed as she reaches out one of her bullets it was long and pointy with dark circles on it and gives it to chrome.... "My bullets were custom made but.... i want to find a bullet simillar to this and my scythe's blade needs to be polished and fixed..i think a few screws fell lose cause of the impact.." Ruby explained she was about to sit up when she felt her wounds open a little causing to bleed a little. Hissing in pain she stopped as tears threaten to fall , frowning she touched her cross on her belt as she looks at her skirt..
Chrome takes the bullet in his hands, looking at the strange bullet. It seemed powerful, but of a strange shape, like nothing he'd ever seen before. Curiously, he rolls the bullet around in his hands, but whatever this bullet was made from, for some reason he wasn't able to levitate it.
"I've never seen ammo like this before. I know loads of gun dealers, but they don't make ammo like this." Chrome says in thought, putting the bullet in his pocket. "I'm not sure what it's made from either, but whatever metal it is, I can't control it for some reason. I know a guy who could replicate the bullet, though. His name's Rewel. Guy's a psycho, but he's great with guns and ammo. I'll make sure he makes you some ammo, I've broken him out of jail countless times." Chrome says, and gently takes Ruby's scythe.
"Hold on a sec, I can help with this." He says, taking the scythe by a metal vent cover, and taking a knee as he carefully shaped the blade back into a sharp shape with his metal control, and he ripped off some pieces of the air vent, slowly but surely replicating the missing nails from the blade and screwing them carefully back in place, making it essentially good as new. He places the scythe back beside Ruby, sitting next to her as he was still a little dripping wet, his metallic body shining from the droplets of water that gently ran down his hair.

He looks at her about to cry, and instinctively tries to comfort her by gently patting her head.
"Don't worry. We're safe now. I'm sure that wasn't all the Grimms, but you saved a lot of lives today. You still in pain...?" Chrome asks casually as he places the fixed scythe beside her, looking up into the sky. He could of sworn he saw some sort of... large bird, almost like an angel, fly by earlier. As well as that, he had an expression of concern on his face because he still had Raven's phone in his pocket... although he hadn't looked at the phone, Chrome was pretty assured that Raven had some private, important information on there, so he set a mental note to go and find her once Ruby had recovered.
Ruby really tired she was, She was silent and couldn't answer then she instantly collapsed beside Chrome it was like.......

her body was numb..

"Tired....." she said unable to keep up she closed her eyes as she slowly fallen asleep on the metallic man's arm..
The moment she feels the shine of her cat. The large red glow from Igneous her cat transforms back into a rose she puts into her hair. Marianna begging not to feel well around the demonic book so she travels gracefully gliding her essence across the floor to find a washroom with at least a clean and usable mirror. Having no time to explain to raven about her ability to feel illness and disease coming off of peoples bodies, she know she must be needed. Marianna then shows her presence to another group of figures once exchanging bullets. Something seemed quite curious about their disposition. She turns her head takes a moment to reflect. "Why are you crying? Grace will blanket your heart." She looks to the male and then looks into the female who passed out.....
Opening her eyes she looks at the people before her and up to Chrome she stares again to the angel before with blank eyes... she was too tired to speak and the pain was still there stinging "Wolves....Blood and pain...nothing more" She said as she stares at them blankly with a slight noticeable smile before closing her eyes again leaning to Chrome again as she cant move her numb body...
Marianna noticed she wasn't affected by the books presence and neither was she. It was only when the evil affects another human being where she showed physical symptoms. "Why are you trusting the book being touched by your flesh. Your hands seem perfect." She looks around to wonder what has happened. "It's not like you come across..." Marianna holds her eyes then opens her wings as to ruffle them. Holding her eyes then running her fingers to her forehead, crossing arms as if beginning to feel stress. "I don't know exactly whats going to happen but it won't be here." Igneous her pet cat glows red into the center of the room. Marianna looks to her in response to a slight shocked curiosity. "I want to get to know you. It's been a long time..."
raven once more looked at the book. "I don't really trust anything that comes out of this book, but it's a great reference to help me try and stop Sacth the best I can." Raven looked up after a bit. And noticed the girl's sudden change in emotion. "Not as if I come across as what?" Raven looked at her with seriousness in her face. Raven's face became clam once more. "I don't think anything serious should happen here or at least I don't plan on it." She then turned as the red aura seemed to glow. 'Ah so her pet is where the aura must be coming from.' Raven looked at it curiously. "Get to know me? What do you mean a long time?"

And before Raven could be answered she watched the girl leave. 'I wonder if she'll be back? Maybe not.' She put the book up within a cloth deciding where she should go after of course she meditated. "X I'll be a while I need to try and get my powers back. So I'll be in deep meditation I hope you don't mind." And with that she sat in the lotus position upon her bed and slowly entered meditation.
Marianna looks to Raven with a clean and honest look of trust. "You're a very strong person. I couldn't hold it. Then again I am a ghost." She looks at her hands. "Sacth, eh? One of his alliances, if he had any..." There is quite an intense situation of lost body in the streets. "There isn't much to worry about as long as there is peace in the presence. As long as it lasts..." Looking around there isn't much she saw that wasn't raw. "Where are we Raven?" There was a moment she braced the floor with her feet, she wasn't able to hide her wings. "We are similar..."

Looking to the woman on the floor. Interested in her need for blood. Even with the greatest effort she wasn't able to give anything from her own body but the dead body she saw past a while ago. " Are you a vampire? There is a dead body....."
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Chrome watches helplessly as Ruby falls limp in his arms. He bites his lip with frustration - what could he do? He couldn't do anything, he was powerless in this situation... were the wolves specalised with some sort of poison? Chrome sits there with Ruby in his arms, hanging his head with a loss of what to do.
"C'mon, girl... don't die on me..." He mutters, picking Ruby up and jumping a little as he hears a voice close behind him.
"What..." He mutters, turning around to face the winged woman he could of sworn he saw earlier, looking into her plainly, Ruby out cold in his arms. He stares at her behind his metallic coat of skin, paticulary at her wings. It seemed he was meeting every subnormal person today, but there was something about this woman's voice that seemed graceful and sympathetic in a way. Nonetheless, Chrome was cautious to the new woman, putting Ruby back down on the matress and standing in front of her protectively with his arms folded.
"Grace? Lady, I don't know who you are, but this girl's dying. She needs medical attention." Chrome says cautiously, standing in a readied position in case anything went wrong. He looked into her eyes plainly, and his fists were clenched for now. He could tell the woman probably meant no harm, but you could never judge a book by its cover. He listens to her saying something about a dead body.
"Are you suggesting we take the blood from a dead body? You're crazy, it might not even be the same blood type, and she needs painkillers, but I'll be damned if I have any of those just lying around... dammit... Ruby..." He mutters, noticing her face go more pale as he worriedly wipes the hair out of her face.
She felt herself being placed on the mattress nothing more she could do she slept but couldn't.... because the pain was getting worse..she trembled a little as she slowly hugs herself frowning a little...
Marianna looks to the figure with an embrace of her emotions overwhelming. It was so curious to Marianna that her need for blood was misunderstood and she was clearly more human then she ever thought. "Unless..." Marianna brings her warmth beside the dying woman. "I'm not in control who dies or who is alive but If I could have a meant for prayer..... She wont be like the other body who died on me today." She took her almost invisible hand and placed it like warm air on her body. "It's been a while...."
Chrome blinks as Marianna puts a hand atop Ruby, and gives a light sigh. He hadn't cared for a girl, nonetheless worried for one before... and this was the first time he actually felt feelings, feelings to protect Ruby however he could, yet he didn't understand why. Chrome had spent his life as a lone wolf, a mercenary doing sometimes morally wrong work just for cash to survive... yet something... something inside him felt like he had to leave that all behind - he had left it all behind now. But it was such a sudden change, Chrome wasn't even sure.
"What... how..." He mutters in awe as Marianna seemingly puts her hand out - it was like a ghost's. Chrome didn't even know how he was surprised, he had seen tons of things today, including himself, that shouldn't and couldn't possibly exist or work, yet here he was. He kneels by Ruby, watching her hug herself... something in Chrome didn't feel right, and he didn't feel like he could just leave or look away. He had to be here for her. He had to comfort her whilst the angel was, hopefully, healing her.

Chrome gently wraps his metallic arms around Ruby, hugging her gently although he didn't know he was doing it. It was the first time he had ever done such a thing to a human in his memory.
"You're going to be okay... hang in there." He whispers, before giving Ruby a light squeeze of a hug before letting her go and watching the angel hopefully.
As Raven meditated the image of the girl she just meet came into view. 'Ah should have known.' As she saw her she could barley see the place the girl had gone but some of there conversation seemed to continue.
Marianna looks to Raven with a clean and honest look of trust. "You're a very strong person. I couldn't hold it. Then again I am a ghost." She looks at her hands. "Sacth, eh? One of his alliances, if he had any..." There is quite an intense situation of lost body in the streets. "There isn't much to worry about as long as there is peace in the presence. As long as it lasts..." Looking around there isn't much she saw that wasn't raw. "Where are we Raven?" There was a moment she braced the floor with her feet, she wasn't able to hide her wings. "We are similar..."

Looking to the woman on the floor. Interested in her need for blood. Even with the greatest effort she wasn't able to give anything from her own body but the dead body she saw past a while ago. " Are you a vampire? There is a dead body....."
"Yes he has many alliances on this world and others." Raven smiled as the girl mentioned peace. "Yes I believe so. That is one reason I am here." Raven watched her look around. "Which were do you refer? The planet is Earth. Here?" Raven looked and realized it wasn't somewhere she was use to. "Here I'm not sure. I am still in my room and you seem to be with another." Raven said this out of observation. Raven then saw the girl's wings. "I'm not sure if we are similar. You seem like an angle." Raven stood from how she was within her mind. "And I'm not.... I'm something else..." Raven then felt like she was needed somewhere but she was unsure why and her curiosity is what keep her in this meditative state and wondered where they truly were.
A feel of warmth was pressed towards her as she feels comfortable but the pain is already getting worse. It was like a battle between warmth and Pain, opening her eyes she sees Chrome and an Angel healing her "C-chrome? W-w-who is s- Ack!" Her eyes widened at the sudden pain. Her pupils suddenly become darker as something was happening inside her wounds. Reaching an hand on her back and bringing it back she could he blood dripping on her hands.. the wound was really deep and its looks to need a new bandage.. Pain pounds in her head as her vision blurs..

" ... my wounds" Ruby was struggling to keep herself awake as tears threaten to fall again until one slid down from her cheek.
Standing she thinks back to Raven at the other room. "I refer to earth....Is your power okay? There is a mess of pain in this room I'm in. We should talk in person soon." She realized that they then shared an experience in the past. Recognizing her from a place long before. "An angel? There is much my wings are dark. As far as i know, I am dead. There isn't much left for me to do then help others not experience the same..." She then holds her arm a slight tighter, making her appearance less see-through. "You're not leaving." She looks to the woman laying on the floor.

Marianna takes a stand and observes the area. "Humans are from this planet" She thought. " I'm not used to using herbs or potions but I'm not letting you go." She folds her large wings around the couple. Her rose starts glowing again. "Igneous wants to help.' The moment Marianna folds back her dark wings, Igneous rose drops a bit of his life onto hers, sacrificing a bit of his own blood. The sweet fragrance fills the air." There isn't much I can do to give my own life because I am already dead but Igneous just cried his own blood to save yours. You're very blessed and loved. Marianna looks up to the man who was holding him with innocent eyes. "The healing of her veins". Strengthened with a clean and mint sensation all over the dying woman. Marianna places the rose back into her hair then smiles.
"My power? What room I could maybe help. And speaking in person would be nice." Raven was confused 'How could she know about my powers? Is it because of this state or because I seem a little weak still?' Then she heard the girl question angel. "Yes an angel fallen maybe in that case. And if so then we do have something in common...." Then Raven watched as she seemed to fade.
Chrome looks up to Marianna, raising an eyebrow as she mentions about someone crying their own blood, and watching the rose curiously. He then blinks and hurriedly shakes Ruby gently, gently wrapping his metallic arms around her for confirmation that Marianna had in fact helped her life.
"Ruby? Can you hear me? Are you okay?" He asks, sounding quite concerned as the night sky darkens the area, illuminated by a half broken lamp nearby. The air was cold, yet he could barely feel anything but the wind gently blowing past his metal-dipped hair.
Ruby didn't answer as her wounds slowly heal but she was fine for now.... "...... Ye." Ruby assures him as she places a soft hand on his cheeks and smiles a little, she looks at the angel saying thanks as she looks back at Chrome again patting his metallic hair as she closes her eyes for a minute "Yes fine... might in need for some sweets though... but not now~" Ruby giggles softly as she pats his cheeks again while closing her eyes.. 'what a nice woman... what a nice partner...' she thought
Chrome gives a relieved sigh, and he blushes a little although you couldn't see it as Ruby touches his cheeks. He helps her to her feet with a strong hand, then gives a greatful bow to the angel-like lady.
"Appreciate it, lady." He says whilst bowing, and he looks up at her curiously as he folds his arms. "That was incredible, you know. Hell, I'll be damned if anything normal in this city exists anymore. You got a name?" He asks, hoping to repay this lady somehow for, well, saving a girl's life, which always deserved some sort of reward.
"Would you like to meet Igneous who healed you?" The Rose she put in her hair transforms and lays quietly onto her shoulders. The cat/flower then jumps from her body and walks down to greet them both. "He is an excellent companion. I never knew he could do that..." She thinks to raven. "Yes. I agree..." She looks to the nam once again who bowed. "Souls are as delicate as bubbles. It was an honor." Marianna wondered even if humans where around anymore. "My name Is Marianna. What is your name?" ((I gtg, In Canada be back later this afternoon. The cat picture is just a reminder.... Thanks! This Rp is fun!))
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Raven smiled as the girl answered. "Sounds good." She then focused on her original plan the issue with her powers.

(Okay Glad your enjoying it)