Us against the World

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"Well then, Ruby Rose, thanks for the cakes." Chrome says with a nod. Soon the mountain of food arrives, and Chrome lifted an eyebrow. How many were there exactly? As hungry as he was, he'd never be able to finish those - this girl certainly did like her sweet treats. He looks at the pile of macaroons, and curiously picks one up and chews on it. His eyes widen, and he seems to be enjoying them massively although he tries his best to hide it - he hadn't eaten something like this in ages. He is about to say something, but the taste is so good he kind of just flops onto the table.
"M-mm..." He mumbles, then shakes his head and sits back up. Hell, he thought, 30 minutes ago he was murdering cops, and now he was here in a candy store with a girl he'd just met... life was full of changes.

He wiped a few crumbs off his mouth, then pulled out Raven's phone, reminding himself he still actually owned this... Chrome wondered how he'd find her to give it back to her as he thoughtfully bites into his macaroon, finishing one off... but there was about thirty more to go... even he couldn't eat all those, and he was damned hungry.

"Erm. Sorry about that. Nice to eat something nice for once. So... you said you saw X earlier, right? Was that before or after I..." Chrome mutters, looking down at the table and seeming a bit too ashamed to carry on.
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X just sits there stareing at raven like he was waiting for her to move or something. " man birdie ... you sure live a exciting life " He says with a sarcastic tone since they have bin standing there for awile now. He dangles his legs off of the mailbox he was sitting on.

( ruby you totally ratted me out XD)
Raven nodded. "Um.. Right." She thought for a moment for the best place and decided her apartment would be best it had all her books and scrolls after all. "I guess the best place to start is well my place." She began to walk but slow enough to see if Red X would follow not sure if that's what he was waiting on or not.
" alright" X slides off the mail box and bows while twirling his hand " as you wish princess" He says jokingly before following her to her apartment.
She glared at him. "Whatever" She said in her monotone voice she was slowly beginning to feel like herself. Once in her apartment she headed to her one of her bookshelf's which was in the living-room. 'I guess I should start here if I don't find anything then my room it is.... But I'm not sure how I would feel about that with... Red X here.' She began looking through books trying to find the one on Trigon and the church St. Sabastian.
X was minding his own business while he looks around her apartment . He picks up a vase that was covered and takes a peek inside before quickly closing it . " ah" He puts it back down and turns towards raven " i like what you done with the really gives off that 80s murder vibe" He walks over and looks over her shoulder " so.... what are you looking for?"
She heard the contince within the vase and gave as small smile as she knew he closed it. "Thanks." She looked a bit longer. "I'm looking for a book that talks about well Trigon... It should have an red glowing S on it if you see it." She then looked in a draw with a few scrolls. "Or maybe a scroll. I haven't read all of them for sometimes they revile more in time."
" hm" he looks at all the books and scratches his head " a book about your pops huh" X picks up a book and examines it. When he opens it the book pages start to glow as it lets out a roar. X immediately slams the book shut " thats not the one " he says as he puts it back. He walks over to the window and sits down . " i think ill let you do the reading" He turns to look out the window " a bunch of new faces tonight "
(Sowy xD)
"After~" Ruby ate everything and it was an explosion of flavours. She squealed in delight as she ate the macaroons. Looking at the guy before her, she giggled as Chrome seemed to enjoy himself very much.

After eating another macaroon she flops down on her sofa relaxing herself as if she was at home...
"Aahhh~ Im so full!" Ruby exlaimed...
Chrome shrugs a little, and takes another macaroon, eating it slowly as he watches Ruby thoughtfully. She sure ate fast, and he smiles as she gives a little squeal; even Chrome thought that was pretty cute, and he thought the lady acted quite like a child... although she could certainly lift that scythe. Chrome wouldn't mind to see how she could fight, but he might get to see that sooner or later.
"You sure can eat sweets, Ruby, I'll give you that. Out of interest, how old are you?" Chrome asks, finishing off the macaroons for her with apparent enjoyment.
" 15? Turning 16 within a few months~" Ruby closed her eyes as she smiled a little... until she heard a faint howl..."eh?" Ruby opened her eyes again while looking out of the window... a wolf? No way.. Ruby tought before turning to Chrome as she asks "Well anyways you?"
"I'm sorry, but I don't know how I old I am. Lost all my knowledge about myself... but somewhere in my late teens, I'd guess. You're pretty young to be carrying such a big weapon, I'm surprised you can hold it. Guess you're pretty strong, huh." Chrome says, although secretly he was keeping his hand near a switchblade in the pocket of his leather jacket, because he was sure he heard some sort of howl. He didn't look behind him at the window, though, just in case the wolf's howl was just his imagination... he didn't want to look crazy or anything. On another note, he actually felt quite well fed for once, which he was grateful for.
"Hell, haven't eaten anything that good in ages. Again, I appreciate it." Chrome says with a thankful nod, brushing back his hair from his face, although he was still on edge as he looked for the source of the howling behind him at the window, and then he saw it. A wolf? Here? In the city? How on Earth did... Chrome squints a little and fumbles in his jacket pocket a little more. Unfortunately, his cigarettes and his switchblade was all he had on him... he would have taken the katana with him, but you know, extremely sharp Japanese swords weren't usually something you should take in a sweet shop.
"Hmph. You hearing that howl too? Or am I just getting crazier..." Chrome mutters as he looks back to Ruby quickly.
Ruby said nothing instead her face became serious as she brought down her hood, standing up she left her sofa and went to chrome.
"Grimms....." Ruby said as she touches her scythe now in its travelling form... "wanna go and see if they're here? im pretty sure i heard them.." She whispered with a confused face she slowly start heading for the door leaving the candy store while waiting for chrome ....
Chrome raises an eyebrow for a moment as he hears 'Grimms', but as he notices Ruby pull up her hood and her face become serious, he could understand that this was a serious task. Chrome gives a nod as his face loses its slightly relaxed tone, and becomes expressionless as he stands up, letting his hair cover around his eyes slightly so he wouldn't be noticed as easily.
"Let's go." Chrome says plainly, and lights a cigarette in his mouth, the end smouldering a little as he breathed in the nicotine boost. "You lead the way. I'll be guessing these Grimms are bad news." He says in a serious monotone. Surprisingly, the macaroons were more than helpful as he could feel the sugar in them giving his body a nice rush of energy, which was perfect for what Chrome guessed was a serious task.
Upon leaving the store Ruby runs towards the alley with Chrome following. Ruby was sure it was a grimm.......but how did it got here? Ruby was unsure how but she knew they come in packs so it was a big problem for her.. upon reaching the corner Ruby transformed her weapon into a scythe as she jumps into the roof using a shot..

As they reached a roof she looks into the direction of the park... and it was Huge.. with a small clearing she can see a black wolf like creatures with red eyes roaming around while others were outside the city into the forests.. "what the? how did they get there?" she said cautiously as she bites her lips before walking from roof to roof into the park..
Chrome, as he wasn't in his heavy metallic form, was easily able to climb up various ladders and window crevices with his skill at parkour to clamber up various roofs, sprinting across the tops of the buildings and taking huge jumps, landing on the opposite one with a roll to break his fall. He catches up with Ruby after a while, landing next to her with a roll as he slowly gets up, his cigarette still in his mouth as he brushes off his jacket, glaring at the beasts below.
"Hmph. Those bastards don't look friendly. And I sure as hell bet they'll attack innocent civilians." Chrome says as he looks down on the wolves, his arms folded thoughtfully. He looks to Ruby for a moment. "If you're up for fighting, then something needs to be done about those little wolves. Unless, they're much more powerful than us. You seem to know a lot more about these buggers then I do." He says, keeping calm as his eyes look to the Grimms.
Ruby felt uneasy when Chrome said it but it was the. Grimms fault for killing innocent people but.. thinking the past few months that she slayed them..lets say she just over done it..
"well thats because umm...I kill grimms and uh.."

Ruby rubbed her cheek with her finger as she explained to him why she knows a lot than him..
"took out half of the wolf's population."

she laughs nervously as she faces the park again...theyre after me are they...she tought while she sweatdropped a little.
Chrome watches the Grimms, thinking to himself as he took the cigarette out his mouth to speak with a puff.
"Then we'll just have to be rid of them. If you can take out half, then I'm sure you can do it again with me at your side." Chrome says, ripping the metal off a nearby air conditioner and scrunching it up whilst it levitated in the air, eventually turning it into a large greatsword which he carried over his shoulder. He then rips the metal off the air conditioner fan, splitting it up into small chunks of metal and shaping those into small knives, probably better for throwing as he stores those in his pockets for now. He watches Ruby, and he could tell she was nervous. He didn't like the people he was fighting beside to be nervous, so calming her down was first on his list.

Chrome walks beside Ruby, and gently puts a hand on her shoulder, kneeling down to meet her height and looking into her eyes.
"Listen. I know we just met, but we have to stop this. You've killed Grimms before, so this should be no problem for you." Chrome says, trying to get her spirits up a bit although his voice was still quite plain and dreary.
"Unless these wolves can bite through metal, they won't be touching you, or me. I've seen your speed, and that scythe-gun looks like it can pack a punch. As for me, I can shape metal to my will, and you've seen my skin turn to it. That makes me a defensive fighter, and you an offensive fighter." Chrome explains as he sheathes his knives, then looks up to her again. "It's simple. I'll be your shield. If you're ever in danger, let me know. I'll distract as many as I can, and you should be able to finish them off. And, as a bonus, you have combat experience with these bastards. Sound good? Or are you not up for this?" Chrome asks intently.
"Don't worry chrome ... im up for it" Ruby smiled as she thanks him for calming her. With her scythe she took a few steps back before running at the edge while shooting a bullet she launched herself into the air while flying to the air as she reaches the park.
Chrome looks down at the wolves, then releases a long sigh as he stomps the cigarette.

Instinctively, Chrome flinches as he hears the bullet fire, and that was enough to trigger his metal skin. He winces a little as the liquid-like shining metal coats his body, but as it finishes encasing around his head and hair, Chrome closes his eyes and clenches his fists. He knew he had to look like this for this battle, and it would help him out massively, so essentially the natural reaction was a bonus in this case.

Chrome jumps off the building, landing onto the floor with a huge crash as he lands on one hand and a knee, and he looks up at Ruby with a nod, his greatsword floating beside him as he folds his metallic arms.
"Ready when you are. Let's kill some Grimms." Chrome says with a slightly eager smile.
Ruby nods as all of the wolves faced them. Howling they went straight for the both of them as the wolves attacked Ruby..

As the three wolves headed straight leaping towards her she immediately jumped high inorder to dodge them them while flying in the air she shifted her weapon into a sniper rifle as she shoots them straight in the head.After she lands, she rolls then starts to shoot the grimm killing them as they dissapear into rose petals.

While she was shooting a wolf started to creep up on her but she took notice and rolls back as her weapon shifts in to a scythe again then slices the body in half as she spins like a top slicing every grimm that comes into her way, its limbs being ripped apart by her scythe as it turns into a small rain of flesh before dissapearing into rose petals.

As she stops to reload her scythe a wolf starts comming towards her without noticing