Us against the World

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" hm" he looks at all the books and scratches his head " a book about your pops huh" X picks up a book and examines it. When he opens it the book pages start to glow as it lets out a roar. X immediately slams the book shut " thats not the one " he says as he puts it back. He walks over to the window and sits down . " i think ill let you do the reading" He turns to look out the window " a bunch of new faces tonight "
"Okay that's fine I shouldn't be much longer." She finished looking the last spot of book she had in the living room. "Um... It's not in here I'll check my room. You could come if you want but it'll just take a second." She put up the few books she had just checked along with a few scrolls and she began to head to her room. Once there she left the door open just in case X was behind her.

(Okay guys making a quick check on my catch up. So Ruby and Chrome went and ate sweets at Ruby's or a candy shop I'm not sure which. And now your going to fight wolfs? I think that's about right but if not please let me know so I'm on the same page.)
X follows Raven into her room and stands at the door crossing his arms . " so what are you planing to do when you find this book" He turns around when he hears cop sirens going off in the distance " the city is lively tonight"
"I'm going to of course read some of it if any new information decides to appear. And I guess we might should keep it on us just in-case for a references." She went to her shelves near her desk and soon toward a chest and opened it. As she did she heard sirens as well. 'Great what now?' "Yeah I agree more so than usual and especially on this side of town." She finally found the book thanks to her hand which started to glow. "Found it." She grabbed it. "Should we check out the trouble? If so my reading can wait."
X shrugs his shoulders " well im not really into the whole super hero thing.. but i guess if your going i wont have a choice" He leans back on the wall " do what you want " he says looking back at her.
She looked at him. Listened to the sirens and then looked at the book. "I'm not sure I could fight..." She looked at her hands which were glowing with the symbol of Trigon. "I believe it would be wise to try and find out about my father and why he is here. Also I need to meditate so try and see what the deal is with my powers." She realized she had said more out loud than she had meant but ignored it. "So yeah I guess staying here it is." She went and sat on her bed and for a moment closed her eyes. She opened them immanently after terror on her face but she soon hid it with a look of no emotion at all. She slowly opened the book. And looked to see if there was anything she had not seen before or maybe over looked.
After realoading she saw a wolf from the corner of her eyes as she rolls to dogde it, but she was scratched at the back by a wolf . She holds her scream as it rips her cloak by half... spining she manages to slice off the wolf. Seeing that no wolves would come near her she limps back on a tree as she sits and leans back but her wound open as she cries lowly in pain leaning back she watches chrome battle without noticing that her blood has stained the tree a little......

then she closses her eyes as she hung her head down passing out a little from a huge blood loss while her scythe stabbed the ground...
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Chrome clicks his neck, narrowing his eyes in rage as a wolf comes running to him, its black fur running through the wind as Chrome stands his ground, holding the greatsword behind his back. Chrome spits in front of him, not even wincing as the wolf lunges for his arm, and tries to bite into the metallic arm, but the wolf ends up breaking a few of its teeth, and Chrome lets forth a mighty kick, sending the wolf howling as it reeled back onto the floor, and in a swift movement, Chrome brings down the greatsword deep into the wolf's skin, and Chrome hears the wolf give one last growl before blood splatters down his front, and Chrome quickly looks around after cleaning the sword.

He then notices Ruby screaming in pain, and bleeding against a tree. Chrome sprints over to her, but she was already out cold. Chrome swears to himself quietly, standing in front of her. He reforms the greatsword into a shield, waiting for Ruby to wake back up. He then saw a great amount of blood coming from her, and Chrome throws his body over her, wincing a little as wolves tried to claw at Ruby, but Chrome's body gave metallic clangs and screeches as he takes a look at the wound on her back. Thinking fast, Chrome rips a small rag from her hood, wrapping it around the wound to stop the bleeding for now as he continued to block the wolves trying to get at her.
"RUBY!" He yells desperately as wolves continue to try and get to him. Chrome smashes one of the five wolves trying to scratch past him and into Ruby in the snout with his shield, breaking its nose and leaving it knocked out on the floor. In other flourish of his wrist, he sends one of the small knives he prepared earlier into the eye of a wolf, killing it before the claw could touch Ruby's face. Chrome winced - this wasn't a good situation, but he could keep Ruby safe for now.
Ruby opened her eyes slowly as she sees Chrome protecting her from the wolves. While sitting and with her remaining strength she transforms her scythe into a gun and manages to shoot the remaining wolves..after a few minutes after the battle she looks back at Chrome with pain in her eyes "It hurts..." she tells chrome with a low voice as she sees all the wolves dead and tears from the corner of her eyes from pain... she faints again as she hears the sirens coming closer.
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Chrome watches as the wolves around him are shot with the sniper rifle, blood trickling from their heads as they laid dead. Chrome turns around quickly.
"Good shot- crap. Crap. No, no... don't... s-shit." Chrome mutters with frustration as Ruby passes out. He usually didn't care for others feelings, but it made him upset to see a 15 year old girl crying in pain. Chrome blinks back into reality, the adrenaline rush wearing off as the sirens started to come closer. Hurriedly, Chrome picks up Ruby and places her scythe rifle in her coat so she didn't lose it, dropping his shield and carrying her in both of his arms, looking around him.
"Don't die on me... doctor... doctor..." He mutters to himself as he runs whilst carrying Ruby, desperately looking around. He is stopped suddenly - a group of policemen, about five of them, pointing their guns at him accusingly. All armed with M9 Berettas, they kept a distance from Chrome as Chrome looked back into them coldly, yet desperately.
"FREEZE! You, sir, are under arrest for the murder of seven police cops, and the suspected kidnapping of that girl!" One of the cops yells, keeping his gun aimed at his head. "As well as weapon infringement laws, vandalism, and the possession of unknown ability without turning yourself in to research facilities!"
"What? Kidnapping this girl? She's dying, damn you! I don't have time for your bullshit, let me pass!" Chrome shouts back into the cop, his eyes glimmering rage.
"SIR! Drop the girl now, or we will shoot!" The cop yells back, unclicking the safety and aiming it at Chrome accusingly. Chrome sighs and puts down Ruby, putting up his hands.
"Fine. You got me." He says simply, waiting for the cops to come around and handcuff him. Sure enough, a pair of handcuffs were placed around his wrists. Chrome smiled to himself - the naive fools really had no idea about his powers, did they? The metal guns they had been aiming at him, by now, Chrome had discreetly shaped the firing pin inside so it would be jammed. For now though, he had to ensure Ruby wasn't hurt, and got medical treatment as soon as she could.
"That girl. She's badly injured. She needs medical help, any of you have anything?" Chrome asks, and one of the cops near the back shyly comes out.
"U-uh! I have a morphine shot, and some bandages!" He shouts back as the handcuffs were locked around Chrome's wrists, and Chrome watches as the shy cop injects the morphine into Ruby's arm, and quickly pulled out a roll of proper bandages, removing the crude rag Chrome had put there and replacing it with a proper, medicinal bandage.

Chrome smiled to himself. He could just turn these handcuffs into scrap when he wanted, the cops guns didn't work - he could get free at anytime. But he would wait until he busted free, and wait to see if Ruby was still hanging in okay before he beat these cops down before more came - which surely would happen.
Pain as all Ruby could feel but slowly dissappears when she felt her wounds being treated. She smiled inwardly as she slowly no longer fells pain... then she thought about Chrome....What happen to him? Is he alright.. she felt worry . He was her shield and fought by her side like a partner

'partner...Ruby thought' slowly waking up she hears siren as the police were around her and some handcuffing Chrome. 'No..why? He helped me!' Ruby frowned when she saw him..

"Are you alright miss? Dont worry well get you to a hospital soon.." But no.... she didnt like when she was being sent to the hospital.... it sucks! She wanted to eat more and sleep! Not lying down on an uncomfortable bed with needles everywhere it was no fun...but then she felt something ..

a Hand... 'No!' Ruby looked at Chrome feeling uncomfortable than ever a police was beside her supporting her as one hand on her bandaged back and one on her hips sliding down slowly.. She cant speak because of her screams... 'PERVERTED COP!'she screamed in her mind but it only hurts more. Looking at chrome' eyes she really wanted to get out.. fast
Chrome looks plainly into Ruby's eyes, and winks at her discreetly. He was planning to get her out of here fast, but a little tactics never hurt. And he didn't want to kill anymore cops today. He watches with narrowed eyes as the perverted cop pretends he's bandaging her when he touches around her butt and hips.
"Hey, pervert. Heads up." Chrome says casually, and the cop 'bandaging' Ruby suddenly screams as a pipe smashes around his head, leaving him whimpering but not knocked out on the floor. This whole time, Chrome had been gathering the pipes from the underground water transport system, and he smiles as at least large pipes burst through the ground, spraying away some cops with water. Other cops that weren't splashed away with water, Chrome was sure to knock out with a quick smash around the face with a piece of the pipe, leaving them with a heavy nosebleed before they could fire. A spray of dirty water hits Chrome's torso, but he was too heavy to be displaced by it. The cop handcuffing him screams with rage, and tries to pull the trigger at Chrome's head - but Chrome had already bended the firing pin out of shape with his metal control, leaving the M9 more or less useless.
"Game over." Chrome says plainly, ripping his arms out of the handcuffs easily, and sending an iron fist staight to the cop's face, knocking him out. All that was left was the perverted cop, and Chrome slowly and menacingly walks over to him as the pervert whimpers, scrambling back on all fours. Chrome swiftly delivers a kick straight to the pervert's groin - and it was clear it had some effect. The pervert had passed out from the pain. Luckily, Chrome had managed not to kill any of the cops - even if he had probably damaged the water system underneath. A light spray of water is showered around the area - now Chrome was soaking wet, the water dripping down his metallic body. He swiftly picked up Ruby, sprinting away so she wouldn't get drenched.
"You okay?" Chrome asks casually, sprinting off away from the direction of the park.
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"Ummm not really..thanks Chrome u really helped me back there. " Ruby smiles a little as she sweatdrops from the water damage he made. But she was too tired to complain. " a common place to rest? ...need weapon has to be fixed.." She tells Chromes as her head leans back on his Chest while her eyes starts to get tired..
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"It's over now, try to relax. Sorry I wasn't there for you. Back there with the wolves... I should have kept my eye on you." Chrome says with a hint of remorse, blankly watching the sky. As Ruby leans into his chest, Chrome looks down with surprise, and smiles gently, although he wished his skin wasn't coated with metal at a time like this.
"A place to rest, huh. I have many, but they're very basic... homeless, you see. As for ammo and your weapon, I might be able to help with that. What calibre or bullets does it shoot?" Chrome asks as he slips back into the alleys, leaving the sirens wailing behind him. Once they had reached an area in the damp streets where the sirens weren't audible, Chrome hurries to one of his spots around the area - he had lived so long in this city, he made little zones around the area where he could rest. He makes it to one of his spots - it was little more than an old mattress with a blanket in the alley, with a campfire next to it. Nonetheless, it would have to do. Chrome gently places Ruby down onto the mattress, and sighs as he looks at her.
"That cop was a real jerk to touch her up like that. At least he bandaged her wound a little..." Chrome mutters to himself in thought as he places the blanket over Ruby. Truth was, he was pretty tired himself, and could use some help. And another pack of cigarettes.
38996350fb42a72ca6a92bd0367f465b.jpg Elevated in the excellence of the full moon she descends to the earth with a grace to pick up the rose she dropped while exploring the ally ways. There was a bright night and her thoughts wondered with the people she saw. She followed them with the shade of the buildings. Embracing the cold hair she barley touched. A hope to find more then trash cans, she holds her rose close with a cheeky smile. "What a night." Looking up to the sky. She glides accost the pavement of homeless people and scattered bodies. "Oh, dear." Flapping her wings, slowly healing the body on the ground. The human taking her last breaths she whispers to the humans ear. "Your safe and protected now." Placing the rose on the dead body. :rose:
'Stuff about my birth same old same old.' She was flipping threw pages reading with what many would consider skimming eyes but in reality she was reading every word. "Gezz so far there's nothing here and I'm half way threw." She looked up for a moment and saw Red X which for a moment she had forgotten he was there she smiled at him and then went back to looking. 'Wait what's this?' She paused and tried to read over the page about ten times. "I think I found something." She exclaimed. She tried once more to read the transcription. "It's not in English or any other language I believe on earth." 'Gezz talk about a stumpier.' She looked up at Red X. "I'm not sure what language this is I know it's not from earth or at least not any I can read and I know it's not anything from Azreath any ideas?" 'It could be the demonic language but it's been a while since I've had to read any... Maybe it's the older text?' She wondered if Red X had any ideas by chance so that she wouldn't have to try out her theory.
38996350fb42a72ca6a92bd0367f465b.jpg After she takes a moment to send prayers. Igneous transforms, leaping off the dead body. "What is going on here?" Marianna Opens her eyes wide to see a woman with a rare and priceless book. It takes her a few moments to approach the woman with her hands to her side, holding a piece of cloth with a name written on it. Looking to the other figure, she waits her moment to look over her shoulder with a slight smirk. " I hope, I won't scare ya." Her wings pinned to her back to try and make her appearance to seem more human. Touching the ground rate behind her.
Raven turned toward her window. She looked and saw something from another world like a spirit. Raven looked and realized the girl there was similar to her soul self. "Hello. I've never seen you around before." Raven closed her book after saving the place. And then she stood walking toward the window.
38996350fb42a72ca6a92bd0367f465b.jpg Marianna finds herself peering through a window to glance at the woman staring back to her. Excited by the surprise she floats through an open window to greet the person. "...Neither have I." She whispers with a curious wonder. "How old are you?" She looms her presence in to a larger space. "I don't know what you're holding but I assure you its not very good. Quite the complete opposite. Puns intended...." A breeze whispers through her wings then Igneous then perches on her shoulder glowing a soft red aura. She gives her pet a quick pet of her fingertips on his head. Then looks at the woman standing in front of her. "I'm honored to make your acquaintance."
Raven smiled as she watched the girl seem to fly in. "I am seventeen." Raven looked down at her book. "Yes well I assure you I know of it's origins and am well aware of the evil that is locked within." Raven noticed the red aura and was curious if it was the book or something else for once. "Now I know meeting me isn't really an honor. but you on the other hand I'm sure it is."
Marianna noticed she wasn't affected by the books presence and neither was she. It was only when the evil affects another human being where she showed physical symptoms. "Why are you trusting the book being touched by your flesh. Your hands seem perfect." She looks around to wonder what has happened. "It's not like you come across..." Marianna holds her eyes then opens her wings as to ruffle them. Holding her eyes then running her fingers to her forehead, crossing arms as if beginning to feel stress. "I don't know exactly whats going to happen but it won't be here." Igneous her pet cat glows red into the center of the room. Marianna looks to her in response to a slight shocked curiosity. "I want to get to know you. It's been a long time..."