Undercover Operations

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
  • Start date
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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Walking up to Scorch "Nice shooting out there. Taught them a thing or two."
Jay nodded, then slid to the ground. She kept her head down. She made no other movements, and she made no sound other than her breathing. The bandage on her shoulder was now a deep red.
"Umm..hey..hey guys? Does anyone know how to replace a shoulder bandage?" J-Bird said a little panic-ey, looking at the bandaging on Jay's shoulder.
She shifted slightly at his voice. Her eyes where filled with stars, but she shook them away. She didn't want to move, it hurt. The adrenaline of the battle had disappeared, and the reality of her injury had seeped into her mind. She wanted to do something, but she didn't know what, so she just sat there.
((Oh, fooey, no one else is online :( ))

"..Alright, I'll take that as a no." He tears off his right sleeve and carefully replaces the now blood-soaked bandaging on Jay's arm. " It's pretty deep. Try not to put too much pressure on it or to use it unless you absolutely have to."
((I know. It's maddening sometimes =D))

Jay nodded. "Thanks." She shook her head again as the stars tried to come back. Popping the lid of her canteen, she took a few sips of the cool water, then leaned back, keeping her shoulder off the truck. She felt a little better after the drink, and knew she could continue if needed.
((Yeah I've noticed, reading through the first couple of pages haha))

"No problem." Looking around, surveying the area. "So what exactly are the 'goods'?"
((=( Speaking of going offline, I'm gonna have to leave in a few minutes to do some stuff. I'll definitly be back online after I'm done though. I'll leave in 5-10 minutes))

Jay shrugged. "Not sure, but they're supposed to arrive by helicopter." She looked up to the sky, searching. Her blue eye was covered by a string of black hair that had fallen out of her ponytail. She put it back in place and checked her knives. Each one as sharp as ever. She ran her hand over the scar on her arm as she started to pull her sleeves down on her uniform, gently covering her shoulder.

((EDIT: Going offline, be back when I'm done with irl stuff =P))
( I FINALLY KICK AULDIN'S BUTT IN SKYRIM. It wouldn't let me injure him at all the first couple times I tried, but I WON THIS TIME. WOOOOOOOOP)

"Omega 1, area security confirmed. New intellegence states that 'the package' has already arrived. I repeat, 'the package' has escaped the chopper. Requesting that Omega search the surrounding area--" Eagle Team's signal suddenly went quite and, with a loud screech, a new voice replaced theirs'. "Omega 1! DO YOU COPY!?" The General's voice nearly busted the teams' eardrums.
(Congratulations Dovakiin.)

Scorch stood up out of the turret hatch, "Omega 2 to Eagle, General, Omega 1 is injured and cannot respond at this time. We will begin our search for the package, don't worry sir, we won't let it escape us."
Jay winced as the general screamed into the comm. She heard Scorch take over and relaxed slightly, only to hear that the package had escaped. She scanned around the general area, but saw no clues. Her arm was slightly hovering around her survival knife as if someone to jump out of nowhere. She didn't have the strength to stand, at least not at the moment.
"DO YOU THINK I'D CALL YOU IF IT WERE THAT SIMPLE, SOLDIER!?!?" The General boomed, "I CALLED TO TELL YOU THAT THE PACKAGE JUST MADE AN UNAUTHORIZED LANDING. YOU ARE PERMITTED TO RETURN TO BASE. HAVE OMEGA 1 MEET ME IN MY OFFICE AFTER HER WOUNDS ARE TREATED, PAPA BEAR OUT!" THe General's abnormally loud voice cut off as he left the channel. 'Papa Bear' was somewhat of a joke on the base after the General put down a grizzly bear in rousing fist fight. The poor thing was out in one hit from the General's overly sized fist.
"Man the General can be an ass.." Scorch said off-comm as he jumped down beside Jay. He knelt down beside her. "How are you feeling boss?" Scorch pulled off his mask and attatched it to his belt.
Jay sighed. "Ok. I'll be fine once it's all checked out, I think." She stood slowly and clipped her gun to its holster. "Guess we gotta leave the package?"
"General said the package landed safely. We've been ordered to return to base, and he wants a word with you after your wound is checked out."
"The general sounds like a happy camper. Not that I can really blame him." Shifting slightly
She nodded. "Ok. So let's go then." She climbed lightly into the truck and sat in the back. She turned her comm off and kept one eye out the small window.
Nods and gets into the truck, finding a seat 'with a view'. "I'll keep watch just in case."
Scorch nodded and climbed into the drivers seat. "All aboard?"
"Ok, well, let's roll out." She leaned back slightly as she popped her back, then slumped forward, her head in her hands, keeping her eyes on the outside.