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  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
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Alex pulled out of his grasp. "That..you can't..but.." she started shaking. "You can't be him...you aren't Liam...What's your last name?" She asked quietly.

Mya frowned. "Alex is stupid." She shook her head and took Alex's hand. She bit it. Hard. "Snap out of it!" She yelled at her.

Her veins turned black and her hand bruised, but it did not spread. She yelped. "MYA ZACKAN!" She growled, wrapping her hand in the pocket of her jacket. She knelt in front of the girl. "Look. I don't know what you are playing at, but I have three people I promised to protect and I swear you take one more out of line step and you will lose your arm." she growled before standing, backing away and turning towards the church, the blood already soaking through the jacket.
As she started to walk away he spoke loudly."My name is Liam..Liam Anderson. I born and created in a Lab. I helped escape two people and I made a..promise that I'll find them but before that happened I was..taken down in front of them..they made a promise to stop this..that was years ago.." he said as he looked at Mya gave her something to chew on. "One of them were just like her. And a cure as well. I was some of value, they did numbers of tests on me..and left me a mark on the back of my head.." he said and looked at Alex. "If you are the two people I risked my life for..than I'm not dead." he said as he reached out and touched her hand like he use too when they were scared.
Alex froze. She shivered. "Liam Anderson.." she repeated quietly. She turned and faced him, staring at him. "Tell me...what was the last thing this girl told to you." she said quietly. "And answer quickly..I need to get back to my guests."

Mya sat down with a small smile, chewing on the object Liam had given her.
"She said...No matter what happens, we will find each other, that she'll never stop looking for me..that once we became as one again that we'll get our world back and put an end to the nightmare. And that she'll never give up.." he said as he looked at his hand "That was when she held on to me as they were trying to take me away and then..she lost her grip. She screamed so loud and the other girl ran after me crying..that's all I remember.." he said as he looked at Mya.
Alex's hands were shaking as she grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the church, not saying a word. She kept her head down, shaking. When she reached the door, she slammed it behind them, going towards the stairs. "Aye..umm...we got two new guests..one you know, one you don't. Go ahead and sleep or something..I'll explain. I promise." She said before jumping back in the loft. "Liam..there's an extra room if you want it. Mya..whatever." she sat down under the window, hiding her face.

Mya had followed them, chewing on the object. When they reached the church, she had almost obliterated it with her sharp teeth. She giggled and hugged Liam again. "It's been so long brother...we thought you where dead." she smiled and yawned, going over behind some boxes and curling up. "Wait until you meet her 'guests'..hehe. They hate me." The thought made her smile brightly as she started to fall asleep.

((night people))
Liam just followed her and then looked at Mya and let a small smile grow on his face than walked into his room. It was nice, a bed, a bathroom, a shower..with hot water. He took off his suit, which showed his scared body. The scars that he went through and the things he had to fight. He laid down in nothing but a pair kf gym shorts after taking a shower and looked out the window from his bed..just staring at the sky.
Bruso turned towards the commotion. "Who are they? I don't know either." The man entered his room and closed the door.

"Listen, girls, keep your eyes peeled. I'm not sure what these two are up to... But if Alex trusts them, we have no choice"
The darker it got, the calmer she was. At 10 pm it was as dark as death itself would be. No electricity. Alex silently jumped down from the loft, landing without a sound. She went around, silently lighting candles, weaving around objects expertly. She had the entire church memorized. She stopped outside of Liam's room. Slowly, she pulled a small envelope from her pocket. One she had written before she accepted his death..so many years ago. She dropped it, sliding it under the door with her toe before going to the sleeping Mya. Gingerly, she picked the girl up, carrying Mya to Alex's personal bed and laying her down. Alex took her sketching notebook so Mya wouldn't look through her personal belongings. Then Alex returned to the loft, silent. She climbed to the rafters, hiding in the shadows as she did so many years before..before the church was burned..before she saw all those people die..She shook her head, looking out the window silently, watching the horizon.

Mya realized Alex was carrying her, but did not move as not to anger Alex. When set in a bed, Mya smiled softly, childlike. She curled up under the blankets, cuddling the pillow under which her head laid. She did not hear the black door labeled 'Alex' in white close. She fell into a deeper, calmer sleep.

August 2nd. 2034
Liam. I am writing this because Mya says you are dead..I do not believe that. I know, one day, we will meet again. That day, I will give you this letter. First, I want to say, that hopefully, when we meet, I will have saved someone. My goal from this day on is to save anyone I feel is in danger, considering neither you nor I can be hurt by the infection. That's cool, right? I miss you...I want you to come back, please. Liam, don't leave Mya and I..
July 10, 2035 (2 months ago)
You're dead, I know. Mya doesn't think so and wants me to write another letter, but what is there to say? I've failed. Every single person I have met is dead. Every single victim I've reached is infected. What is there? Nothing. I'm just a engineering mistake. Mya and I have grown apart. We fight every time we meet. Sometimes, I wonder why I'm even here, if I don't do my job. I'm done writing..you're dead. Mya's being stubborn.
You're alive..why..why did you not come? Why where you gone so long? Mya and I had a terrible fight the other day..she bit my arm. Then she bit my hand as you saw of. I finally found three people. Actual people. And I'm going to protect them with every breath, every last cell in my body. Get in my way, and Liam Anderson I swear I will rip you apart piece by piece. I have seen things no one should see. I've seen people skinned and ripped apart muscle by muscle, bone by bone. I've seen victims I was too late to save, but later, and they're infected. I've had to kill people I knew before the infection spread. That I've thought where safe..It has been too long, Liam. It's been 10 years. I'm not 9 anymore, I'm 19. Mya is not 3 anymore, she's 13...though, she only acts 6..Not the point. Just, be careful.
Liam heard a piece of paper slide from under his door and jumped up in attack mode. He relaxed when it was nothing, he got up and picked up the letter and read it. Saying " August 2nd. 2034, Liam. I am writing this because Mya says you are dead..I do not believe that. I know, one day, we will meet again. That day, I will give you this letter. First, I want to say, that hopefully, when we meet, I will have saved someone. My goal from this day on is to save anyone I feel is in danger, considering neither you nor I can be hurt by the infection. That's cool, right? I miss you...I want you to come back, please. Liam, don't leave Mya and I..
July 10, 2035 (2 months ago)
You're dead, I know. Mya doesn't think so and wants me to write another letter, but what is there to say? I've failed. Every single person I have met is dead. Every single victim I've reached is infected. What is there? Nothing. I'm just a engineering mistake. Mya and I have grown apart. We fight every time we meet. Sometimes, I wonder why I'm even here, if I don't do my job. I'm done writing..you're dead. Mya's being stubborn.
You're alive..why..why did you not come? Why where you gone so long? Mya and I had a terrible fight the other day..she bit my arm. Then she bit my hand as you saw of. I finally found three people. Actual people. And I'm going to protect them with every breath, every last cell in my body. Get in my way, and Liam Anderson I swear I will rip you apart piece by piece. I have seen things no one should see. I've seen people skinned and ripped apart muscle by muscle, bone by bone. I've seen victims I was too late to save, but later, and they're infected. I've had to kill people I knew before the infection spread. That I've thought where safe..It has been too long, Liam. It's been 10 years. I'm not 9 anymore, I'm 19. Mya is not 3 anymore, she's 13...though, she only acts 6..Not the point. Just, be careful." He stopped reading and shook his head"The girl I once knew would never say that..." he said as walked out his room and out in the open grounds. It was dark..he liked it like that. He had his rifle that had a silencer on it so nothing can detect them, incase something happened. But he had his sword for close emcounters. He saw a big wall and smiled. He backed up and ran and jumped upon top and sat down..staring into the wasteland. He had nothing but his rifle and his sword.....and a necklace and bracelet the girl gave him when the lived in that lab.
Alex heard someone moving and stood silently. She jumped into the rafters, climbing up through a small hatch in the roof. Her feet moved soundlessly along the roof as she walked around, looking. She noticed a lone figure on the surrounding wall of the church. She sat on the very edge of the roof, only five feet from were the figure currently sat. "Aye.." she said quietly. She had taken her jacket off, only wearing a black tank top and jeans. Her arms had a few scars, her left one had a bandage from Mya, and her right one had a bandage from the same culprit. She sighed. "Sorry about being so..rude, earlier." she said quietly, rubbing the back of her neck with her hand, her white hair falling in front of her blue eyes as she looked down.
Nicholas Myers
Age: 20
Style: Camouflage over coat, tan cargo pants. Practical clothing.
Weapons: M1A1 semi- auto High power rifle, short sword, and hunting knife.
Temperament: Mild. mostly indifferent in situations.
Hair: Darker medium hair with thick short beard.

Nicholas had been staking out the church for days now. He laid in a hole he dug for many hours at a time just watching through his binoculars. The brush in front of his hole allowed him to see out but not be seen back. On the second day of watching he had a close call with one of the churches occupants. He was attempting to scout the outer grounds of the church. He rounded a wall in the courtyard and came face to back with a girl. Silently he stepped back behind the wall and returned to his hole.

It was getting close time for him to make a move...

Tonight he watched the south side which often produced a resident on the roof. He waited and as usual, she turned up. He packed up his ruck sack and made his way to the east side gate. He let himself in and proceeded toward the emergency exit. This would hopefully give him roof access. He figured that now was as good a time as any to make contact. He was prepared to be refuted and fought, but hoped that things could stay civil.

Once on the east section of the roof, he was able to better see the girl... Nicholas crept up to the steeple and tuned his ears to hear the girl. He wasn't sure, but it sounded like there was someone else with her. She was sitting on the edge of the roof with her jacket behind her. Nicholas silently moved toward the girl. He was just behind her now. Only an arms length... He equipped his knife just in case.. he reached his left hand to touch the bare shoulder of the girl. He made contact with her... A hard shot of adrenaline pumped through his veins.

"Young lady..." he said as his hand lay softly on her shoulder. Knife hidden, but ready to strike if things got hairy.
Alex tensed, her head tilting slightly. "Who are you?" she asked, her attention away from Liam, but her defenses shot sky-high. "Why are you here, and what do you want?"
Hoping that the other person she was talking to hadn't noticed, he said in reply to her demands. "Come away from the edge please."

He wasn't really sure how to handle the situation so he made it up as he went.

Knowing he wanted this to work out peacefully, he showed her his knife and then set it on the roof. "I just want to talk" he said as he extended his hand to shake.

"I am Nicholas"
Without a word, Bruso crouched behind the interloper. He had spotted him climbing and didn't want to let him near the church without a fight. He waited, watching to see if his actions were truly pure.
Without any hesitation Liam, jumps for the man who is hidden and tackles him setting knife to his throat and pressing firmly against his throat "She asked you a question. What.Are.You.Doing.Here? Answer quickly." he said firmly. He got off the guy and stood up and looked at Alex and then back at the guy who is named Nicholas.
"I am just trying to figure out what the hell is going on...." he said calmly. He could easily have pulled his knife on the one, but knew that a second would have him for sure. He stayed as calm as christmas....
He looked confused "What do you mean? Look around you, Nic. People who aren't just people is killing us. Me and...her are the only ones with the cure..." he said looking at Alex and then back at the man. "What is it that you want?" he said.
Nicholas knew that the monsters were dangerous, and had fought his fair share of them. He just wasn't sure what caused it or even how long it had been going on.

"I was at sea on my fishing rig. I had no idea what was happening until I came back to a destructed port. I still have met few people. I am just trying to put this thing together and survive. But what do you mean cure? Why haven't we been using it to fix this?"

The sailor looked up from the ground with a questioning look wondering if it was alright to regain his feet yet.
Liam looked at Alex and then at the man and picked him up on his feet. "It's more difficult then it seems, my friend." he said as he turned around and ran up the wall and sat on the ledge.
"Well.... Im Nicholas..." he said as he nodded to Liam and extended his hand to Alex. "Im a simple man... no agenda... just a need to survive. You care to tell about the cure? What are you doing with it?"

Only a few thoughts ran through his head. He for some reason was reminded of some other students who were on his fishing vessel. They were deck hands and worked directly for Nicholas. The world had changed so drastically that he now felt like a deck hand. He looked into the eyes of Alex, but was unable to decipher any sort of mood or feeling. Looking back to Liam he asked "Who is your leader, and how many of you are there to hold down a place like this?" Nicholas had only seen three occupants during his stake out and wasn't quite sure what all was inside the church.
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