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"Oh la la~" she giggled winking at him playfully. Tamille turned as he changed and grabbed some money out of her back and put it in her pocket. She hid the backpack incase house keeping found it and stood by the door. "You're slower than Moses I'm hungry!" She laughed.
he slipped on his jacket and headed out the door. "C'mon we don't have all day."
"Oh now you wanna move fast." Tamille laughed and knocked on Lovelle's door. "Hey we're goin down to breakfast if you want to come!"
"I think they might be sleeping," he said looking through the peep hole.
"Oh, well then." Tamille mumbled. "Guess it's just us till they wake up." She shrugged and walked to the elevators.
They where there, the other two just walked away as it was nothing and when they where in the hotel they gave her the key to their room. Axel looked at her and she looked at him. They went to their room and left their stuff there, Lovelle put her umbrella by the door and looked at Axel that had watched her put down the umbrella.
-"How do you do?" He asked.
-"Fine." She said.
-"But you've started to get some eczema on your legs." He said while searching in his bag and took out a small bottle.
-"Here." He then said and handed her the bottle.
-"Thanks." She said low and put the thin cream on her left leg. It started to get better right away but it was still a little pinkish.
-"Can we.. really do this?" Axel then thought out loud.
-"Of course we can, think this like a small vacation." Lovelle said and started to change her bottoms, her legs where very thin and skinny, even her hips got out a little because of the loss of food. It was the same for Axel.
-"Want some water?" Lovelle asked and took out her wallet. Axel looked at her.
-"Mm, no. But we can have some water for when we're going to brush our teeth. I don't trust these wastewater from cheepy places like these, especially if it's from London." Axel said and Lovelle nodded.
-"Then... I'll buy some." She said and looked outside, the sun was still out but it has started to go down and the sky was turning a little pink and orange.
-"I'll follow you." Axel said and they walked away to the store hand in hand. They took two bottles with water and bought it, it was pretty cheep but they trusted this water more than from the crane. When they where going back some students, (probably from an other country that have come to England to study or work) was standing outside and hang out, they talked but stopped and looked at them for a moment before starting again. Lovelle could hear one of them talk. "Disgusting. Look how thin they are." Then the talk got more distanse. They both looked at each others and knew what they both thought and smiled a little. They stopped when a red light came and stood there for a moment before they could keep on walking. Lovelle thought she felt someone behinde her but just thought it was a person that couldn't get between them, but the road they where walking on was pretty big so he could go between them but her thought changed when she left the persons hand on her butt. She turned around very quickly and saw an man that smiled. He looked like anybody, short black hair, a little wrinkles and a black suit for work. But his eyes where empty, just like themselves.

-"Oh, sorry." The man said with a ridiculous hard british accent.
-"No, sorry." Lovelle said, she was used to it. She turned around but the man stopped her by her shoulder.
-"Hey, wait a second. You're new here, aren't you? Are you maybe lost?" The man kept asking her questions but she would just answer short and coldly.
-"Now, don't be so mean." The man took her by her thin wrist, his hand was very big. Like a godzilla hand.
-"We where just going back to our hotell." She said short and her eyes turned to her brother, the man looked at him and smiled.
-"Hey, why not let me borrow your sister a little? She's your sister right?" The man smiled but that smile made Axel feel sick. He backed away and the man looked at him with his eyebrow high in wonder. The little guy rushed at him and hit his head at the mans belly, took his sisters hand and told them to run back to the hotell. They did so.

With the water they bought they could finally brush their teeth and go to bed.
-"Hey.." Lovelle started, Axel looked at her.
-"Thanks my little hero." She said with a small smile and Axel did the same smile back to her. Then they went to bed and slept through the night. The door knocked and it was them, Axel and Lovelle made themselves ready. This time Lovelle had put herself some black pants on so the eczema wouldn't show and put on a light white gothic-looking longarmed top. Axel just had his gray shorts and a black t-shirt saying "Death is near you" in a little horror themed text. They both walked outside their room and looked around. Seems like they have just walked away. They took the stairs down instead of the elevator since it's very, very slow. They was in the front entrence and looked around, where could they be?
"Hey Lovelle!" Tamille waved her hand. "See I knew they'd be up! You said they were sleeping." She stuck her tongue out at Charles before walking over. "So this place serves breakfast. After do you wanna go on the tour or shop?"
Lovelle looked at her.
-"Hey." She said in a low voice. She thought about what she wanted to do but didn't know. She turned to Axel.
-"Do you want to go anywhere?" She asked him and he started to think about it.
-"I would like to go sightseeing." He said and Lovelle nodded.
-"Okay, tour it is. I don't think I would want to go to stores right now anyway, since it seems to be a lot of people outside today."
"Alrighty." She smiled. Well we're finishing up breakfast. You hungry?" She asked them. They were really quiet but Tamille was determined to get them to open up eventually.
-"I don't feel very hungry but I guess we could take something small." Lovelle said, Axel agreed.
-"I wonder what kind of breakfast they have here? Maybe just some cereal would work out." Lovelle mumbled.
-"I will go with a small sandwish." Axel said and they started to go to the breakfast room. They didn't take much to eat, it was very small on their plate actually but they seemed to do fine with so little. When they where done eating they looked at them.
-"Should we go?" Lovelle asked.
"I'm ready." Tamille said. She had a bowl of cereal and yogurt. "Charles you done stuffing your face?" She teased.
"So Axel, any place you really wanna see around here? I don't really know much about London."
They made themselves ready while waiting for Charles.
-"London AI." Axel said and looked at the underground map for London.
-"It should go quick if we take this here and then here." He dragged his finger across the paper and showed what underground train to take to get there.
-"It shouldn't take that long to get there if we take these." He said and put away the underground map.
"Wow. Dude how do you know all this? You're awesome!" Tamille was stunned by how much he knew at such a young age.
Axel looked at her.
-"It's not that hard. The underground map just tells us where we will get on which train we will take. We're more in the center of London and well, it lies a little more in north-east from here." He explained.
-"My brother is very good at geography and locations of things and since he've never used it because we where stuck there, he've more use of it here in London." Lovelle explained.
"Wow he's like a mini compass. I love it. Man, I like this kid." She ruffled his hair. "You're alright you know that." She smiled at him and then Lovelle. "Well, thinks it's time to go."
Lovelle nodded and Axel just looked at them. Holding his sisters hand they started to walk to the nearest underground station.
Tamille followed and stuffed her hands in her pickets. She had one head phone in blasting music, humming along as she walked.
Charles put out a cigarette that he was smoking for a while. "Trains here..."
Tamille let Lovelle and Axel board first and then got on. There were only two empty seats left. "Go ahead. Take em." Tamille held into the railing along the ceiling as the train sped off toward their destination.
"Where are we going again?" he asked sneaking his hand into hers.
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