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Tamille smiled and followed the pair. Once they arrived she gasped. This was incredible!
"Okay Lovelle! Axel! Stand right here and smile!" Tamille wanted to remember this forever. She positioned them in front of Big Ben and London AI and snapped a photo. "Perfect!" She smiled and showed them. "You two are so cute!" She smiled. "One with me and Charles." She got a random tourist to take their picture with all four of them in it. "Thanks!" She took her phone back and flipped through the pictures. "So cool!"
Lovelle and Axel did as she told them and when everything was done, they looked at the photos. Maybe they doesn't look great but... it's them at least.
Axel went closer to Big Ben.
-"Woah... It's so... so big." He said and he was right, the closer you got to Big Ben, the bigger it was.
-"I didn't think it would be... this big." Lovelle said and was pretty shocked. Big Ben shined with the sun and gave shadow to the people lower down and then, it made it's famous ring tone and started to ring.
-"I heard that this ring tone, was supposed to be different from the very beginning they built it but then broken at some point. One of the clocks I think broke and made a weird tone but that was the beginning of this "newer" version of Big Bens clock sound." Axel said, he probably have read it somewhere but this time, Lovelle couldn't explain where he got that information from but probably from a book.
Charles glanced at axels smile. "I guess the kid does have emotion..." he smiled to himself.
"Woah.." Tamille breathed looking up at the giant clock. "Know how big it is?" She asked unable to take her eyes off of it.
"At least...i don't know." he looked up with her. "Reminds me of Peter pan."
Tamille looked at Charles like he was crazy. "Peter....pan?" Of all things he said Peter Pan. "Alright." She laughed and looked back up. "Wanna go in?"

((You can go in right? Cus idk))
((I don't think we can, isn't it gaurded."
((I have no idea. Lemme use google. Open to residents of the UK. They goin in!))

"Hmmm...." Tamille hummed forming a plan in her mind. She'd get in....somehow.
"No. Whatever you're thinking, no" he said looking her into the eyes.
"Aw but it'll work! We just go in the back and sneak in!" Tamille tried but knew Charles wouldn't let her. "It'd be fun." She pouted like a child.
"We'll. Go to jail if we do, I don't want to ruin it." he said, giving her a stern look.
".......fine" Tamille gave in. Jail didn't sound like a fun experience. "Well...what now?" She asked looking between the three of them.
"What d'ys say little man?" She asked looking at him.
"Its funny because I wanted to independent but I'm following orders by a kid." he laughed.
"Damn." She laughed finding it ironic.
Axel looked at them and then at the map for visitors to London.
-"Well... I don't know but..." He mumbled and looked at the map.
-"...We could probably go to the museum if they have something special to show today." He said and put away the map.
"Okay cool. Lead the way little dude." Tamille smiled at Axel. "So Lovelle, how come you agreed to come with us?" It was just a question to start some conversation plus Tamille was a tad bit curious. Lovelle seemed content, despite the relentless bullying.
Axel nodded and walked a little faster than the others but made sure that he could be seen and besides, there aren't a lot of kids running around with almost white shining short hair with really black clothes in the hot summer. Lovelle looked at Tamille for the sudden question and thought for herself.
-"I guess..." She started.
-"I guess that I just wanted to see something more than our small town and get away from someone." She said and seemed almost proud of it even though she didn't even smile a bit.
Tamille smiled having gotten Lovelle to say more than a few words to her. "You like it so far? Wonder what the night life is like. Think it's pretty all lit up?" She asked with a dreamy note in her voice.
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