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Tamille gave a lazy smile. "Alright mom." She giggled poking his cheeks before sitting up. She slipped off her jeans and socks. She pulled her hoodie off, the shirt underneath riding up letting a piece of the bruise on her ribs show before falling back into place.
Yawning Tamille slipped into bed. The bruise on her jaw wasn't quite noticeable at a distance but it was up close, she just hoped he wouldn't ask. "Night. Sweet dreams." She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his cheek before settling into bed.
"You're sleeping half naked..." he stated as he tucked himself in bed.
"It's comfortable. Shut up." She mumbled as her eyes closed. Normally Tamille would wear pajama shorts around Charles but she didn't bring any and jeans were uncomfortable to sleep it. "Do you even care or are you being a smartass? I'll kick your butt."
"not if I do it first." he said throwing a pillow at her.
Tamille's eyes popped open. "Oh. It. Is. On!" She hit him with her pillow giggling and hopped out of bed. "C'mon! Hit me!" She teased holding her pillow at the ready.
Charles grabbed his blanket and wrapped it around her and then threw her onto her bed. "Sh! Go back to bed." he said jokingly.
Tamille laughed, sticking her tongue out at him. "Make me!" She wiggled out of the blanket and sat up triumphant.
Charles grabbed her and started fling her over hsi shoulder. "No you don't!"
Tamille screamed and erupted into giggles as she was flung. Unfortunately her ribs made contact with his. She held back a scream but flipped herself off. "Wait Charles wait!" She took a few deep breathes holding her side. "Sorry. Bruise." She gave a sheepish smile.
he gave her a worried look. "no it was my fault, how did you get those ?" he said looking at the bruise.
"Naw it's fine. You didn't know." Tamille sat up a the pain ebbed. "Todd was just mad I wasn't home." She shrugged like it didn't matter, which it really didn't. "Don't worry about it. That's the past now. We're gonna have fun and do what we want and see amazing things. It's gonna be amazing trust me."
"Okay..." he said slipping into bed. "See you tomorrow ."
"Alright. Goodnight. Sweet dreams." Tamille kissed his cheek before settling on her side of the bed. She turned on the television and fell asleep watching whatever was on.
Charles woke up a few times as he watched the tv with her. "We have school..." he said in sudden realizing the reality.
"Used to now shhhh. Sleep." She mumbled into her pillow. Tamille never liked school to begin with. She could always go online and get her G.E.D. if she really wanted but she didn't see that happening for her.
"Okay," he said covering himself with his comforter. Soon the sun was coming up and Charles didn't budge to do much.
Tamille yawned, waking up to the sun in her face. She sat up and ruffled her hair. "I'm takin a shower." She slunk off to the bathroom and washed up. "Charles close your eyes I forgot clothes!" She yelled out before walking out in a towel and grabbing her one change of clothes and hurrying back into the bathroom.
"What?" he said jokingly while he peekd out of his fingers. "I promise I won't look," he covered himself with a blanket.
"You're a dork." Tamille wacked Charles with a pillow once she came back dressed. "So there's a continental breakfast if you're hungry? I was gonna go ask Lovelle and Axel too. That little kid is adorable."
"Yeah, I'll come." he quikly got dressed and put a few dollars into his wallet. While he was switching his shirts he covered her face. '" hey...dont look."
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