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Chaotic Lawful
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. One post per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences

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Oh no sorry that wasn't aimed toward you xD

The GMs decided to mark one thread Closed but the other was still open :3
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I had a thought for pacing since all charas are approved now. Do we wanna set a day that we wanna all be on and make it an RP night? RN we're so far going through intros, so, like the RP's started but there's a bit of jetlag? Does that make sense?
Sorry for not posting yet. I'll post within the next couple days. It's the week before school starts back up annnd my brain doesn't want to function.
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Holy fuck I was out longer today than I expected. I've gotta finish organizing my files on my computer so I can swap out my old hard drive for the new one I bought. My current one's connector to broken so is giving me severe issues (to the point where my computer won't start up sometimes lel), so I've gotta get that done asap. On top of getting shit together for school. All.. all the spending... ;;A:;

I promise to post soon. Maybe not tonight, but I'm as sure as hell trying to make time to post my intro tomorrow.
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Still not home... x___x

Though, tonight I will post before bed. I apologize in advance if it's a shitty post.
spam posting. Working on a post here in a minute. Again, I apologize if the quality is shit, and feel free to correct me if I'm inaccurate somewhere. ;;A;;
Sorry for taking so long.
Relax friend, I'm sure it'll be fine :D don't stress out or anything xDD
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Kay update. I'm quitting my evening job. Pay is shit anyway and he forgets to give me my checks anyway.

So that should free up some time to post and everything soon. I handed in my two weeks notice today. So day one checked off.
Great to see all your IC posts. Everyone is such a good writer!

I thought I'd mention two points of advice from the GMs (that are buried deep in the older OOC posts) for the convenience of anyone that may have missed them & could find the below info. useful.

(1) In answer to questions about the 4 objects, we were told: "focus on the golems for now and ignore the four objects. They'll be used later." (Because we were like - do we go for them or not?)

(2) The other item of advice was that we're still in a "dream" and that moving between Point A and Point B may be dream-like. I.e., possibly you might turn around and all of a sudden....you're not where you thought you would be.

I've been loathe to put that to the test as I'm afraid of coming off like a Gary Stu(por)!

Dat all, folks.

P.S. Sorry not to quote directly, you know with the colored borders and all...not quite sure how to do that. And hell, is it 4 a.m. already? Dang. Well, yawn, ain't going to figure it out right now. :sugarglider:
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My bad. I must have missed that or forgot. Dx

I'll edit my post for something to obstruct Tier's thought process and actions when I get home.
Great to see all your IC posts. Everyone is such a good writer!

I thought I'd mention two points of advice from the GMs (that are buried deep in the older OOC posts) for the convenience of anyone that may have missed them & could find the below info. useful.

(1) In answer to questions about the 4 objects, we were told: "focus on the golems for now and ignore the four objects. They'll be used later." (Because we were like - do we go for them or not?)

(2) The other item of advice was that we're still in a "dream" and that moving between Point A and Point B may be dream-like. I.e., possibly you might turn around and all of a sudden....you're not where you thought you would be.

I've been loathe to put that to the test as I'm afraid of coming off like a Gary Stu(por)!

Dat all, folks.

P.S. Sorry not to quote directly, you know with the colored borders and all...not quite sure how to do that. And hell, is it 4 a.m. already? Dang. Well, yawn, ain't going to figure it out right now. :sugarglider:

Also remember everything you do in this section will have a big effect in what is to come later. So don't take the decisions you make in the IC too lightly. //says in ominous voice :D Other than that everyone can carry on :D
Using the dreaded cell phone...

I enjoyed the mental image of Tierney scrambling up the golem's back! XD

Please don't think my post above was in any way a criticism! It surely is not. I was just sharing some of the info we've been given, and hope others will do the same for me. Heck, your Were can do whatever he wants, short of putting salt in Sander's coffee. (my troll)

I WISH I could justify a way to teleport to the castle without it coming off like a power play, but alas ... My imagination fails me here...
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I legit forgot about the 4 doohickeys when making my post and was playing catchup that night so I felt pretty stupid and bad :(
I legit forgot about the 4 doohickeys when making my post and was playing catchup that night so I felt pretty stupid and bad :(
Noooooo, never feel stupid and bad!

::comfortingly beats you over the head with a dead marmot::

Only good times allowed! OOC that is. Who knows what those bastards, I mean, those kind, sweet, lovely, GMs have planned for us IC....
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Using the dreaded cell phone...

I enjoyed the mental image of Tierney scrambling up the golem's back! XD

Please don't think my post above was in any way a criticism! It surely is not. I was just sharing some of the info we've been given, and hope others will do the same for me. Heck, your Were can do whatever he wants, short of putting salt in Sander's coffee. (my troll)

I WISH I could justify a way to teleport to the castle without it coming off like a power play, but alas ... My imagination fails me here...

I know your pains about the cell phone. Dx

In my head, the items were exactly what Tierney would go for. They seemed important, and he instantly thought they might be a way to stop the golems.

Of course, I don't expect he would actually REACH them.

And thank you xD
I see Tier doing things in an offbeat manner and people wondering how an old man can move that we'll xD
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