Trapped in Hell

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She hissed at him. She didn't care if there was anybody near or not. She wasn't going to shift back until she felt 100% safe. And she really didn't feel completely safe.
Drake turned his attention to the power station. "Now, what were they doing." He walked up to one of the transformers. It buzzed quietly. "Well... It seems like nothing is-" It started humming louder and louder. "Ok... Something is wrong."
Luna finally shifted back to her human shape. "I wouldn't get too close to that. You might get fried. You never know." She backed up slightly.
"It just electricity." The humming got to the point where it hurt his ears. "A... Lot of electricity." The transformer suddenly exploded in a blinding storm of electricity. The blast knocked Drake off his feet. The transformer sputtered then fell silent, then all the lights in the ally went out.
"And that is why I told you not to stand so close. I could tell that was coming. I can hear more than you." She rolled her eyes. "Maybe next time you should listen to me."
"I wasn't expecting it to Explode." Drake said. After he got up, he took in the surroundings. "I cant sense any power from here to almost 20 blocks in any direction. The whole grid is down in this part of town."
"It was probably supposed to do that then. The Reapers are up to something." Luna frowned at the thought. We need to find out what...​ She thought, tapping her foot.
"Well it seems like they're trying to take out the power." Drake said. "The transformer is fried, and mostly destroyed, so I don't think I can we can get the power going again... At least not from here."
"Does it matter if there's power or not?" Luna barked at him gruffly.
"Without power, there's no lights, no way to cook, no refrigeration, nothing that runs on electricity can work. If they do this again at a hospital, or the water works, or any place of importance, the Reapers could bring the city to its knees."
"I don't need any of that stuff. But then again, that's because I don't function as a human. I'm not human at all." She winced. "I see what you mean. We need to find allies."
"A good reason we should help the people of this town. If we could get people on our side, it could greatly help us, especial if we could get the police, or even the military to help." Drake glanced at the remains of the transformer. "A great way to get people on our side would to be to figure out a way to get the power back on."
"I doubt the military would want to help our kind." She sighed softly. "But maybe if we could make humans understand us better by forming an alliance of our kind against the Reapers..." She began to think; she knew of good allies but they'd have to go down into the sewers to find them.
"Well then we should get to work. Maybe we can find a way to run power from a different part of the grid to here... But I don't know how to do that. And I'm sure the power plants are outside the city."
"Just so you know we have to go into the sewers." Luna crinkled her nose. She hadn't wanted to go back down there anytime soon. "Let's go find an easy entry." She began to look around for one of those round covers that usually lead directly down into the sewers.
"The sewers? You scared of traveling on the streets?" He asked.
"No, that's just where the group I know lives."
"A group? A group of who... Wait... Are there more vampires?"
"No, but there was a group with powers that I stayed with for a while that I can trust."
"Oh... For a moment I thought... You know, with the whole sleeping in sewers... Never mind."